Tuesday, April 28, 2020

History Research Paper Topics: Study of Apartheid

History Research Paper Topics: Study of ApartheidThe College Board has released a new set of history research paper topics, including the study of Apartheid in South Africa. The historical study of Apartheid will cover all aspects of Apartheid and its effects on the region, including the impact of Apartheid on the post-Apartheid South African population.There are two major forms of Apartheid, the more common form, which are the white-only form, and the second form which is a system where separate races were not allowed to mix. All of these forms of Apartheid were put into place to do one thing, and that was to divide the working class and the lower class for political gain. Apartheid existed because the ruling class wanted to maintain their power by having a more powerful labor force, one that was easier to control, and one that was less likely to rebel or protest.Since Apartheid is such a divisive topic, I am sure you have heard of Apartheid South Africa. Apartheid also had effects on other countries in the region, namely Namibia, Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, etc. Apartheid in South Africa became very controversial and had many consequences on both the world and South Africa. As a result, South Africa spent a lot of time and money studying and re-writing its historical books and events to portray its own view of the subject.The country also tried to move away from its totalitarian past, moving toward democracy and liberalization, allowing various religious groups to be represented. South Africa's views on Apartheid are still controversial, and what can we do about it?During certain times in history, certain countries have a tendency to rewrite history to make it look better. In particular, South Africa has tried to create its own version of Apartheid by re-writing history, trying to create a reality that was never true, and denying the negative consequences of Apartheid to other countries in the region. For example, South Africa's government still c laims that Apartheid was designed as a system to help control the working class and keep them in line, while the truth is that the Apartheid system was not meant to provide control or benefit to the working class, but rather the military, business, and elite.With all of this in mind, how do we fight against Apartheid and help others who suffer from Apartheid? While you might think that an educational system will help us, this does not seem to be the case.Most American schools have not really taken much of a stand on what happened in Apartheid South Africa and what was done to achieve change in the country, and this leaves many American citizens with a completely warped perception of what happened in Apartheid. It seems as if many people simply have a very small frame of reference for the world of today, and they just accept the bad things that are happening around the world as a normal part of life.This need not be the case. It is possible to change the world of today and help those who are in need of help. By taking an interest in history, by learning about other cultures, and by understanding the past of a country, we can see the good things and the bad things of our world in a whole new light.

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