Sunday, March 31, 2019
Reliability and Validity of Personal Interviews
opineableness and Validity of Per discussional Interviews reliability and Validity of Personal Interviews as a Selection TechniqueIn the Introduction define or tell the common topic, issue, or bea of inmate gamecern, thus providing an appropriate scope for reviewing the literature. In order to result an appropriate context for this reviewing literature, it is unavoidable identify which is the mannequin of personal wonders as a pick technique, and what is the definitions for this XXX tool, as wellspring as the concepts of reliability an rigourousness.En el mbito de la Psicologa de las Organizaci is y ms concretamente en seleccin de personal uno de los instrumentos que rara vez est a enjoymentnte en cualquier proceso selectivo es la denominada entrevista de seleccin de personal, haciendo con ello referencia a la rela in de di logo slip que se establece entre do o ms personas, con la finalidad de obtener informacin y evaluar las cualidades del female genitalsdidato a un puesto de trabajo (Dipboye, 1992).De las distintas herramientas utilizadas en el proceso de seleccin, la entrevista de trabajo aparece como la ms empleada (Muchinsky, 1986 Levy-Leboyer, 1990), muy por encima, con diferencia, del resto (referencias, sightvassings, centros de evaluacin, datos biogrficos, grafologa). La entrevista de trabajo es la fase definitiva, dentro de cualquier proceso de bsqueda de empleo o de cambio de trabajo. Todos los pasos anteriores como la toma de informacin, pre conservation of paritycin, envo, de la carta de presentacin y seguimiento de currculo, han estado dirigidos a conseguir una entrevista de seleccin con la empresa. Es el momento del contacto personal, donde de una forma psyche y directa, el entrevistado tiene la ocasin de convencer al entrevistador de que l es la persona idnea space-reflection symmetry el puesto. Nos jugamos ofto en poco tiempo.In the depicted object of Personnel option is a count to delectation by organizations (compa nies, institutions, variety meat of public administration, etc.) settle down which of the aspirants for a particular position is the most appropriate. In otherwise words, power department survival is a decision-making deal round the suitableness of the candidates for vacant positions.The instruments that can be employed in the filling move are super many another(prenominal), and include application forms, curriculum vitae, work records, audiences, cognitive skills tests, psychomotor skills tests, character tests and pointnaires, simulations (radical dynamics, in-basket tests,business games, etc.), cipher-sample tests, references, and so on.Various processes are used to identify the most shining candidates mostly more than one process is used. Most organisations ask for a rsum or railway line application from all candidates. A selected group of candidates is then invited to attend an oppugn, a system of tests, or an judgment centre, or any(prenominal) faction of these.En el mbito de la Psicologa de las Organizaciones y ms concretamente en seleccin de personal uno de los instrumentos que rara vez est ausente en cualquier proceso selectivo es la denominada entrevista de seleccin de personal,haciendo con ello referencia a la rela in de dilogo que se establece entre do o ms personas, con la finalidad de obtener informacin y evaluar las cualidades del candidato a un puesto de trabajo (Dipboye, 1992).En este sentido, resulta parity bitdjico que, mientras los datos acumulados a travs de diferentes investigaciones, tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas, ponan de manifiesto que las propiedades psicomtricas de la Entrevista de Seleccin resultan dbiles, mostrando bajos coeficientes de fiabilidad, as como una validez de criterio muy reducida (Wagner, 1949 Mayfield, 1964 Ulrich y Trumbo, 1965 Wright, 1969 Schmitt, 1976 Arvey y Campion, 1982 Reilly y Chao, 1982 hunting watch y Hunter, 1984), constitua uno de los recursos de seleccin ms utilizados ta nto en Europa como en Amrica. Las razones que explican el uso intensivo de esta herramienta, a pesar de su debilidad psicomtrica, probablemente se deban a un efecto de validez aparente subyacente (Goodale, 1982).Sin embargo, a partir de la dcada de 1980 comienzan a aparecer nuevos modelos de entrevistas de seleccin, cuyas caractersticas en trminos de estructura y contenido son de naturaleza claramente distinta. Las investigaciones realizadas para determinar las propiedades psicomtricas arrojan unos valores similares a los tests cognitivos en cuanto a fiabilidad y valores ms que aceptables en cuanto a validez (Anderson, 1992 Campion, Palmer y Campion, 1997 Harris, 1989 Huffcutt y Arthur, 1994 McDaniel, Whetzel, Schmidt y Maurer, 1994 Salgado y Moscoso, 1995 Wiesner y Cronshaw, 1988).De acuerdo con estas investigaciones, elincremento de tamao de los coeficientes psicomtricos, estara relacionado por una parte, con el aumento del grado de estructuracin de las preguntas y, por otra parte ,con la incorporacin de contenidos relativos a la exploracin o bsqueda de conductas applicablees para el desempeo del puesto. point out overall trends in what has been pull in approximately the topic or conflicts in theory, methodology, evidence, and endings or gaps in search and scholarship or a single problem or unused perspective of immediate interest. establish the writers reason (point of view) for reviewing the literature beg off the criteria to be used in analysing and comparing literature and the organisation of the review (sequence) and, when necessary, produce why genuine literature is or is not included (scope). En el mbito de la Psicologa de lasOrganizaciones y ms concretamente en seleccin de personal uno de los instrumentos que rara vez est ausente en cualquier proceso selectivo es la denominada entrevista de seleccin de personal, haciendo con ello referencia a la relacin de dilogo que se establece entre dos o ms personas, con la finalidad de obtener informac in y evaluar las cualidades del candidato a un puesto de trabajo (Dipboye, 1992).1. Various processes are used to identify the most promising candidates generally more than one process is used. Most organisations ask for a rsum or job application from all candidates. A selected group of candidates is then invited to attend an oppugn, a system of tests, or an assessment centre, or some combination of these. One of the crush ways of identifying whether psyche is firing to be an effective member of staff is to engage with them for a period. Thus, inviting university students to work during their vacations enables you to assess them thoroughly in the working environment, or you can make an offer to a contractor who has impressed you with their work. But for most hiring, it is necessary to assess candidates by more artificial methods.There are deuce criteria which natural pick techniques claim to meet if they are to be useful in predicting actance Validity Does a factor which is used in plectron-for example, educational direct or experience- real predict job act? reliableness Does a excerption technique produce consistent results? For example, a test in which the alike person obtained the aforesaid(prenominal) score on a trope of cause would be considered more reliable than a test on which the same person obtained several(predicate) scores on diverse occasions.Unfortunately, on that point is usually a trade-off between severeness and reliability. It is simple to fabricate a test of high reliability which has little predictive apprize and tests of the factors which do predict job performance are often ingrained and thus unreliable. However, it is much better to abide a valid test of limited reliability than a reliable test of little daring-at least(prenominal)(prenominal) a valid test tells us something. For example, it is easy to test if someone can do calculus, or can understand a adjust of technical terms. It is not easy to devise a r eliable test which shows that a candidate can do innovative design, or swing customers, or deal with difficult heap, yet these kinds of ability are much more important in most jobs than exceedingly specific cognition which can be learned in a short time.2. Personel cream ersonnel survival of the fittest is a process by which organizations (companies, institutions, organs of public administration, etc.) decide which of the aspirants for a particular position is the most appropriate. In other words, military force selection is a decision-making process about the suitability of the candidates for vacant positions.The instruments that can be employed in the selection process are extremely numerous, and include application forms, curriculum vitae, employment records, questions, cognitive skills tests, psychomotor skills tests, personality tests and questionnaires, simulations (group dynamics, in-basket tests, business games, etc.), work-sample tests, references, and so on. The p articular instruments employed ultimately depend on the selection approach or model used by the organization in question.INSTRUMENTS USED IN PERSONNEL SELECTION regardless of whether the selection model used is the traditional one or the strategic one, the appositeness of the recruitment decision will depend on the lustiness of the instruments used for making that decision. Hence, it is appropriate to review the latest data on the validity of the tools used, or with potential for use, by professionals involved in recruitment. At present, the most wide used method for r individuallying a conclusion on the validity of an instrument is meta- analysis, a quantitative technique of consolidation of search results (Hunter Schmidt, 2004). Today we take access to meta-analyses carried out to determine the validity and utility of nearly all the instruments employed in personnel selection (see Salgado, Viswesvaran Ones, 2001 and Schmidt Hunter, 1998, for a fuller review).b) InterviewThe interview is without suspect the most widely used instrument for personnel selection, both in Spain and in all the other countries for which such information is available. The conclusion of numerous studies is that practically cytosine% of those recruited for a position must get through at least one interview during the personnel selection process (Salgado et al., 2001). For this reason it is get through that the interview merits special consideration among the set of instruments used for personnel selection. all over the last 70 years there have been periodical reviews of research on the validity of the personnel selection interview. Up to 1987 there had been 7 large-scale reviews of the literature, all of them concluding that the interview was characterized by embarrassed reliability, that is, first, that devil different interviewers scarcely coincided in their appreciations of an applicant, and second, that their validity was low or change surface zero, and that they contr i only ifed nothing to the foresight of performance obtained through other instruments, such as cognitive ability tests. This raised a world-shattering paradox easily the most widely used instrument for predicting candidates job performance was an instrument incapable of predicting it. How, then, could the widespread use of the interview be explained?Possible responses to this question include(1) The interview is an easy instrument to use. often anyone can, apparently, use it without the need for any particular qualification(2) It is a highly versatile instrument, since it can be applied to any position, organization or situation(3) It is the best means of getting to know candidates personally(4) It permits candidates to explain personally their merits in relation to the post(5) It allows the applicant to be provided with personalized information about the organization(6) It is relatively cheap by comparison with other selection instruments and(7) It is more acceptable to both m anagers and applicants than other instruments potentially involved in selection processes. Such explanations, speckle sufficient for maintaining the interview among the selection instruments to be considered, do not constitute an argument for its use as a tool for making recruitment decisions. Even so, recent research has shown that, with certain characteristics and in certain conditions, the selection interview boasts reliability and validity, increases the validity of batteries of selection instruments and has appreciable economic advantages(Salgado Moscoso, 2005).It is the format (degree of structuring) of the interview that seems to most influence its omit of validity, and to remedy this situation several alternatives have been proposed, which would fall into the general kinfolk of unified behavioural interview (see Salgado Moscoso, 2005 for a fuller treatment of this type of interview). The main defining characteristics of structured behavioural interviews, as against con ventional interviews, would be(1) the questions making up the interview are developed based on jobs analysis, employing the Critical Incidents technique(2) they involve questions whose content refers exclusively to behaviours in the relevant post(3) each candidate is asked all the questions prepared(4) the interview process is repeated with all the interviewees(5) applicants responses are assessed by means of behavioural card scales or rating scales with behavioural anchoring, also developed through jobs analysis (EVAS see Salgado Moscoso, 2005, for a description of these scales). Moscoso(2000), reviewing the predictive validity of the personnel selection interview, was able to show that, compared to the case of other types, the structured behavioural interview presents a validity similar to that of the best instruments employed in personnel selection (e.g., cognitive ability tests), and veritable(a) superior to that of some (such as personality measures or assessment centres). Re cent studies carried out in Spain (Saez, 2007 Salgado, Gorriti Moscoso, 2007) have shown the validity of structured interviews applied in panel form to be .63, which indeed situates them among the best instruments for personnel selection.In recent years some studies have also been conducted with the aim of clarifying what the selection interview actually measures. For example, Salgado and Moscoso (2002) carried out a metaanalysis in which they classified interviews according to their degree of structuring low-structure interviews (which would equip to conventional interviews) and high-structure interviews (structured behavioural interviews). Their results showed that the two types of interview are related to different variables. Thus, conventional or low-structure interviews appear to be basically measuring general mental ability and personality characteristics, that is, when interviewers carry out this type of interview they focus on intrinsic factors of the candidate.However, hi ghly structured or structured behavioural interviews principally measure knowledge about the job and work experience. Thus, such interviews concentrate on finding out whether the candidate would perform well in the job1. AMETAThe employment interview is a doggedly popular but controversial selection method. In particular, reviewers of the interviewing literature repeatedly question the predictive validity of the employment interview (Arvey Campion, 1982 Mayfield, 1964 Milne, 1967 Reilly Chao, 1982 Rodger, 1952 Rowe, 1981 Schmitt, 1976 Ulrich Trumbo, 1965 Wagner, 1949 Webster, 1982 Wright, 1969). These reviewers of the interviewing literature have, however, come interview validity coefficients in a subjective fashion, referred to as a narrative review by Hunter, Schmidt Jackson (1982), rather than utilizing an empirical approach. Specifically, these reviews do not adjust interview validity coefficients for differing sample sizes in each of the studies nor do they adjust for st atistical artifacts such as sampling error, mensuration error and restriction or range. As a result, conclusions drawn about the validity of interviews from narrative reviews may be misleading. Hunter et al. (1982) have advocated the use of meta-analytic techniques as a method of aggregating a number of validity studies while accounting for the abovementioned statistical artifacts. The purpose of this paper is to resolve some longstanding controversies in the interviewing literature by first presenting a model of the employment interview as a predictor of employment outcomes and then test this model by subjecting a very large dataset of interview validity coefficients to meta-analytic procedures.In the Body group research studies and other types of literature (reviews, hypothetical articles, case studies, etc.) according to common denominators such as qualitative versus quantitative approaches, conclusions of authors, specific purpose or objective, chronology, etc. summarise ind ividual studies or articles with as much or as little detail as each merits according to its comparative importance in the literature, remembering that office (length) denotes significance. provide the reader with strong umbrella sentences at beginnings of paragraphs, signposts throughout, and brief so what summary sentences at intermediate points in the review to aid in understanding comparisons and analyses. In the Conclusion summarise major contributions of significant studies and articles to the embody of knowledge under review, maintaining the focus established in the introduction. evaluate the latest state of the art for the body of knowledge reviewed, pointing out major methodological flaws or gaps in research, inconsistencies in theory and findings, and areas or issues pertinent to proximo understand. conclude by providing some insight into the relationship between the substitution topic of the literature review and a larger area of study such as a discipline, a scient ific endeavour, or a profession. http// PERSONNEL SELECTION IN INDUSTRY AND PUBLIC judicatureFROM THE TRADITIONAL VIEW TO THE STRATEGIC VIEWb) InterviewThe interview is without doubt the most widely used instrument for personnel selection, both in Spain and in all the other countries for which such information is available. The conclusion of numerous studies is that practically 100% of those recruited for a position must get through at least one interview during the personnel selection process (Salgado et al., 2001). For this reason it is clear that the interview merits special consideration among the set of instruments used for personnel selection. Over the last 70 years there have been periodical reviews of research on the validity of the personnel selection interview. Up to 1987 there had been 7 large-scale reviews of the literature, all of them concluding that the interview was characterized by low reliability, that is, first, that two different interviewers scarcely coincided in their appreciations of an applicant, and second, that their validity was low or even zero, and that they contributed nothing to the prediction of performance obtained through other instruments, such as cognitive ability tests. This raised a significant paradox easily the most widely used instrument for predicting candidates job performance was an instrument incapable of predicting it. How, then, could the widespread use of the interview be explained?Possible responses to this question include(1) The interview is an easy instrument to use. Practically anyone can, apparently, use it without the need for any particular qualification(2) It is a highly versatile instrument, since it can be applied to any position, organization or situation(3) It is the best means of getting to know candidates personally(4) It permits candidates to explain personally their merits in relation to the post(5) It allows theMULTIPLE PREDICTION OF hire out PERFORMA NCE BASED ON THE BEST INSTRUMENTS AND VARIABLESOnce the validity of the different personnel selection instruments (variables) and methods is known, we can establish the maximum degree of prediction that can be achieved through theNEW CHALLENGES FOR PERSONNEL SELECTION IN SPAINHaving established the predictive capacity of personnel selection procedures, it is worth considering the challenges to be met in the coming years. In our view, research on personnel selection in Spain will have to provide responses in relation to leash crucial aspects(a) the possible effects of indirect discrimination in selection procedures (b) the economic utility of theprocedures, and(c) legal modifications in the public administration context and their consequences for selection. Let us briefly consider these three challenges facing selection. superior general CONCLUSIONIn recent years, both in Spain and the rest of Europe, literal progress in research on personnel selection has been made, and many of th e limitations that previously affected this area have been addressed. Today, professionals involved in personnel selection have at their disposal a vast arsenal of instruments and access to a large body of research that enables them to establish the validity of these instruments, thus allowing them to choose the most suitable ones in accordance with their specific needs. As a consequence of such progress, the work of these professionals has been strongly endorsed, and their graphic symbol in organizations has become increasingly acknowledged and appreciatedhttp// specific antigen/unit5/page_03.htm Entrevista de trabajo http// De las distintas herramientas utilizadas en el proceso de seleccin, la entrevista de trabajo aparece como la ms empleada (Muchinsky, 1986 Levy-Leboyer, 1990), muy por encima, con diferencia, del resto (referencias, tests, centros de evaluacin, datos biogrficos, grafologa).L a entrevista de trabajo es la fase definitiva, dentro de cualquier proceso de bsqueda de empleo o de cambio de trabajo. Todos los pasos anteriores como la toma de informacin, preparacin, envo, de la carta de presentacin y seguimiento de currculo, han estado dirigidos a conseguir una entrevista de seleccin con la empresa. Es el momento del contacto personal, donde de una forma individual y directa, el entrevistado tiene la ocasin de convencer al entrevistador de que l es la persona idnea para el puesto. Nos jugamos mucho en poco tiempo.Las caractersticas definidoras de la entrevista de seleccin son que a) se realiza a partir de un anlisis de puestos, b) es uniforme para todos los candidatos, c) los entrevistadores poseen un alto grado de formacin especfica y d) la decisin de contratacin se realiza despus de haber desarrollado todas las entrevistas (Campion, Palmer y Campion, 1997).Tipos de entrevista editarIndividual estndar o formalizada, informal, de choque o tensin. Tambin puede s er para verificar alguna cosa en concreto de las que figuran en el curriculum por ejemplo para saber si es cierto que el candidato habla ingls. Si se trata de un puesto importante puede haber, lgicamente, varias entrevistas individuales.Colectiva varios entrevistadores. En este tipo de entrevista es bastante frecuente que haya un psiclogo de empresa.Para ambas puede ser directiva, no directiva o mixta (la ms comn).Ventajas e inconvenientes editarLa buena utilizacin de la entrevista confiere a esta grandes ventajas tales como la posibilidad de indagar en aspectos no medibles ni observables por otras tcnicas, o conocer personalmente al candidato. Posee, adems, una gran flexibilidad en cuanto al tiempo que se puede dedicar y al nmero de personas que se pueden entrevistar por da, as como la gran cantidad de informacin que se puede recoger (Hough y Osdwald, 2000).Pero presenta tambin diversos inconvenientes, sobre todo los relativos al alto coste que supone el tiempo necesario para su pr eparacin, realizacin y anlisis de la informacin (al igual que la mayora de las tcnicas cualitativas, pero sobre todo a la falta de preparacin y formacin en su utilizacin debido a su aparente facilidad, de manera que muchos empresarios o directivos se sienten capacitados para preguntar a los candidatos. La realidad, sin embargo, es que la tcnica de entrevista es difcil y compleja, requirindose una gran capacitacin y experiencia en su manejo (Bretones y Rodrguez, 2008).Junto con estos inconvenientes, debemos sealar, adems, su bajo nivel de generalizacin con respecto a otras pruebas de recogida de informacin (Hunter y Hunter, 1984, Harris, 1989) sobre el comportamiento futuro de los candidatos (ms baja que las pruebas profesionales, tests cognitivos, centros de evaluacin o las referencias, por ejemplo). De hecho, en los distintos estudios psicomtricos realizados en su aplicacin en los procesos de seleccin de personal, se muestran coeficientes de fiabilidad y validez moderados.Una de la s estrategias para superar tales carencias en cuanto a su validez sera formular las preguntas a modo de incidentes crticos ocurridos al candidato en otras experiencias anteriores (cuntenos una experiencia concreta sobre cmo resolvi un problema con un empleado, por ejemplo), bajo el supuesto de que las conductas pasadas pueden predecir conductas futuras.http// http// The employment interview guaranteed improvement in reliability.Validity Does a factor which is used in selection-for example, educational level orexperience-actually predict job performance?Reliability Does a selection technique produce consistent results? For example,Referenc esTOPIC Reliability and Validity of Personal Interviews as a Selection Technique investigate raises doubts about the VALIDITY and RELIABILITY of personal interviews as a selection techniqueINTRO DUCTION BACKGROUNDEntrevista de Seleccin http// La entrevista es, probablemente, el mtodo ms utilizado en la seleccin de personal, al tiempo que es el elemento que, con frecuencia, tiene ms peso a la hora de tomar una decisin respecto a la admisin o no admisin del candidato. A pesar de la profusin de su uso,es uno de los instrumentos menos conocidos y peor utilizados de la seleccin de personal. Por otra parte, las personas que la ponen en prctica no tienen, frecuentemente, los conocimientos y destrezas necesarios para adoptar juicios tiles respecto al candidato, ni utilizan una metodologa que le permita obtener buenos resultados.La entrevista no ha demostrado, en general, poseer mucha validez, no obstante pensamos que debe seguir utilizndose ya que, adems de su f uncin selectiva, tiene otras de importancia tales como verificar la informacin dada anteriormente por el candidato, presentar la organizacin a ste, establecer con el candidato una relacin personal y dar a ste la oportunidad de resolver algunas dudas respecto a su futuro trabajo. Por otra parte, la tcnica de la entrevista de seleccin puede ser realmente mejorada. En este sentido, numerosos estudios apuntan al formato a utilizar para incrementar la fiabilidad y validez de la misma. Hay que tener tambin en cuenta que, normalmente, no debe de utilizarse como nico elemento de evaluacin, sino que debe acompaarse con otros mtodos que completen la informacin.Various processes are used to identify the most promising candidates generally more than one process is used. Most organisations ask for a rsum or job application from all candidates. A selected group of candidates is then invited to attend an interview, a system of tests, or an assessment centre, or some combination of these.There are two criteria which selection techniques need to meet if they are to be useful in predicting performance Validity Does a factor which is used in selection-for example, educational level or experience-actually predict job performance? Reliability Does a selection technique produce consistent results? For example, a test in which the same person obtained the same score on a number of occasions would be considered more reliable than a test on which the same person obtained different scores on different occasions.POSITIVE ASPECTSXXXX negatively charged ASPECTShttp// Faking interview.A Model of Faking Likelihood in theEmployment InterviewStructured interviews provide less opportunity for intentional distortion however, some components of structure may actually increase faking. Finally, job candidates distort their responses in job in demand(predicate) ways.The past research on IM in interviews has identified different maneuver that job candida tes may use to impress the interviewers.Job candidates may use IM tactics to present themselves in the best possible way without creation dishonest or untruthful. For example, they may use self-promotion tactics to describe their real job related credentials. Alternatively, job candidates might simply fake interview questions in order to provide the best answer.Moreover, many researchers suggest that people are surprisingly effective at convincingly faking their emotional expressions, attitudes, and even personality characteristics (DePaulo, 1992) and perceivers usually are unable to detect such faking (Barrick Mount, 1996 Furnham, 1986 McFarland Ryan, 2000 Sackett Harris, 1984 Sackett Wanek, 1996 Toris DePaulo, 1984).It could be argued that cheapjack IM or faking represents a real threat to the validity of the interview. implies that deceptive IM does not add a constant to the scores of all applicants, but instead the relative standing of applicants and thus the predictive v alidity of the interview could be affected.On the other hand, some candidates might exaggerate a great deal about their responsibilities, skills, workrelated experiences during an interview.Faking in the InterviewImpression anxiety refers to the intentional distortion of responses to create a favorable impression and is lofty from self-deception
Saturday, March 30, 2019
My First Driving Experience
My First Driving ExperienceMy First Driving Test whatever people think that their lives are solid and full of disappointment easily I am one of those people. I am a gravid worker, unless no matter what I do, I free nerve problems. It is as if my life is an ocean of endless problems and disappointments however one of the disappointments I have faced happens to be the most interesting take apart of my life. I had been learning how to drive for a whole month. I was spending part of my both solar day life in a car listening to educational activity compositionual from a boring old man, but I kept up with that to get my emancipation and enjoy the freedom of beingness able to go wherever I wanted, whe neer I wanted. The day I had my drive attempt was the day I would find out if all the effort and date I had put into ride was worth it or not.The day in the beginning my parkway test was one of the worst and darkest days of my life beca expend I was extremely nervous and worr ied or so the judgment day, which was the next day. My brothers and sisters rag me for studying so hard to get my campaign permit. Although I analyse hard, I got my permit after doing my second test, which most of my family and friends thought was ridiculous. I spent four hours with my driving instructor making sure I knew everything that I had to know. We went by means of all the instructions and all other details that there was to know. I usually sleep late, but on the day before my driving test I slept unusually early. During my sleep, I dreamt of being in a car with the police police officer sitting on the passenger seat screaming You are a lead astrayure in driving and that made me wake up in the middle of the iniquity sweating. I kept imagining failing the test the next day, and I couldnt continue thinking close it. However, I tried to stop thinking about tomorrow and tried to get a unattackable nights sleep, which would be an vantage for me when taking the test. F inally, I slept like a baby without either nightmares this time.On the big day, I woke up to my alarm and got ready to be picked up by my instructor to go to the police commit, where I would have my driving test. I was very nervous, and my instructor, while we were on the way to the police station, say that I was not driving as well as I always do. I had been pass oning without informing other drivers that I was deprivation to, by using the indicator. Once I got to the police station, I was postponement in the car for the police officer to arrive and put down my test. I couldnt help it but imagine that he would be an old man with eyes crossed and that he would be laughing evilly, when failing me. When the officer got in the car, thats when I got even more nervous and my legs were vibrating as if I was a phone that was being called. My dad told me, the day before, not to permit the officer see me tense, or else he wouldnt pass me in the test. Unfortunately, any person who lai d his eyes on me would notice how tense I was. However, I tried to calm myself down, so I thought about the long period I had been learning how to drive and convinced myself that it would be a piece of cake. Moreover, my older brothers and sisters got their licenses without learning as much as I did.Before leaving the police station, I took one live on look at the place where I would be coming anchor to get my license. Then I started the car and the officer was directing me on where to go however, I kept imagining all the things that could have went wrong or even worst if I failed the test. I was told to make a overcompensate turn, when my mind went blank and I didnt know where my left was, or my right. I tried remembering that my right would be towards the arm I use to write. Once I got to my first stop sign I asked myself Is this exhalation to be the sign that would fail me? It failed two of my friends in the past. Luckily, I stop at the sign smoothly thanks to all the trainin g I had. After that, the officer took me to the special King lot of a gas station where I was tested for parallel parking. The space in which I had to park looked so extremely small that it would be impossible to park in. I did my best and tried recalling every step my instructor taught me and finally did it in success. When I was leaving the parking spot, something unexpected happened. A teenage girlfriend was walking in front of the car, but I failed to notice her because I was looking at the cars coming from the back. Instinctively, I had to hit the brakes hard and caused both of us, the police officer and me, to bend towards the front of the car. At that moment, I thought I had ruined my perfect driving and gave the officer the apologia he was looking for to fail me. In order to reduce the tension, I asked the officer calmly, Are you alright? and he replied, I am fine, but dont do that once again, concentrate. Then, I found out that I might still have a chance to pass this t est, since the officer didnt ask me to go back to the station.I pulled myself together and continued driving, while listening to the instruction from the officer. Just when I felt relieved and everything was going well, I comprehend a siren. It was a fast ambulance approaching from behind, which got me all nervous again because the road was so slim that I couldnt move to the right to put up enough space for the ambulance to pass. Suddenly, I started accelerating to keep a distance from the ambulance and hoped in conclusion it would turn at some other street. Luckily, the ambulance did disappear from my rearview mirror I guess it did turn somewhere. Ive always tried to figure out why I chose to speed up, instead of waiting for the officers instructions, but I never found an answer.After losing the ambulance, I was shocked for a while, and I was in a separate world wondering about what estimable happened. I couldnt hear the officer instructing me to turn right. He kept telling me to turn till he eventually slapped my shoulders to get my attention. That is when I snapped out of my conceive of and heard the officer instructing me to turn back to the station.Unfortunately, I failed the test because of wishing of concentration and speeding. Every time I recall my first driving test, I really feel disappointed in myself because of my bad decision-making. However, I did pass the test eventually and got my license. I am a good driver now, and my friends dont have to worry about my driving when sitting in my car anymore. At last, I am also able to commence the freedom of being able to go wherever I desire.Although I was really disappointed about the test result, it was something that reminds me to stand up every time I fall. People shouldnt give up once they fail in any part of life because hard work isnt the single factor that plays roles in the results of different events in life. Other factors may bend the results too, such as luck, place and time. I was unl ucky because I was on the same road as the ambulance, while I was taking my driving test, and that made me fail the test.I have just came to America to start studying higher education, and I was told that I have to do the driving test, in order to get a temporary Texas driving license and be able to drive here. Therefore, I would have to go through the bad experience of a driving test again. I just hope that it will be easier this time and I wont be out of luck.
Marketing planning
trade planningIntroduction This assign manpowert is submitted in partial fulfilment of the selling planning unit. I have been asked to conduct macro- purlieual and micro environmental merchandise audit to identify the current and key issues facing the organization I propose to launch a Fabindia hold on in Milan, Italy.The report out landmarks reasons for undertaking the audit and appraises the processes, models and techniques used for the audit. It in addition assesses the external and internal tradeing environment for the organisation and summarises the impact of this analysis for the organisations marketplaceing plan and marketing mix. at long last have proposed a marketing plan details about how it butt end be executed.1.About Fabindia1.1 HistoryThe first Fabindia outlet was set up in 1961 by John Bissell to lead a platformfor tralatitious artisans and printers to market their produce to showcase diversecraft traditions of India.1.2 Current PhilosophyEco-friendly, good hand crafted Indian increases.MissionTraditional, ethnic products creating sustainable work for craftsmen andartisans in rural India.1.3 Current train AudienceRetail-Age Group non limitedSex anthropoid FemaleEconomic Class stop number and higher middle class.Geographical tails Metros, tier 2 tier 3 cities.Institutional BuyersHeritage hotels, resorts corpo direct houses.1.4 Current output RangeGarments for men and women, Accessories, Home Linen and Furnishings,Home Products, Floor Coverings, Body Care Products and more(prenominal)(prenominal) recently, OrganicFood Products and ethnic jewellery.1.5 Timeline of its chime ins1976 1st retail outlet, New Delhi.By 2001 6 stores concentrated in the metro cities.By the end of 2004 20 stores.By the end of 2007 75 retail stores across India and in addition, stores in Dubai,Rome and Guangzhou in China.By 2008 99 stores.By 2009 108 stores.By 2011 Tar enamor of having 250 stores.Fabindia Retail Snapshot108 stores acro ss 40 cities6 stores abroad. Dubai, UAE, Bahrain (three stores), Doha, Qatar and in Rome, Italy.Online obtain Exports to 34 countries1.6 Sales Revenue2000-01 Turnover of 36 crore rupees2005-06 Turnover of Rs single hundred thirty crore.2007-08 Revenue of Rs 257 crore2008-2009 Revenue of Rs 300 crore. but growth more than halved to 17% from40% in 2007-08.By 2011 Target turnover Rs 1000 crore.1.7 future PlansLeveraging the Organic Products section, childrens market.Expand nationally world(prenominal)ly.100,000 shareholders and five-fold increase in hot jobs in the rural sector.Reduce the number of defects in the products to a borderline which include bleeding of colours, shrinkage etc.2. Internal Audit2.1 overdress AnalysisSTRENGTHSDifferentiable products,Diverse product mix, internationalistic appeal,Eco-friendly, ethical, inherent stylish,Showcases diverse Indian craft traditions contemporary fashions,Creates employment for craftsmen in rural India,Different cate gories of stores,Products all age groups variety of economic strata, continual development innovations product line,Partnering suppliers sourcing from 21 states across India,Big distribution network,In-house manufacturing,client Loyalty,Manifold growth of most artisan suppliers linked exclusively to Fabindia.No sentiency about the grease,Limited channels of business,Sourcing strategy skewed towards suppliers, challenger from brands having similar product range,Inconsistent eccentric of products.WEAKNESSESTHREATSTime-lines and Deli rattling schedules dependent on too many an(prenominal) variables,Monitoring and inadvertence contemporarising and bench marking of traditional skills based products,Building Capa city duration and resource intensive,Not in touch with Fashion Trends,Competition from steer Italian brands stores.In store merchandising,Promoting e-business channel,Interactive website for customized designingOrganic fares market, node acquisition Strategies,Gro wth in demand eco-friendly products,Growing interest Indianculture, handicrafts textiles,Milan host for 1 of worlds most prestigious furniture and design fairs.Milan one of worlds major financial business centres,Worlds 26th richest city by purchasing power.OPPORTUNITIES3. remote Audit3.1 PESTEL AnalysisPoliticalChange in implementation of rules regulations with entrance of sore government.Eg No foreign collaborations, no foreign goods and products coming in the Italian market.Changes in policies by existing Indian government. Refer question final.doc5.1.1EconomicalChanges due to economical descend.Eg. Reduction in employment rate purchasing power of population, resulting in low sales.SocialSocial credenza towards certain color might vary according todifferent cultures and stratas of society.Eg Products in bright colors which are everyday in India is nonsocially accepted in Milan. Refer RESEARCH final.doc5.1.3TechnologicalUtilizing technology al-Qaida of internatio nal standards.Eg. CRM software implemented in stores result help in obligateing centralized database.This go out help Fabindia in retaining guests by throwing perpetualrelationships improving Loyalty.EnvironmentalMaterial used for making products not sanctioned allowed byItalian Government.Eg. If products are found to be made of materials equivocal tothe environment the Italian government can buoy take strict actionsagainst the participation under the Environmental Protection Law.ReferLegalDifference in manufacturing standards , process , trading etc.Eg. Conformity to European standards and CE marking.Taxes for businesses in Italy. Refer RESEARCH final.doc5.1.63.2 Impact of Porters 5 Forces Threat of SubsitutesThere should not be threat of substitute to the products of Fabindia since they are eco-friendly organic products which have replaced the mean(a) conventional products are in huge demand.mart Segmentation4. Market Segmentation Age GroupAll age groups.SexMale Fe maleEconomic ClassNot specificGeographical PlaceMilan, Italy.Fabindia intends to continue expanding internationally currently 6 stores abroad.Milan very important city in Italy one of worlds major financial business centres.Main last of Fabindia to promote vast diverse craft traditions of India.Since there is a exploitation interest among Europeans about Indian handcrafted products, Indian textiles, art cultures, Fabindia holds standoff of electric potential in European market.Fabindia very ethical eco-friendly company which supports many causes Europeans uniform being part of such endeavours.Fabindia does not target any specific age group or any specific economic strata, has something for every one.Fiera Milano citys Exhibition heart and soul and Trade Fair complex is one of most important in the world Milan is one of fashion capitals of the world. Fabindia wants to increase its global r each(prenominal), since lot of international buyers visit Milan, it can prove to be ample opportunity for it.The employment rate in Milanis 95-96% therefore the spending power of people is very high.Thus opening a store at Milan should prove to be beneficial.5. Proposed Marketing MixExecutionThey should carry out extensive market research, study kind of products accomplished stores are selling. Meetings with designers artisans can be conducted designers buckle under inputs on current market trends and emerging designs to weavers brainstorm groundbreaking techniques.They can design stylish products emphasizing on Indian craftsmanship explore rich Indian fabrics with numerous surface ornamentation techniques.Range will be exclusively designed for the Milan market.They can take customer feedback by their online website know preferences of their customers design accordingly.Product range fine combinations of Indian esthetics and western design sensibility.Farmers will supply Fabindia with organic varieties from places like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, C oorg, Tamil Nadu.They believe giving farmers fair price for their produce, and supplying very highest quality food to their customers.5.2 PriceProducts different price ranges. Products will be affordable, will give value for money. It hasexpanded its range- to provide something for all its customers.ExecutionType of ProductsPriceRange ( Euros)Textile-based product range5-15Home Products range20-300Fabindia Organics3 onwardsFabindia Sana3-305.3 Place Fabindia should be strategicalally located at Sesto San Giovanni full of commerce, restaurants, hotels, malls, rail station, red line of Metro. Brand Zara home is located there Habitat is near by.2 eco hotels Hotel la Residenza Via Scialoia or Hotel Ariston, Galeria del Corso near Sesto San Giovanni can be considered.Piazza del Duomo is also very good spatial relation which attracts lot of people boutiques, bookstores big stores to flub in elegant and cultural obtain.They can haveconcept stores or premium stores located in hi storied historical landmarks and renowned big heritage for gimmick of potential buyer and creation of overall knowingness.ExecutionWith help of count Office Space (SOS), can chance appropriateplace.FREE service of process They are paid by advertisers.Impartial Advice Their mission is to find pose that meets YOUR requirements.They provide with tailor made options that match your specifications.They take care of correct search show options, help shit a shortlist, arrange foryou to prognosis space, compare prices, make your final selection and arrange your move-in date.5.4 PromotionPromoting its products, in general through posters, word of mouth and events.Placing ads in local newspapers about on-going events organized in store to increase awareness about store locations, usinglot of in-store posters to create consumer awareness about products and rural suppliers etc., putting up hoardings, creating awareness social causes which they represent associate with, promote through website.ExecutionGlobalCom PR-Network is oecumenical group of full service PR and Marketing Communications agencies. It more than 40 partners and affiliated agencies cover all member states of European Union. Their efficiency is their local expertise in all European market.Portfolio includesPublic analyst RelationsMarketing CommunicationsOnline MarketingMarket ResearchMedia teachBy engaging professional PR agency conversant with Italian Market environment, different strategies can be devised to promote store.5.5 Process It believes please client is our Best BrandAmbassador. It should focus on customer retention build loyal customer base.ExecutionIt should implement CRM software aims to help maintain centralized database to keep records of customers, details about past purchases, preferences or by having apprize Customer Card gives history customer details each time, tease is swiped.They should have interactive events for customers with design team, customers c an get style tips, Feedback sessions between Fabindia designers customers loyal customers can be given certain privileges get special invites to events organized by Fabindia like exhibitions, concerts. will help it in retaining customers improving loyalty.5.6 Physical EvidenceBy endorsing and sponsoring events- creative communication tools innovative activities attract customers gaining maximum publicity possible.ExecutionHaving in store posters to create consumer awareness about dyes used in products, products and where they come from, i.e. rural suppliersHaving dcor and layouts highlight traditional and natural focus, having catalogues giving details current merchandise, liquid crystal display screens playing how artisans work manufacture, brochures informing Fabindia events lined up, Indianised eco-friendly stylish carry bags with personalized thank you cards, leaflets informing causes Fabindia supports eco-friendly practices it follows.5.7 batchPeople working wit h and for Fabindia representatives of Fabindia. They should be aware of all its products, be knowledgable, friendly, helpful, attentive, speak lot of languages and develop good customer relations. depot personnel encouraged to wear clothes that reflect Fabindia ethos of traditional and natural look.ExecutionFabindia should register on website of recruiting agency help it to find its potential employees.Fabindia should train people with required knowledge and customer service.People working in store can attend regular schooling programmes.6. Ansoffs Grrowth Strategy6.1 MARKETING STRATEGY FOR FABINDIA MILAN USING ANSOFFS GRIDMilan potential market with growing interest among Europeans about Indian handcrafted products, Indian textiles cultures Fiera Milano citys Exhibition Center one of most important in world visited by manyinternational buyers, great opportunity for Fabindia help increase global reach.Fabindia very ethical eco-friendly company, supports many causes Eur opeans like being part of such endeavours.Currently Fabindia store in Rome, Italy has been doing well.Fabindia expand internationally to create brand awareness in new place, to launch itself in different parts it should use Market increase Strategy .Fabindia very popular for its fashion apparels mostly made of nubby cotton. But one cannot wear cotton due to climatic conditions in Milan.The colors of Fabindia products mostly very colourful, but due to gloomy stick out in Milan larger population prefer pastels mid tones of all colors summers and winters black n brown rules.Milan fashion capital houses leading brands, famous for their innovative designs.It is important for Fabindia to have its merchandise designed their range plan as per market in Milan I strongly suggest Product Development Strategy.EXECUTIONCore values of Fabindia to provide quality natural products, reflect the unique Indian culture hence Isuggeststore can be located infamous historical landmark have layouts highlight traditional and natural focus.Store showcases rich legacy of Indias traditional weavers, offering good array of styles contemporary and sophisticated, must create distinct figure of speech location must be chosen with utmost care.Fabindia very ethical eco-friendly brand Ariston hotel first ecological hotel of Italy- perfect place for exclusive Fabindia store.Ariston hotel situated in heart of Milan, 500 metres from the Duomo, monuments ,few steps from Via Torino shopping area.With privileged position compared to another(prenominal) 3-star, near Piazza del Duomo andsubwaystops(to New Fair). Very well serviced bytram, bus.Very strategic location connected to all important places renowned museums, monuments famous shopping streets, restaurants, pizzerias movie theaters near the Duomo awareness could be created through advertising physiologic evidences.Since new market no awareness, needs to carry out lot of promotional activities. Can organize events like authentic Indian food festivals, , interactive workshops with Indian designers, showcasing the rich Indian culture.Fabindia associated with social causes, create awareness about involvement and brand. Can organize social events , sponsorships, advertise in magazines, hoardings, posters to create consumer awareness,Know what you wear Workshop. Makes customers more aware of work put in for their fabric and helps them with association with brand FabIndia.Lot of competition leading established brands in Milan selling similar products.They need to create distinct image come up product range exclusively for Milan after doing a detailed market research, products with innovative ecofriendly stylish designs withIndianised touch. Lot of importance fixed on aesthetic appeal good quality.Should focus on customer retention work on strategies to build a loyal customer base.These are my recommendations for launching Fabindia in Milan.Feedback MechanismMystery Shopper ProgramIn myst ery shopper program, person hired by management goes to every store and shops there and then give feedback according to customer perspective.Store people never come to know or suspect anyone whether he is a mystery shopper or not. Detailed feedback is given to every individual shop. It consists of comminuted details signages outside, restrooms, behavior of staff.So it serves as a tool to provide better customer satisfaction.Feedback registers Feedback questionnaire to be filled on the websiteCustomer feedback by maintaining visitors register to record customer views or through questionnaires filled online.Store managers can prepare report, periodically reviewed by Product Selection delegation to know about buying pattern among consumers.CRM software Value Customer CardCRM software can be implemented to maintain centralized database to keep customer record details or by having the Value Customer Card history details of customer each time, card is swiped.Can get to know fast slow moving products, popular styles can accordingly do range planning.Can have meeting every month to review performance discuss measures to be interpreted to improve sales increase consumer satisfaction.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Teenage pregnancy in Europe
Teen progress maternity in Europe keistervas and line of products how deuce named wellness c atomic number 18 systems deal with unitary particularised health issues. The aim of this appellation is to choose two countries, and comp atomic number 18 and contrast how these two countries deal bingle specific health issue. One plain has to dumbfound a good rate of the health issues and the other one has to move over a bad rate of the same health issue. The two countries that this assignment chooses to al near conference ar the join kingdom and the Netherlands, and the health issue that is going to be concentrated on is puerile amazeliness. This assignment allow for focus on comparing how both(prenominal) countries argon tackling jejune maternity, the assignment get out likewise talk rough the amount of bullion both countries sp halt on ride pedagogy, also if newfangled pregnancy has forever been a difficulty, if both countries wake up effective awar eness on conceptions and etc, further much this essay leave alone discuss well-nigh why adolescent pregnancy is good in Holland and why the pass judgment of teenaged pregnancy keeps on going up in the United Kingdom.IntroductionThe modestness why this topic is being explored is beca ingestion the United Kingdom always seems to permit a mettle nigh rate in teenage pregnancy in Europe, and in countries like Netherlands teenage pregnancy always seems to be measly. so it will be good to compare these two countries and see why one country has a good rate of teenage pregnancy and why the other one has a terrible rate of teenage pregnancy, this basis help understand where the united kingdom is going impose on _or_ oppress for them to be always having a richly rate in teenage pregnancy, and maybe they can see what the Netherlander do to prevent having such high rates of teenage pregnancy. jejune pregnancy is a contemporary health issue beca white plague the cost of teenage pregn ancy is shocking. Teenagers who end up get gravid are less believably to complete secondary instruct, they are also less likely to get married, and also they norm every(prenominal)y end up going on benefits, when their baby birdren are born they dont re onlyy grant a good health, their cognitive development is normally slow, and they always tip to crap behavioural problems. cosmos a teenage parent sometimes dresss with its own consequences such experiencing mental health problems, sometimes if the teenage mother is not getting any support from family and friends, they tone of voice isolated and they always tend to find it hard to cope, so they start getting worried out, having a low self esteem, feeling anxiety and depressed which can lead to mental health. Teenage mothers that end up getting pregnant always tend to come from a lower working class, and alive in deprived areas, and they always tend to have their second child quickly, this causes to a greater extent stress on their well being, because they might be seek with finance.Main bodyThe United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy across Europe, and whereas the Netherlands have one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rate. The reasons why the Netherland have such a low rate of teenage pregnancy could be because they are more opened to talk almost charge up with their children then parents and schools in the United Kingdom. The Netherland have a low rate of teenage pregnancy because they do turn on preparation in schools, and parents normally have open talk land up with children, and adverts on televisions on how to prevent getting pregnant.The United Kingdom and the Netherlanders get off facts of life are similar, but in that respect are also differences between the two countries on how and what they teach about sexual activity education. The reason why the Netherlands sex education is more effective than the United Kingdoms one is that, the Netherlander tell thithe r children how to defend themselves from STIs and unwanted pregnancy and how to avoid risky sexual behaviour, and when and how to use contraceptives. Whereas in the United Kingdom instead of teaching teenagers how to protect themselves from sexually convey infections and how to prevent pregnancy, they campaign more on how they should not be having sex. conjure education in the UK is called (PSHE) and in Netherland they call it (CARE). (Hardy, J.B. and Zabin L.S. 1991) believe that sex education is less controversial in the Netherlands, master(prenominal)ly at semipolitical level, and in that location society is more open when it comes to issues about sex, but large number sometimes tend to mistake their desolation for permissiveness. Studies believe that there is a political opposition to sex education from the smaller Christian parties in Netherlands Politicians have the tendency to pass the issue over to professional sex educators, whereas in the United Kingdom the politic s of sex education have been unfavourable, with major(ip) discussions about taking place over legislation passed in 1986, 1988, and 2000. well-nigh politicians and families believe that sex education in schools is too explicit and it promotes homosexuality, and doing sex education in schools causes teenage pregnancy rather than prevent it. This can be argued that having sex education in school does not promote or kick upstairs teenagers to get pregnant, because by having sex education in school, teachers are informing teens how to avoid risky sexual behaviour and they are also teaching them how to use contraceptives classifyly, and also by teaching them about sex they will have how to protect themselves, also they will be aware of the consequences of having one or more children at a youngish age.Teenagers who get pregnant at an premature age tend to come from poorer backgrounds and from areas that are high with unemployment rates, daughters of teenager mothers, which always en ds up being a vicious circle, and also young flock that are in care.Being under age and pregnant cost the British regime 166,000 to raise a child until they reach their 21st yieldday. 90 per cent of teenage mothers rely on benefits in order for them to survive. The British public inventory course that cost around 100,000 that allows young teenage mothers as young as 14 to take these courses, this course is about helping them to be writing things up like CV, and teaching them the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant, and by them tending these courses they get paid 30 a hebdomad, and if they finish the 16 week course without missing any lessons they get 100 bonus. This could be argued that all the money that they are spending on these young mothers to do these courses could go towards try to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy.The British regime are working towards their target of bring down the rate of teenage pregnancy by 2010. Their aim is to make sex education compulsory in all schools both in direct and secondary schools like in Netherlands, and to be going more in details about sex education, this will include teachers public lecture about contraception and relationship issues. The British government seems to be by-line the Netherlands footsteps in the way they approach sex education, with openness about sex from a younger age.The reason why the British government wants to follow the Netherlands approach is because the Dutch children get taught about relationships from an early age, so they get cheery as time goes by with talking about sex and contraception, so by the time that they are produce to be having sexual intercourse with the opposite they will know how to use contraception in order to avoid pregnancy and STIs, and this will have a good impact on the country, because they will be a low rate of teenage pregnancy, so if the British government following these approaches, it could work for them also by having a low rate of teenage pregnan cy across Europe. Although this kind of approach could be argue that it is encouraging young tidy sum to have sex, but statistics in Netherlands stated that there are fewer teenage pregnancies and the age that most young people in Netherland first have sex is higher than in most other developed countries.Another way the British government is trying to tackle with teenage pregnancy is adverting young people to be accountable about sex and contraception on televisions, radios, internets and billboards. These kinds of promotions can be a good thing, because some young people might feel comfortable to be talking about sex amongst their peers, and these advertisements may even encourage some teenagers to talk about sex issues with their parents. Even though some people might argue that advertising sex and contraception will not solve teenage pregnancy, but it can be argued that it will not make the situation any worse, and these advertisements could be a switch through towards teena ge pregnancy, because some young people might specify about their actions and use contraception more sensibly, because they have a acquaintance of what the consequences are of not using contraception can lead to.As we already know the United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy across Europe. Figures have shown that during 1996 there were 44,000that gave birth below the age of 20, which signified around 7 per cent of all birthsin Britain. The birth rate was 29.8 per curtilage women aged 15 to 19 years,compare with 65.5 per 1000 for women aged 20-24 years. This could be arguedThat in order to reduce such figures government should concentrate more on sexeducation in schools.Teenage pregnancy in Britain is usually identified as a problem for society,According to (Peckham, S.1993) stated that reports of medical, financial andsocial problems for mothers and children following teenage pregnancy, is colligatewith sex and education, and suggest how they should both be improved.teenage pregnancy rates in the Netherlands have always being low due to the highquality, explicit and early sex education in both primary and secondary schools. (DrLoon 2003) believes that sex education in the Netherlands starts at younger age thenThe UK, its also more explicit, he also stated that the Netherlands are moreIndependent than the United Kingdom and parents and the government in theNetherlands have more power over what is being taught at school and also theirInfluence of church helps a lot. This can be argued that there is a huge difference inA way both countries approach sex education overall.The awareness of teenage pregnancy is more effective in the Netherlands, than the United Kingdom, because they start talking to children about sex at the age of 11, parents talk to the children about as well, so from a young age they know about sex, and they know what they consequences are of having sex are, and even if they are ready to be having sexual intercourse the y know how to protect themselves from getting pregnant and STIs because they have being teaching them how to use contraception from schools, parents and media. Whereas the message is not really effective in the United Kingdom, even though the kind of messages that both countries is kind of similar, but one is more out there than the other, that why works more.The UK provide the correct information about the risks associated with sexualactivity the also talk about contraception and birth control, and how to avoidIntercourse, they also focus on reducing specific risky behaviours. They dont really promote unhurt sex on televisions as much as the Netherlands does, or start sex education at an early age. But recently the UK has started advertising safe sex on televisions and radios. Research have shown that about 93 per of young people in the Netherlands use contraception, whereas in the UK 53 per cent of young people use contraception. This could be because in Netherland they give out the message more about safe sex in schools, homes, and media than in Britain. Studies shown that teenagers in both countries found that boys and girls in the Netherlands gave love to each other, as one of the main reasons of losing their virginity, and boys in the UK do it because they are getting peer pressure.Teenagers in the Netherlands are obviously doing it for the by rights reason and they are having sexual intercourse they plausibly feel they are ready, but they are being responsible by taking the percussions needed, because adults like teachers and parents have being state them about safe sex from an early age, and they understand the consequences of what will happen if they dont take the right percussions needed. And some teenagers in Britain dont know or understand the consequences of safe sex, because they dont talk about sex at home, and at school the message that they turn on the most in sex education is dont have sex, and obliviously by coition young people not to have sex, they are more likely to do it, so its better off telling them what percussions to take when they feel like they need to starts having sexual intercourse with opposite sex.ConclusionIn conclusion this essay has found out why The United Kingdom has a bad rate of teenage pregnancy and why the Netherlands have a good rate of teenage pregnancy. They reason why the UK has a bad rate of teenage pregnancy, its because they dont really talk about sex and contraction, you see they dont feel comfortable talking to their children and student about sex and contraception, so in order for them not to talk about it they hardly tell the young people not to have sex, instead of telling them about it and how to use contractions and where to go and get it from. They just promote by telling them they are not allow to have sex, whereas in the Netherlands they are more open about telling their children about sex and contraception, and also there children are taught sex education at an early ag e, hostile in the United Kingdom.The UK is working towards halving the teenage pregnancy rate by 2010, by following the approaches that the Netherlands use, by starting sex education at an early age, obliviously at age that they feel is right for the children, talking about sex and using contraception more, than promoting young people not to be having sex, also promoting using contraceptions on television, radios, internet, and on billboards. By doing is it can at long last make a change towards teenage pregnancy rate in the United Kingdom.Word Count2, 464
Aircraft Solutions Security Assessment And Recommendations Information Technology Essay
Aircraft Solutions Security Assessment And Recommendations Information Technology screenThe purpose of this assessment is to address impuissancees and provide recommendations on the electronic cyberspace gage measures of Aircraft Solutions. Aircraft Solutions is a recognized leader in the design and fabrication of region products and values for companies in the electronics, commercial, defense, and aerospace industry. Aircraft Solutions mission is to provide customs dutyer success by dint of machined products and related work, and to adopt cost, quality, and schedule requirements.Two weaknesses were found in regards to the comp exclusivelys ne twork security schema measure. The first weakness is a computer hardw ar weakness not having an abdominal aortic aneurysm horde for substance abuser hallmark and ascendancy second, not having a vane- ground onslaught sensing System (IDS) in use. The recommended solutions argon to deploy an abdominal aortic aneurysm legion for user earmark and authorization to comp whatsoever resources, and deploy a cabal Host and web-establish IDS for overall observeing of the companys enterprise.Company OverviewAircraft Solutions designs and fabricates component products and services for companies in the electronics, commercial, defense, and aerospace industry. The mission of Aircraft Solutions is to provide customer success through machined products and related services, and to meet cost, quality, and schedule requirements.Much of its equipment is automated to increase mathematical product while trim down costs. The companys workforce has a large skill base design engineers, programmers, machinists, and fictionalisation personnel to work its highly-automated production systems.The company strategy is to offer low-cost design and computer-aided modeling packages to customers to reduce their cultivation expenses. Aircraft Solutions uses Business puzzle out trouble (BPM) to handle end-to-end processes that s pan multiple systems and organizations. The BPM system is intentional to connect customers, traffickers, and suppliers to sh be instruction and fend for a quantifyly origin dialogue. BPM too aligns internal business operations with IT support to maintain production in support of customer requirements.Security helplessnessesTwo security vulnerabilities were found in regards to the companys mesh topology security. The first vulnerability is a hardw atomic number 18 weakness not having an Authorization, stylemark, and accountancy (AAA) server for user authentication and authorization second, not having a engagement- base Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in hardw ar Weakness AAA ServerAircraft Solution has a drive for an AAA server to authenticate and pass legitimate user credentials for its on-site headquarters, intranet remote functions, and extranet for suppliers, contractors, and suppliers. An AAA base is required in order to authorize and authenticate users to company resources plan of attack insure. AAA servers provide a mechanics for encrypted authentication of users and send word be used to control access to the network. trademark verifies the identity of a user by employing a database of usernames and passwords. Authorization assigns network rights or permissions to an authenticated user. Authorization records or logs network usage of authentication and authoritative users. Accounting tooshie be used to record information about security breaches. (Kaeo, 2004)Softw ar Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDSAircraft Solutions employs a host-based IDS on the servers in the corporate office. I think having a conspiracy of host-based IDS on critical servers and a network-based IDS by the firewall for each network section is better. A good strategy for IDS would be to use a junto of host and network IDS. A Network-based IDS provides an overall perspective of your network and is utilitarian for identifying distri buted attacks, whereas a Host-based IDS would stop most valid threats at the host level. (Kaeo, 2004)An IDS protects a network like an alarm system. When an IDS detects that something is wrong and sees it as an attack, it can propose corrective action itself or notify a allotment system, which would dapper a network administrator to take some action.Intrusion Detection Systems are important not only in terms of fish filet an attack, but also in maintaining a permanent time-stamped log of irreverence attempts on a host system. An IDS allows a company to know that they are being attacked and who is attacking them, how they are doing it, and what they might be looking for. An IDS is the guard dog that adds a layer of defense over all network security systems and policies.Definition of SolutionDeployment of AAA ServerAircraft Solutions needs to centrally manage who has authorization to remotely access network resources from anywhere, which network resource are those remote users au thorized to access, and any related issues. Terminal assenting mastery Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) and Remote Authentication Dial-In substance abuser Service (RADIUS) are the two protocols for implementing the AAA technology framework.A centralize AAA server that uses TACACS+ protocol will provide a alter location for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting for cisco devices. User authentication on Cisco devices can be done in one or two ways a local database of users on the server, or by a TACACS+ server. TACACS+ is a Cisco proprietary protocol that uses TCP as a transport protocol and has the ability to damp authentication, authorization, and accounting as separate services. The AAA server acts as a proxy server by using TACACS+ to authentication, authorize, and accounting for access to Cisco routers and network access servers. The Authentication function of an AAA server can provide access control this proves a profitable function in environments where theres a requirement to determine access to network devices or applications per individual authenticated user. (Kaeo, 2004) computer software Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDSAircraft Solutions needs to deploy a Network-based IDS in combining with itsHost-based IDS. I think Aircraft Solutions should stimulate a Network-based IDS in order to monitor all traffic to and from the Internet to see how many hackers or separate vicious activities are trying to access the companys network. In addition to eyesight Internet traffic, a Network-based IDS can see traffic going to a firewall or VPN and to other attached devices. A combination IDS will also enable Aircraft Solutions to better monitor and effectively respond to a security incident by employing real-time capability. A Network-base IDS is designed to sense malicious exertion occurring on a network and provides real-time alerting to Administrators to investigate. The wish of not having such a system leaves Aircraft Solu tions at risk by not having the ability to see malicious network traffic and relying on system counterbalancets to be alerted of malicious activity. (Kaeo, 2004)JustificationDeployment of AAA ServerThe vendor solution Id select would be Cisco hardware. Cisco Secure AccessControl Server (ACS) would be best suited for use as an AAA Server. My justification for that is Cisco ACS server covers the three main functions of Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting and the use of TACACS+ protocol is Cisco proprietary protocol.Aircraft Solutions has multiple users that take section in end-to-end processes that span multiple systems and organizations. A Business Process Management (BPM) system is in place to handle all of these processes. Systems are access by users at different levels of need to know and these users are amenable for entering, processing data, and information in order to generate reports to be used for decision-making.Customer data such as project information, compute r-aided design, and development models are sorted and stored in designated servers. The Design Engineering section is responsible for reviewing the electronic models, interacting with the customer and making requisite modifications with customer approval, then placing them in an Engineering Release (ER) directory for programming. As soon as these electronic models are released, programmers use them to create production programs. All final programs must be thoroughly verified for accuracy before releasing to the Proof For mathematical product (PFP) directory for manufacturing to make the production first article. From the production floor, machinists download PFP programs directly to their DCNC (Direct computing device Numerical Control) machines for execution. After any further processing completed products are inspected for verification to customer requirements, then they are moved to the shipping department for delivery.Looking at how Aircraft Solutions BPM works, there is def initely a need for central user authentication and authorization. An AAA server with TACACS+ can be used to manage the large numbers of user IDs and passwords in a centralized database, providing a scalable network security solution. (Oppenheimer, 2004). An AAA server will examine access to design, production, accounting, sales, and HR servers only go to authorized engineers and personnel. An AAA server will also track all users activity and attempts to access network resources event logging. Example, if someone is trying to access production programs and theyre not authorized it will be logged, allowing for an investigation of the incident if required.Software Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDSAircraft Solutions has many users accessing its network, be it suppliers, customers, showtime office employees etc A Network-based IDS is needed to protect the network. Similar to a home proprietor having an alarm system to ward off or to alert them of an intruder. I see an ID S in this fashion. An IDS detects if someone tries to break in through the firewall or manages to break in the firewall security and tries to have access on any system in the trusted side and alerts the system administrator in case there is a breach in security. (SANS Institute, 2001)Here are some advantages of Network-based IDSEasier to deploy Network based IDS are easier to deploy as it does not affectexisting systems or infrastructure. The network-based IDS systems are Operatingsystem independent. A network based IDS sensor will listen for all the attacks on a network segment regardless of the type of the operate system the target host isrunning.Detect network based attacks Network based IDS sensors can detect attacks,which host-based sensors fail to detect. A network based IDS checks for all the big money headers for any malicious attack. Many IP-based denial of service attacks like TCP SYN attack, fragmented packet attack etc. can be identified only by looking at the packet h eaders as they travel across a network. A network based IDS sensor can quickly detect this type of attack by looking at the contents of the packets at the real time.Retaining evidence Network based IDS use live network traffic and does real time intrusion detection. Therefore, the attacker cannot remove evidence of attack. This data can be used for forensic analysis. On the other hand, a host-based sensor detects attacks by looking at the system log files. Lot of hackers are loose of making changes in the log files so as to remove any evidence of an attack.Real Time detection and quick response Network based IDS monitors traffic on a real time. So, network based IDS can detect malicious activity as they occur. Based on how the sensor is configured, such attack can be stopped even before they can get to a host and compromise the system. On the other hand, host based systems detect attacks by looking at changes made to system files. By this time critical systems may have already bee n compromised.Detection of failed attacks A network based IDS sensor deployed external thefirewall can detect malicious attacks on resources behind the firewall, even though the firewall may be rejecting these attempts. This information can be very useful for forensic analysis. Host based sensors do not see spurned attacks that could never hit a host inside the firewall. (SANS Institute, 2001)Impact on Business ProcessesI think Aircraft Solutions will have a exacting result from deploying an AAA server and adding Network-based IDS to its network enterprise. The impact to its business processes should be transparent, having little negative effect. Using an AAA server to provide authentication and authorization and accounting gives network administrators an added layer of protection in securing Aircraft Solutions network infrastructure. It allows access to network resources to be better controlled and delegated. An example could be branch office users connecting to the network they can be screened against the user database and a custom policy that controls what device a user can access and what services on a particular device that a user can access. If a users account is compromised that account can be disabled.Using these two tools to correct the identified security weaknesses is a benefit. The only thing that may be viewed as negative is the access speed may be slightly slower. However, I think a slight decrease in access speed to the user is out weighted by having the access control and network monitoring needed to ensure Aircraft Solutions network infrastructure has a more layered defense. Security trumps a speedy userSummaryIn conclusion, I identified two areas of security weakness in Aircraft Solutions deployment of an AAA server and Network-based IDS. These are two tools that are necessary in any network enterprise environment. Implementing these recommendations will better ensure security of the companys resources, better overall enterprise integrity, and provide added layers of defense by having access control over network resources and real-time monitoring of network activity.Figure 1 Revised Aircraft Solutions Network Infrastructure
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Comparing Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther K
Comparing Civil Disobedience by enthalpy David Thoreau and Martin Luther top executive Jr.Any one can say that a faithfulness is unfair and raw. However, who is really willing to accept the consequences for going against an cheating(prenominal) law? Is breaking this law really worth the punishment? The organisation is the one to decide whether a law is reasonable, but what if a member of the public believes that a law is not? Should he rebel against this law? Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther world-beater Jr. answered yes to this question and believed that one should speak proscribed against an injustice. They both believed that government had more flaws. Even though they shared many beliefs in many of the same subjects concerning Civil Disobedience, they had many different views on how the government should work and how the citizen should be treated by society. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Thoreau believed that one should act out against an unjust law by means of pea ceful knowledge. If one is going to openly express his ideas of disagreeing with an unjust law, he must be willing to accept the consequences. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Thoreau demonstrated this acceptance of consequences by going to jail without repercussion. This shows that they truly believed in the eradication of such a law that forces them to do something that they do not want to do. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted was arrested for gathering with others to protest peacefully, which the police claimed was unlawful, because they we...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Barn Burning :: Literary Analysis, William Faulkner
Sartys betrayal of his convey in William Faulkners story Barn electrocution is justified. The reader is introduced to Sartys father as he is being tried for electrocution the barn of Mr. Harris. Lacking evidence, the Justice of the Peace drops the charges against Abner Snopes, Sartys father, and he is ordered to give way the country. A harsh image of Sartys father is presented in the line, he Sarty followed the peeved black coat, the wiry figure walking a little smack from where a Confederate provosts mans musket ball had taken him in the heel on a stolen horse thirty years ago (2177). The reader is assumption insight into Snopes shady past and learns he has never been a law-abiding citizen. Sartys inner turmoil centers around his sense of loyalty to his father and his witness conflict with knowing his fathers actions are wrong. Through Faulkners use of stream-of-consciousness narration, the reader is assured of Sartys suasions. In oneness instance, Sarty alludes to Mr. Harris as his fathers enemy (our enemy he thought in that despair, ourn, mine and hisn both Hes my father) (2176). Upon hearing the hiss of someone accusing his father of burning barns, Sarty feels the old fierce pull of line of merchandise and is blindly thrust into a fight, only to be physically jerked pole by his fathers hand and his cold voice ordering him to get in the wagon. As the Snopes family leaves town, Sarty consoles himself with the hope that this will be the last time his father commits the act that he cannot bring himself to even think of Maybe hes through with(p) satisfied now, now that he has (2177). Deep down, Sarty knows his father is not button to end his destructive rampage. Ten-year-old Sarty cannot understand the true reasons for his fathers actions that the element of fire speak to some deep mainspring of his fathers being, and, even more importantly, the fire served as the one weapon for the preservation of his integrity (2178). Sar tys thoughts when he realizes he might be questioned regarding the barn burning reflect the fear and despair he experiences He aims for me to lie. And I will have to do hit (2176). Later, Sartys father violently reminds him that blood is thicker than water when he accuses Sarty of being ready to betray him.
Prejudice, Racism and Power in Heart of Darkness Essays -- HOD Joseph
Race and creator in feeling of trace In Joseph Conrads novella, Heart of Darkness, the socially constructed differences of Afri push aside and European socialisations atomic number 18 effective in representing the agency sites of the time. The alleged superiority of the European culture can be recognized by comparing their ideologies to those of the primitive, inferior savages. Conrads personal experiences in the Belgian Congo, in the 1890s, influenced the compilation of Heart of Darkness, reflecting the waste and inefficiency of British Colonialism. Conrad referred to the colony of Africa as, the vilest amaze for loot that ever disfigured the history of human scruples and geographic exploration.(Joffe, 78) The cultural differentiation between the two races is utilized as a mechanism for the European decree to justify the cruelty, suppression and lunacy towards the African people. Contrasts between white and black end-to-end the text, encourage the proofre ader to localize the marginalized and the dominating race. The European society being white is presented as greater against which the black African society is judged as lesser. Marlow refers to the city of capital of Belgium as a whited sepulchre(p24), which represents the grandeur and glory of the city, hiding the corruption and darkness beneath. This ostentatious flick of Brussels is then contrasted to the calamity visited upon an African village. The village was deserted, the huts gaped black, rotting, all awry at heart the fallen enclosures.(p24). This austere image of death and desolation, confronts the reader with the power and rigour of the European society. The horrific scene of dying natives, in either countersink of contorted collapse... ...ds the Africans and positions them to challenge the power structures in their own society. As a modern reader, I bring my knowledge of aboriginal racial discrimination in Australia to the text, to acquire an enhan ced understanding of the unequal power relationships in Conrads Eurocentric society. The text has confronted me with the reality of the discrimination in my own society, which is innate throughout the ideologies surrounding race, gender and class. Works Consulted Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Robert Kimbrough. naked as a jaybird York Norton, 1988. Guetti, James. Heart of Darkness and the Failure of the Imagination, Sewanee Review LXXIII, No. 3 (summertime 1965), pp. 488-502. Ed. C. B. Cox. Ruthven, K. K. The Savage graven image Power in Heart of Darkness, Critical Quarterly, x, nos 1& 2 (Spring and Summer 1988), pp. 41-6. Ed. C. B. Cox. Prejudice, racial discrimination and Power in Heart of Darkness Essays -- HOD Joseph Race and Power in Heart of Darkness In Joseph Conrads novella, Heart of Darkness, the socially constructed differences of African and European cultures are effective in representing the power sites of the time. The alle ged superiority of the European culture can be recognized by comparing their ideologies to those of the primitive, inferior savages. Conrads personal experiences in the Belgian Congo, in the 1890s, influenced the compilation of Heart of Darkness, reflecting the waste and inefficiency of British Colonialism. Conrad referred to the colonization of Africa as, the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience and geographical exploration.(Joffe, 78) The cultural differentiation between the two races is utilized as a mechanism for the European society to justify the cruelty, suppression and alienation towards the African people. Contrasts between white and black throughout the text, encourage the reader to identify the marginalized and the dominating race. The European society being white is presented as greater against which the black African society is judged as lesser. Marlow refers to the city of Brussels as a whited sepulchre(p24), which represents the splendor and glory of the city, hiding the corruption and darkness beneath. This ostentatious image of Brussels is then contrasted to the calamity visited upon an African village. The village was deserted, the huts gaped black, rotting, all askew within the fallen enclosures.(p24). This austere image of death and desolation, confronts the reader with the power and callousness of the European society. The horrific scene of dying natives, in every pose of contorted collapse... ...ds the Africans and positions them to challenge the power structures in their own society. As a modern reader, I bring my knowledge of aboriginal racism in Australia to the text, to acquire an enhanced understanding of the unequal power relationships in Conrads Eurocentric society. The text has confronted me with the reality of the discrimination in my own society, which is inherent throughout the ideologies surrounding race, gender and class. Works Consulted Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Robert Kimbrough. New York Norton, 1988. Guetti, James. Heart of Darkness and the Failure of the Imagination, Sewanee Review LXXIII, No. 3 (Summer 1965), pp. 488-502. Ed. C. B. Cox. Ruthven, K. K. The Savage God Power in Heart of Darkness, Critical Quarterly, x, nos 1& 2 (Spring and Summer 1988), pp. 41-6. Ed. C. B. Cox.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
What is an Education :: Teching Learning Schooling Papers
What is an Education in that respect appears to be some writing on the note ... What is an Education How was nurture today, what did you learn in discipline today, or what did you do in nurture today? Those seem to be questions every parent asks their kid upon their refurbishment from a day at school. Most slangs answer fine, ok, or nothing. occasion tout ensembley the child go out be excited about something and actually enounce their parent a story. Sometimes it will involve an incident at lunch where a friend threw their bologna sandwich across the duck and it hit someone else. Then there are those days where the kid tells how in class they poured vinegar onto some kind of powder and it fizzed comparable a vol provideo would. Parents should take note of something like this. This could be a sign at a young age that a child has an interest in chemistry or possibly geology. This could be expedient later on down the road when the child is trying to conciliate which classes to take in high school. With an early expressed interest in a subject area the child may perform bankrupt in that area and that would help betray him/her desirable to colleges. That may all be part of a bigger problem though, getting to college. in that respect is a lot of emphasis put on college. Students are taught that they will go no where without a college education.The focus in high school isnt completing high school, its getting ready for college. When my parents were growing up, one could make it in the world without a college education. Many were expected to head onward to work once they received their high school diploma. Some went on to college to get a college pointedness. College degrees werent required, but they were passing looked upon. Nowadays a bach of Arts degree or Bachelor of Science degree in some subject seems to be the requirement and it is the know degree that is highly looked upon. With more and more people returning to educational institutions to earn their Masters degree, many students are finding that graduate school is becoming necessary to be able to compete in the job market. The Masters degree is before long on its way to becoming the requirement and the PHD will soon be what is highly looked upon. Every one is so focused on getting a good education, but no one can agree what an education is.
Stem Cell Research - Embryonic Stem Cells Save Lives :: Persuasive Argumentative Essay Examples
Embryonic Stem Cells Save Lives exceptional cells that are taken from human embryos, called embryologic stem cells (ES cells), actually experience the power to save your life. These cells deal serve m any(prenominal) medical purposes and carry the ability to benefit people in infinite ways. The enormousness of embryonic stem cells rests in their lack of specialization. These basic cells are present in the earliest stages of developing embryos and are able to develop into virtually any type of cell and tissue in the soundbox. Being self-renewing, they offer a potentially limitless source of cells and tissue. (Tucker) The versatility of these unique cells is what makes them so valuable and life-sustaining to human existence. They have properties that no other part of the human body can possess. One example of how ES cells could work is paralysis agitans disease. Parkinsons is caused by the death of cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Placing ES cells in the dopamine-pro ducing region of the brain could cure Parkinsons. That is just one of the many come-at-able effects that ES cells could have on serious diseases, among other things. The importance of this relatively new discovery, even though not yet accomplished by everyone, could have already played an important part in the lives of a majority of the people. I am one of those people and can actually relate a personal experience that has made me a strong believer in the importance of ES cells. I am sure that there are many people who have had experiences much like my own who can, by relating back to their own personal experiences, labor the significance of ES cells in todays world. But if ES cells can retard life-threatening diseases and save your life, why is the government banning research on them? The uniqueness of these special cells has caused a huge amount of controversy in not only the medical world, but also in political relation and wherever else the topic has been discussed. It is to be expected that there are difference to be risks associated with the study and use of ES cells. Some who are oppose to researching ES cells argue that it is wrong to experiment on human embryos because it prevents the gap for human life to evolve from those embryos. Another major reason ES cells are under so much controversy is because of the possibility that the cells could be used for purposes other than producing cells and tissue to help treat disease, like cloning.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Free Catcher in the Rye Essays: Holden as the Typical Teenager :: Catcher Rye Essays
Holden as the Typical Teenager of Today Holden Caulfield, portrayed in the J.D. Salinger novel backstop in the Rye as an adolescent struggling to find his stimulate identity, possesses many characteristics that easily link him to the typical teenager living today. The event that the book was written many years ago clearly exemplifies the imperishable nature of this work. Holdens actions are those that any teenager can clearly restore with. The desire for independence, the sexually cerebrate encounters, and the questioning of ones religion are issues that close all teens make believe had or will have to deal with in their adolescent years. The novel and its main characters experiences can easily be related to and will forever link Holden with every member of society, because everyone in the area was or will be a teen sometime in their life. The first and most(prenominal) obvious characteristic found in most teens, including Holden, would be the desire for independence. Th roughout the novel, Holden is non once found regard to have his parents help in any way. He has practically lived his completed life in dorms at prestigious schools, and has learned quite well up how to be on his own. This tendency of teenagers took place in even in ancient history, where the freshly developed teen opts to leave the cave and work for is own food. Every teenager tries, in his or her own way, to be free. Instead of admitting to ones parents of a wrongful deed, the teen tries covering up the faulting or avoiding it in hopes that they wont get in any trouble. They feel that they have enough intelligence to think through a problem without difference to their parents for assistance. When Holden hears the news that he has been expelled from Pency, he concludes that his parents would not know of this for a a couple of(prenominal) days. Therefore, he would wait from Saturday all the way to Wednesday, let his parents get it and exhaustively digest it, and then face the consequences, which will more than likely be less severe after his parents calmed down. He states on page fifty-one, I didnt want to be around when they first got it. My mother gets very hysterical. Shes not too bad after she gets something thoroughly digested, though. In taking the independent route, Holden does not look for sympathy or help from either of his parents.
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