Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Historical Development of Graphic Design and Animation Theories Essay

Historical Development of Graphic Design and Animation Theories - Essay Example From the research it is clear that early specimen of graphics manifested in the form of symbols, signs and writings on any surface. A myriad of graphic designs were developed through time applying different techniques to capture the attention of the admiring audience. It was not until the 1920s when a group of German psychologists namely: Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka, devised a systematic approach in graphical design perception. They based their interpretation of graphical design on the notion of completion, where audiences sub-consciously view separately arranged entities as a single item. According to the paper finding colors were incorporated into graphics. This was so because colors were able to convey emotions and moods unlike previous monotonous colors (black and white). From the latter events, it can be presumed that colors breathed life into graphics. Most people’s initial knowledge on color, seem to suggest that all colors are simple mixture of three primary colors; green, red and blue. The color theory vehemently disputes this notion. It is crucial to understand the basics of color formation so as to accurately utilize those (colors) in graphic design to imply various moods. The contentious issue of color formation dates back to the 15th century where a number of disciplines were used in explaining the concept, namely; chemistry, mathematics and physics. Not all yielded to viable conclusion.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free

Drunk Driving Essay Every year thousands of people die from drunk driving. Some survive a car accident, but others aren’t so lucky. Drunk drivers should have more punishments than what we have today. It would make the roads a lot safer if we had more cops out, make the blood alcohol level lower than it is now, and make the punishments stricter. This would of professional cops and law enforcements are highly trained, competent professionals who sometimes are equipped with requisite skills needed. There aren’t enough of them to keep a close eye on the whole town. Every day there is always something bad going on in this town. They should be doing their job not just driving around in their cars doing nothing. When cops do their job a lot of people get mad â€Å"Many people charged with drunk driving protest that their driving was fine. They believe either that the officer made up an excuse to pull them over, or that the â€Å"mistake† that the officer observed was appropriate or had nothing to do with their driving†. The law enforcements need to step up their game and protect us from drunk drivers and other things. As with any criminal charge, a person charged with driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence is presumed innocent until proven guilty. If guilty is established, the penalty will depend on state law, as well as on any aggravating circumstances and defendants cooperation with the police. Many of the punishments the law gives people are reasonable but they need to make the punishments for drunk driving higher and enforce them more. Because if they don’t our roads are going to get worse and people won’t feel safe at night time when they go out. â€Å"In some states if you get a DUI, you get an automatic suspension of violator’s licenses. The lengths of a suspension of 45 days to one year, Forty-Three states require offenders to install ignition interlocks on their vehicles. These devices are capable of analyzing a drivers breath, and the ignition is unlocked only if the driver has not been driving. †(Larson) â€Å"A fourth offense operating while intoxicated will be felony if it occurs within five years of an earlier offense. Ignition interlock devices will be required for repeat offenders and first-time offenders at or above a 0. 15 blood alcohol level. †(Drunken Driving Law changes) Over the last 10 years there were twenty-five thousand people that died from drunk driving accidents. Most of the people that were driving that were drunk lived, but the people in the car with the drunk driver died. On September 3, 2012 Taylor moon passed away that morning. The was only 20 years old and lived every day to the fullest. Taylor always knew he would die by doing something he loved. This was driving fast motorcycles and party with his friends. That morning he was leaving a party to go home his blood alcohol level was past 0. 08 percent. He wasn’t watching where he was going and went right into the right side of a car that was coming. Taylor flew across the windshield were my friend AJ that was in the car saw his face and body when Taylor died. A. J didn’t know what to do the first person he called was Anthony; no one understood what A. J was saying because he was crying so much. They didn’t know Taylor that well. They still went to his funeral and talked to his family. If Taylor would have never got on his motorcycle drunk that morning he would still be alive today. His family and friends will all miss him dearly. â€Å"God has my baby now and doesn’t have to feel any more pain. † People could learn from Taylor’s mistakes and not drink and drive at all. Some people don’t get their family and friends will miss them more than they will ever know, because when they are gone their family is still here on earth with the pain of knowing they could never come back. Families are the most important ones because they have always been here to tell them not to drink and mess their life up. Most people don’t care they think it’s fun and it makes them look cool, but it’s not cool. It kills you inside even when you not dead outside. From the first sip, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches the brain. Although you’re not aware of it, there is and impairment of brain function, which deteriorates further the more you drink. â€Å"In most states, a person with a blood alcohol level that exceeds . 08 percent is eligible for a DUI if pulled over. †Most people do not know, however the law needs to lower the blood alcohol level because even if they drink one beer they can still kill dome one in a car accident even if they haven’t had that much. It still messes with your mind and eye sight. â€Å"Alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes is about four times higher at night than during the day. † (Get MADD) We need to put a stop to this whole trend now. Drunk driving should be legalized and people shouldn’t drink. If they do drive then someone sober needs to follow them and make sure they are ok and don’t get hurt either. Making the blood alcohol level lower would be a food thing to do for our town and the world. â€Å"Studies are often flawed or the results are confounded by other facts, that there is little evidence that lowering the BAC limit from.   The fact that introducing a lower BAC limits have no necessarily have a demon stable impact on traffic safety should not be taken to suggest that statutory BAC limits have no value in efforts to control the alcohol-crash problem. The function of a BAC limit may be to inform the public that the consumption of alcohol beyond a certain point is considered illegal and dangerous when combined with driving. This is because the general public has only a very superficial understanding of the relationship between alcohol consumption and BAC particularly in terms of their own behavior. Less responsible citizens have a tendency to make very poor decisions concerning driving after drinking. They don’t comply with the existing limit and are unlikely to change their behavior in an attempt to comply with a new lower limit. If so, a reduction in the legal BAC limit, in and of itself, would not be expected to have a substantial impact on the prevalence of impaired driving or alcohol-related crashes. Our critical review of the evaluation literature failed to provide strong, consistent and unqualified support for lowering BAC limit. At best, the results are mixed and the methodological weaknesses in the studies question the robustness and veracity of the evidence. The mission of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) is to reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries. TIRF is a national, independent, charitable road safety institute. Since its inception in 1964, TIRF has become internationally recognized for its accomplishments in a wide range of subject areas related to identifying the causes of road crashes and developing programs and policies to effectively address them. â€Å"Since 1992, San Diego car accident lawyers have seen relatives grieve upon the wrongful death or serious permanent injury of a loved one. â€Å"The drunk driver often survives, but tragically, innocent people are usually killed. †   The goal is to arrest more people that drive under the influence of alcohol to get them off the roads. BAC level of . 03 to . 06 a person begins to fell a calming sensation, BAC level of . 06 to . 10 a person reaches this level of intoxication, BAC level of . 11 to . 20 high intoxication levels show a person that would appear very drunk, BAC level of . 20 and up having this high BAC results in an individual that begins to lose any and all judgment and motor function. What this all means is that no one should ever drive a car after having a drink. The good news is that the drunken driving accidents statistics have actually declined in recent years. The car accident statistics are still not low enough, but it is a start. People just should not drink and drive at all no matter where they need to go. A lot of us drive cars. So why do we have to share the roads with people who choose to drink and then drive? Even if you â€Å"aren’t drunk† and are â€Å"just buzzed† you should not be on the roads. Even if you have ONE drink, stay off the roads for a while. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy to you knowing your wife, your child, your friends, or loved one ceased to exist here on earth because of a carless drinker? It would bring my world to a crashing halt. So don’t get behind the wheel of a car if you have had a lot to drink because it could be your life or a life of other people you could take while driving drunk.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Interpretation of the King in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Engli

Interpretation of the King in Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet presents in the character of King Claudius an intelligent, cunning, but seemingly unselfish ruler. This essay will present both an external and internal consideration of Claudius.    For the duration of the drama an important mental contest ensues between Claudius and the protagonist. John Masefield discusses this mind battle in â€Å"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†:    Justice, in her grosser as in her finer form, is concerned with the finding of the truth.   The first half of the play, though it exposes and develops the fable, is a dual image of a search for truth, of a seeking for a certainty that would justify a violent act.   The King is probing Hamlet's mind with gross human probes, to find out if he is mad. Hamlet is searching the King's mind with the finest of intellectual probes, to find out if he is guilty.   The probe used by him, the fragment of a play within a play, is the work of a man with a knowledge of the impotence of intellect--    "Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown"--    and a faith in the omnipotence of intellect--    "Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own."    To this man, five minutes after the lines have exposed the guilty man, comes a chance to kill his uncle.   Hamlet " might do it at"- while he is at prayers.   The knowledge that the sword will not reach the real man, since damnation comes from within, not from without, arrests his hand. (n. pag.)    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his ... Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint of Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.          Interpretation of the King in Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Engli Interpretation of the King in Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet presents in the character of King Claudius an intelligent, cunning, but seemingly unselfish ruler. This essay will present both an external and internal consideration of Claudius.    For the duration of the drama an important mental contest ensues between Claudius and the protagonist. John Masefield discusses this mind battle in â€Å"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†:    Justice, in her grosser as in her finer form, is concerned with the finding of the truth.   The first half of the play, though it exposes and develops the fable, is a dual image of a search for truth, of a seeking for a certainty that would justify a violent act.   The King is probing Hamlet's mind with gross human probes, to find out if he is mad. Hamlet is searching the King's mind with the finest of intellectual probes, to find out if he is guilty.   The probe used by him, the fragment of a play within a play, is the work of a man with a knowledge of the impotence of intellect--    "Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown"--    and a faith in the omnipotence of intellect--    "Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own."    To this man, five minutes after the lines have exposed the guilty man, comes a chance to kill his uncle.   Hamlet " might do it at"- while he is at prayers.   The knowledge that the sword will not reach the real man, since damnation comes from within, not from without, arrests his hand. (n. pag.)    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his ... Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint of Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.         

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Home Decision

Woven Shivers It is really nice to have an investment of your own, especially when the money comes from your own pocket (2012, First Time Home Buyers). Like for example, one of the best investments that a person could have in their life is to have his or her own home, a home that he or she could call their own. When It comes to purchasing a car, new home or even clothing you must weigh the benefits and cost properly so that you do not lead yourself down a path of financial ruins.While the idea of purchasing new home Is very excellent, It can also sometimes be overwhelming. A significant amount of time for consideration and evaluations Is necessary when making a major purchase such as buying a new home. Purchasing a home can have severe financial repercussions, thus making the decision to purchase a new home a daunting and challenging choice, so when making a large financial decision, the basic principles of economics along with one's relative needs you must closely assess.Many of the decisions we make as consumers directly relate to the current state of the economy. While the search for a new home continues, a couple of key principles should be used and will prove to be rather helpful to the new homemaker. Comparing marginal costs with marginal benefits while weighing out the disadvantages and advantages of the purchase Is included In this process (NAB, 2011). As homeowners have testified, a couple of key principles will contribute to this life-changing decision. Trade-offs† Is one of the principles you will face before and after your purchase. That meaner that there Is a cost for everything. When a major purchase decision Is made nonusers definitely have to give up another thing that they equally like such as a new car, vacation, other major purchases, or savings and investment. Trade-offs exist for almost every decision contemplated, but in the real estate market, trade-offs can be serious when money is the concern.Neither buyer nor seller wants to lose money in one of the biggest transactions they will ever complete. You can make better decisions when you realize that life has tradeoffs. The cost of what one decides to buy is equivalent to the cost of what one gives up for it. Choosing entails riding off a target against another and is a fundamental Issue of the decision- making process. In order to purchase a beautiful home, one will have to sacrifice â€Å"opportunity cost†; for Instance, I have to cut-down on Individual costs like entertainment, clothing and food.When you have to choose one thing over another then you have to make do without the benefits of that which you do not have. You have to compare the cost and benefits of what you have to make the best choice. For graduate more opportunities begin for a better paying Job. However, in this market he opportunity cost is typically minimal because the buyer can simply find another home that meets his or her needs. Cost is not a matter of dollars and cents; it also re presents what we must give up to get something else.In reality, we do not always make decisions that are all or nothing. Some choices are made based on â€Å"marginal changes†. When we think of purchasing a home one must compare the marginal cost of purchasing a home. Amortization is a marginal cost, will the payments be an addition to what you are already paying if you are renting. The difference in the mount is marginal cost. You must also consider the mortgage insurance cost, as a result, of purchasing a home. Will the house be bigger, adding more room for your growing family?Will utilities be higher? Other marginal cost to be considered would be; the cost of moving, your travel time, the expense of gas and mileage on your car, which is associated with your travel time, if your new home is further away from your place of work compared to your current apartment. The maintenance cost of a new home must be considered because the owner of a home is solely responsible of aging sure their home is maintained and secure. Consider all of the benefits and costs that a home presents. What might a year of security monitoring cost?Assign a value to benefits or costs that do not have an explicit price tag. The benefits of living closer to the Job could be calculated as more pay for work from extra hours that would otherwise be spent commuting from a home further away. Your optimal goal is to find a home in which the total benefit, marginal and otherwise, exceeds the total cost. While one considers the marginal cost, you must also consider the benefits. Consider the marginal benefits of owning your own home. The tax shield with renting an apartment, and we must compare the marginal benefits (the Joy) of owing your own home.The tax break and financial security of owning a home are essential in appreciating the purchase off new home. In a decision to purchase a home you must carefully analyze the cost and benefits in order to make the most rational decision for your family. Investments can sometimes be confusing, especially on real estate. One must always be careful when investing in the purchase off new home cause this is not Just money it is your hard-earned dollars you will be investing and unlike a pair of shoes you can't return it if you don't like it.The economy plays a major role in the decision to purchase a new home. If the economy has recovered fully or still at a low point, one thing is for sure, your finances must be secure no matter the rates. The economy is made up of different factors such as trading, exporting and importing, unemployment, house market and inflation. The economy plays such an important role because home prices are usually very high and will quire a substantial down payment, (most lenders require around 3. 5% of the value of the home), which may sometimes deplete your savings.The demand for houses is considered highly price elastic. Economic theories state that the larger the proportion of income a certain purchas e requires the more price elastic the demand will be. Your lender will explain that your house payment should not exceed more than one third of your monthly income. You, as the buyer, should have an understanding, as it will require the spending of a large proportion of your income, so this will inconsiderably lower your purchasing power when you decide to make the purchase of program if unemployment falls to under 7 percent. Unemployment is projected to reach 6. percent in 2014, according to the Feeds projections. Currently, unemployment stands at 7. 6 percent (Brenan, 2013). Brenan said that if the economy continues to show improvement the Fed will â€Å"ease the pressure on the accelerator†. The Fed has kept interest rates low to stimulate the economy and the low rates have helped boost housing affordability. The federal government will adjust accordingly if the economy veers from projections. The housing sector is looking a little better so the state and local governments are in a position where they do not have to lay off many workers.That meaner that the economy is improving. Domestic economy is the made up of several components such as government spending, trade, level of consumption and investments. The strength of the economy is affected by changes in these components. Domestic economy and international trade play an important role in affecting the economy. If government spending increases, it will help the GAP (growth domestic product). Because of this, we have economic growth in which will increase Jobs and wages but if the government spending decreases, the effect is contraction.This is somewhat of a ripple effect because it reduces the GAP, which thus reduces the level of income and number of jobs in the economy. International trade affects the countries balance and trade. We make choices daily based on the benefits. We have the freedom to want whatever but the resources to obtain that is limited. In our day-to-day life, we use several prin ciples to make decisions. We often-times make choices by realizing what SST be given up to gain something else or something better.Studies show that once consumers buy a home, get a mortgage and have a positive experience owning, they wanted to continue to own. In a study concerns about affordability both for the home purchase itself and upkeep was a major factor that discouraged renters from taking the plunge (Tara Bernard, 2012). A personal example off decision in which I compared marginal benefits and marginal costs associated with the decision was the time I decided that I was not happy in my Job and that the only way for me to et a better Job would be to go back to college to earn my degree.The reason I wanted to earn a college degree was for better Job advancement and better Job opportunities. Financially, the rate of return made my decision easy. In addition, college graduates enjoy better health, save greater percentage of their income; improve quality of life for them and t heir family (Sweatier, DCE. 2011). The marginal costs of my decision was the time and effort it took to complete course work, time away from family, the commuting and the stress of starting back to school at my GE after years of not attending.The incentives that would have led me to make a different decision might have been a Job in my field of expertise, more and better Job opportunities and more opportunities that did not require a college degree. After looking over all of the pro and cons of buying a house in the current market, I have concluded that it is the perfect time to purchase a home for my family and l. The government has been influenced by the recession to increase incentives for recurring as well as new buyers, in addition to low interest rates, and the large amount of repertoires to choose from.If the market were balanced, unemployment was at an all-time low and inflation was not so high, I believe I would not be able to afford the dropped to comparable prices, then I feel I would not be able to afford the over- priced properties. For new home buyers, the tax credit is a great incentive; without it, I wouldn't even consider buying a new home. Therefore, I am only able to buy a new home in this economy and be able to take full advantage of the incentives which comes along with the market, while making the best use of my marginal benefits and re worth all of the subsidiary costs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership: Theory, application, skill development Essay

Over the past one year, the concept and skills that I have been able to learn is that of leadership. Leadership is an important aspect of life because in every situation in life, there is a form of leadership, although minor in some case that is observed. It is often experienced in homes, schools, businesses, organizations, and even governments among other areas in life. Although as an individual I have never been involved in any form of leadership, I believe that leadership plays a very important role in the existences of human beings in the world since through leadership, people are able to know what to do, at what time, how to do it, and what results to achieve in the long run. It was my belief that leadership is meant for the male gender and the females were not suitable for any leadership positions, be it political leadership, at homes, schools or any other place in life. There has been stereotyping in the society that women cannot hold leadership positions except for men (Steinberg, 2008). However, one Sadhana Smiles, who is a chief executive officer of Harcourts Victoria, a real estate group, disapproves this notion that men are the only people who can take top leadership positions. She however, says that a lot of women are rarely considered for roles in leadership since men prefer to deal with their fellow men and are more comfortable in transacting business with other men more than with women. At first, I knew that there is no difference in leadership. For me, anybody who gave commands and issued instructions was a leader. I was wrong. During the year, I read about different types of leadership styles and did my research through observation in several organizations, one being our school as well as my church. I discovered that the frequently applied leadership styles in many organizations across the globe include transformational leadership and the transactional form of leadership (Kippenberger, 2002). Under the transformational leadership I learned that the leaders get an opportunity to give inspiration to the employees, so that the employees can perform beyond their normal duties. I also learned that leaders are people who are capable of performing the functions of showing direction, aligning, influencing, motivating and inspiring of the people they lead. On the other hand manager is simply someone who is capable of planning, budgeting, organizing and allocating resources and can control and resolve problems easily. In addition, leadership can be explained by use of many theories such as the traits theory, behavioural theory, and the contingency or situational theory which include theories such as the path-goal theory (Lussier, & Achua, 2010). Therefore, with the considerations of the above aspects and example on leadership, I realised that leadership is a very important at all levels in an organisation, and within the society. In addition, I realised that in leadership, what can work in one context may not be applicable in another. Culture is also another issue that I got to understand plays a great role in application of the theories of leadership. It is therefore, recommendable that women should be given equal chances in leadership as men without any form of discrimination, something that I really support since women can perform just like men or even better. References Kippenberger, T. (2002). Leadership Styles. Chichester: Capstone Pub. Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2010). Leadership: Theory, application, skill development. Australia: SouthWestern/Cengage Learning. Steinberg, B. S. (2008). Women in power: The personalities and leadership styles of Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, and Margaret Thatcher. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Defining the Meissner Effect in Quantum Physics

Defining the Meissner Effect in Quantum Physics The Meissner effect is a phenomenon in quantum physics in which a superconductor negates all magnetic fields inside of the superconducting material. It does this by creating small currents along the surface of the superconductor, which has the effect of canceling out all magnetic fields that would come in contact with the material. One of the most intriguing aspects of the Meissner effect is that it allows for a process that has come to be called quantum levitation. Origin The Meissner effect was discovered in 1933 by German physicists Walther Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld. They were measuring the magnetic field intensity surrounding certain materials and found that, when the materials were cooled to the point that they became superconducting, the magnetic field intensity dropped to nearly zero. The reason for this is that in a superconductor, electrons are able to flow with virtually no resistance. This makes it very easy for small currents to form on the surface of the material. When the magnetic field comes near to the surface, it causes the electrons to begin flowing. Small currents are then created on the surface of the material, and these currents have the effect of canceling out the magnetic field.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ryan Newman Racing essays

Ryan Newman Racing essays 1. How does Ryan Newman's passion for racing affect his NASCAR team? NASCAR driver Ryan Newman has been racing cars since the age of 4 1/2, and he combines a passion for racing with sound management skills. He has been racing for the Penske Racing Team since 2000, and with a degree in vehicle structure engineering, he understands the nuances of a racecar, making him an even more valuable team member. His Web site notes, "Newmans degree made him and then crew chief Matt Borland the first driver-engineer/crew chief-engineer combination in NASCAR history" ("About Ryan," 2008). His passion and knowledge seem to affect his team in very positive ways. For example, he understands vehicle engineering, so he has a close bond with the crew chief and the car's engineers, and because he understands the engineering, he can spot when there are problems with the car, and suggest solutions. A passion like Newman's has to rub off on the team and most of the team members are passionate about NASCAR racing too, or they would not be on the team, and so, Newman's p assion infects others and creates more passion and teamwork throughout the team. 2. What is the link between Newman's defeats and the success of his racing team? Newman's team has a long history in racing. The Penske name is one of the most well known teams in racing, and one of the most successful. For example, "The Alltel pit crew also earned the inaugural Checkers/Rally's Double Drive-Thru Challenge for spending the least amount of time on pit road throughout the season" ("About Ryan," 2008). They won the pit crew championships in 2007, as well, indicating that they are well rehearsed and efficient in their pit crew duties. Newman has won numerous awards for his racing skills, but some years, his victories number only one or two. It seems as if his defeats lead to a more concerted effort to make the car perform better, and it makes the team more aggressive in the car's...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Condolence Letter to Business Colleague for Lost Job

Condolence Letter to Business Colleague for Lost Job For any type of loss, including job loss, even if you feel a little awkward, I recommend you err on the side of kindness and connection, and send a condolence note or email. So often in business communication, we forget that it’s really human to human connection. Your colleague will feel acknowledged at a difficult time. You may forge a stronger relationship that will benefit you later. What to write when a colleague has lost a job? When you work for the same company, and are still employed, and willing to recommend your colleague: Dear Sandra: I was so sad to see your office empty when I returned from my trip. I know you were hoping to avoid the impending layoffs, so this must be challenging for you. I will so miss your wise insights, energy, and creativity. The office will be far quieter, and less interesting, without you here. If I can help with a letter of recommendation, referrals, or to just to lend an ear, please know I want to help. Best wishes finding a new position. With your can-do attitude and skills, I have no doubt your job search will be short. Please let me know how I can help. Best regards, Dimitri To a colleague from another company, with whom you had regular, but superficial contact: Dear Javier: I was so sorry to receive your email message that you are no longer with Federated Company. I will miss our monthly status reports. Thank you for letting me know your current contact information so we can keep in touch. Best wishes finding a position that matches all your talents. No doubt, there is a lucky company about to hire a very skilled project manager. Best regards, Doreen If a colleague leaves under conflict or duress: Hi Carmen, David told me this morning you are leaving Federated. I know the past months have been challenging for you, and I’ve admired your grace and professionalism. I wish you well. I hope your search is a short as possible. Sincerely, Dora Some tips: Don’t mention the poor economy. The news is full of this, so you would only be underscoring an obvious worry. Two recently unemployed friends told me they were very annoyed when people told them, â€Å"I’m sure something will appear.† Be truthful. A new job doesn’t just appear. It’s a lot of work, and transition, to find new work. Don’t minimize their loss. Do offer to make connections or write a letter of recommendation, if you are willing. Do wish your colleague well. Remember: Job security is tenuous for everyone. Each of us can lose a job, so it’s a smart career move, as well as kind, to reach out when a colleague loses a job. Sadly, each of us can find ourselves in the same position. Stay connected. Don’t forget to thank those people who helped you find a new job, once you are hired.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Importance of Training and Development in the Tesco Plc Essay

The Importance of Training and Development in the Tesco Plc - Essay Example The main results of the research highlight the fact that training and development programs are required in every organization including Tesco Plc as it increases the productivity of the organizations. Training and development is the main focus of the research, which is the chosen topic for the study. It is an important part of the business growth that relates to the development of the overall performance of the company. An organization is bound to provide training programs to the employees to inject the culture of the company and develop their skills as per the requirement of the clients. The training programs also help in developing the future of employees and achieve the goal determined by the company. The research aims at elaborating the training and development programs of Tesco Plc and whether the programs can add value to the development of the company. Hence, Tesco Plc is the main target company, whose training and development programs are evaluated and recommendations are giv en pertaining to the best training practices in Tesco Plc that add value to its operation. The main reason for choosing Tesco Plc for the research as it is one of the best retailers in the world, which exercises excellent training system. Though the company is confident regarding its training and development programs the research will help Tesco Plc to access the success of the programs through empirical analysis. It is observed that there are few types of research pertaining to this topic in the past and the researchers do not provide enough information to the readers regarding the success of the practices. Thus, this research will be an important resource for the company as it explains the best way of engaging training and development activities to maximize its overall performance and reach the targeted goal.

Police Recruit Applicants Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Police Recruit Applicants Report - Term Paper Example All the interviewers gave a varied assessment of the integrity, emotional stability and professionalism. Interviewer A rated her as very good on this aspect, interviewer B concluded that she is good while interviewer C felt convinced that Summerton can only be rated as average on the three aspects. This demonstrates that the applicant can be correctly described as good in terms of professionalism, integrity and emotional stability. Summerton has a good knowledge of laws, regulations, policies and procedures according to the three interviewers. Furthermore, her analytical and reasoning skills are good as rated by two of the three assessors with the other rating her as very good. Summerton is good in community and team relationships except for one assessor who rated her as average. Given the opinion of the majority, Summerton can be described as being a good team player and having good community relationships. The interview also assessed one’s oral and written communication skil ls. On this aspect, Summerton was rated as good by two out of the three interviewers while the other rating her as average. Given the opinion of the interviewers, Summerton can be rightly described as having good communication skills. ... She can also be described as of average personality when it comes to being helpful, sympathetic towards others and cooperation. Despite the above admirable personality traits, Summerton has a low degree of sociability, talkativeness and assertiveness. The information provided by Summerton was authenticated by the referees and employers checks as true. Moreover, she was cleared by the ethical standards division. The second applicant for police recruitment post was a male named Thomas Garrigan. He is aged 27 and has previously worked as a retail assistant for two years and as a nurse for a year. Upon completing his high school, Thomas pursed a degree in Science and a Bachelor in Nursing. He is rated as good in terms of integrity, emotional stability and professionalism. He is also very good in terms of knowledge of laws, regulations, policies and procedures. He has good analytical and reasoning skills according to the majority of interviewers. His written and oral communication skill i s also good and is a good team player. Thomas is physical fit and had high achievement on the beep test. When it comes to major personality traits; Thomas is highly disciplined, result oriented and organized. Thomas is averagely a helpful person, sympathetic to others and cooperative. He also has an average ability of controlling his impulse, anxiety and emotional stability. Furthermore, he can be described as having average socialization skills. He is also averagely an assertive and talkative person. Thomas is not curious to learn new ideas and try new things. He has been influenced by his father who is presently a Senior Sergeant in charge of Morryvale Station. Thomas is a sincere gentleman with all the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Air Solutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Air Solutions - Case Study Example We offer specialist capabilities and product ranges to meet the specification of complete air systems installation and pipeworking as well as for hydraulic systems, vacuum pumps and ancillary equipment.2 Keeping in sync with technology is of utmost importance to any industry, especially in the consumer industry. Air Solutions made major improvements in industrial air compressors within four years of its launch by the company in 1994.Similarly, in the case of HACU (Heavy duty air conditioning unit), the product was updated in 1996, eight years after its launch in 1996.This was accompanied by a massive advertising campaign. There were minor design changes in 1999, to improve the product. Thus, Air Solutions has been keen to match up to consumer preferences and update its products even before the standard ten-year operating life for which the product has been designed. The company believes in catering to well-informed consumers and spends on advertising campaigns about new product launches. A constant sales figures of 12000 units of IAC and HACU per annum prove the constant demand for these products. Providing timely and necessary service support also form a key deciding factor while a consumer researches and zeros in on the company to buy the product from. Consumer service, not only before or during the sale of the product, but also after sales service play a vital role in determining the reputation and sales volumes of the company's products. While supply of spares and post sales support can provide an additional business opportunity, it might be a drain on the reserves and logistics of the company. Typically, engineering, especially air conditioning companies introduce a product with an anticipated operating life of ten years. However, due to various market factors, these might sometimes be used for more than thirty years. Now, if the product is more than ten years old and has been replaced by a newer version, then there is little that a spares and support system can do to help the customer. Oftentimes, the cost of replacing the spares is a massive proportion of the cost of the product itself. In such a scenario, the customer might be advised to go in for a new product itself, instead of trying to repair the existing product. According to the leading website on air-conditioning, heaters and refrigerators, "Variable Frequency Drives Running on Bypass Can Waste 56 Percent or More Energy for Your Air Handling System. Despite the economic advantages and significant energy savings available by using AC variable frequency drives (VFDs) in HVAC applications, many building operators do not repair or replace drives when they fail since the motors can easily continue to run through a bypass contactor. While this is a great solution for short-term outages, continued operation in this mode quickly becomes a very expensive way to operate a fan."1 Strategy The strategy to make the most of the spares and sales support department would be to: (i) Strategically locate these warehouses Proposed Locations: Manchester, Birmingham, London, Singapore, Europe, U.S, Africa 1) at the site of production of IAC and HACU ie. one at Manchester and another at

The Financing and management of risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Financing and management of risk - Essay Example The company has major business activities in countries like Canada, Japan, China, UK, Mexico, Taiwan, Philippines, India, etc. Apart from coffee, Starbucks also sells ice cream, cold and hot beverages, snacks, beer, etc. The products offered by Starbucks are specific to the location of the store and are seasonal and customized to the target market segment. Starbucks employs around 149000 employees in its coffee stores and operations all over the world. Through its massive chain of coffee houses all over the world, Starbucks generated revenue of $13.29 billion in 2012 with a net income of $1.36 billion for the company. The strong performance of Starbucks’ coffee business across the world is highly dependent on its business model which has been well established by the company. The business model of Starbucks lays its success story for attracting customers into its stores for a cup of coffee day after day all over the world. The coffee selling stores of Starbucks present a status symbol for the customers of coffee. Although the coffee sold in the stores of Starbucks are priced highly, it the ambience that the stores of Starbucks offer to the customers that makes a difference. The coffee selling stores are supported by friendly and helpful staffs who address the problems, queries and grievances of customers who walk in to take coffee. The customers taking coffee are largely valued in the stores which in turn help the stores to hold their customers (Starbucks Corporation, 2013, p.1). The over business model of Starbucks which is applicable to its national as well as international presence is described below. Starbucks have a transnational model of business in which it has a universal product that is customized to fit the requirements of the local market. Starbucks follows a business model whereby the coffee and other products like beverages, beer, ice cream, snacks, etc. are sold through the coffee house chains in the international markets. Starbucks products under brand names are also sold in the grocery shops and retail market chains across the world. The coffee business of Starbucks has to be responsive to the markets and fits the taste and culture of the local people who walks in to take coffee. The strong business model of Starbucks has helped them to build international relationships and achieve their targets. Starbucks original business model was based on marketing of coffee by providing enriched customer experience in an upbeat environment inside the coffee stores. In order to cope up with the competitive market, Starbucks have now adopted advertising strategies by media like newspapers, television, offering cheaper prices, etc (Kazmi, 2010, p.21). As depicted above in the diagram for business model of Starbucks, the business model takes into consideration a range of factors that includes product strategy, customer economic, marketing of coffee, cost of capital of the business, economic sale, assessing value of the business, pro duction costs, revenue mechanism, growth of assets and competitive barriers, etc. The product strategy is framed by looking at the emerging demands of the market. Apart from offering a single product of coffee, Starbucks took into consideration

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health and Safety Manager for WoooW company Essay

Health and Safety Manager for WoooW company - Essay Example Since the employee wanted to resume his work, it is my duty to explain to him the dangers that will be faced and to safeguard the health so as not to strain at work. Bradycardia is a condition whereby the heart tends to have a slower beating rate than normal. In a normal adult heart at rest, the beats are usually between 60 and 100 times per minute. However, if an individual suffers from bradycardia, his /her heartbeat is lesser than 60 times in a minute. The condition can be considered a fatal problem in instances where the heart does not propel sufficient oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. However, some individuals do not display any symptoms or complication when suffering from the condition. The condition can be caused by many reasons such as changes in the heart that are the effect of growing old. Besides, illnesses that harm the heart’s electrical system including, heart attacks, infections such as myocarditis and endocarditis as well as coronary artery disease. Another cause includes situations that have a potential in slowing the electrical impulses of the heart such as a low thyroid level also known as hypothyroidism, an electrolyte imbalance ("Equality Act 2010" n.d.). Lastly, a various medication used while treating high blood pressure or heart conditions such as antiarrhythmic, digoxin and beta-blockers can lead to a slowed heartbeat rate. Although some individuals are suffering from the condition exhibit mild to no symptoms at all, a few symptoms are associated with it. The patients usually feel lightheaded or dizzy and have short of breath, which makes them find it difficult to be involved in exercising. Besides, they tend to feel exhausted and experience chest pains or a feeling that their heart is throbbing or flapping. The condition’s treatments include depending on the causes, being given a pacemaker, which assist in correcting a slow

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Business law - Assignment Example (Harpwood, 2009). However, in the case if Donoghue v Stevenson the court established significant principles to guide in the determination of the duty of care person owed another and the range of duty of care a person can owe another. In a contractual relationship, one party owes the other a duty of care whose breach can result to legal consequences on the party in breach (Harpwood, 2009). However, in tortuous liability a person can be guilt of negligence for the person or persons are not contract parties if only there is evidence that the person in breach owed the other duty of care and they breached that duty which consequently caused the person they owned duty of care recoverable damages or loss (Steele, 2014). When determining whether the duty of care existed between the parties or whether it did not exist depends on type of claimant, type defendant, the nature of damage caused to the claimant and the nature of conduct of the defendant (Harpwood, 2009, P. 229). In Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] UKHL 100, the plaintiff had been bought a bottle of ginger-beer by her friend from a retailer. As she was about to clear the content of the beer, she discovered a decomposing snail in the bottle. The sight of the decomposing snail was nauseating so that it caused the appellant to suffer from shock and severe gastro-enteritis. The bottle was opaque such that neither the trader nor the customer could realize the content in the bottle unless by emptying the content of the bottle. She was unable to sue the seller either under breach of contract or for negligence, but she could sue the manufacturer of the ginger-beer. The manufacturer had a duty to ensure the goods sold to the consumers are of the right quality and provide efficient system that would detect any fault in the products. When issuing the verdict the court developed the â€Å"neighbor principle† whereby the defendant will be held responsible

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Health and Safety Manager for WoooW company Essay

Health and Safety Manager for WoooW company - Essay Example Since the employee wanted to resume his work, it is my duty to explain to him the dangers that will be faced and to safeguard the health so as not to strain at work. Bradycardia is a condition whereby the heart tends to have a slower beating rate than normal. In a normal adult heart at rest, the beats are usually between 60 and 100 times per minute. However, if an individual suffers from bradycardia, his /her heartbeat is lesser than 60 times in a minute. The condition can be considered a fatal problem in instances where the heart does not propel sufficient oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. However, some individuals do not display any symptoms or complication when suffering from the condition. The condition can be caused by many reasons such as changes in the heart that are the effect of growing old. Besides, illnesses that harm the heart’s electrical system including, heart attacks, infections such as myocarditis and endocarditis as well as coronary artery disease. Another cause includes situations that have a potential in slowing the electrical impulses of the heart such as a low thyroid level also known as hypothyroidism, an electrolyte imbalance ("Equality Act 2010" n.d.). Lastly, a various medication used while treating high blood pressure or heart conditions such as antiarrhythmic, digoxin and beta-blockers can lead to a slowed heartbeat rate. Although some individuals are suffering from the condition exhibit mild to no symptoms at all, a few symptoms are associated with it. The patients usually feel lightheaded or dizzy and have short of breath, which makes them find it difficult to be involved in exercising. Besides, they tend to feel exhausted and experience chest pains or a feeling that their heart is throbbing or flapping. The condition’s treatments include depending on the causes, being given a pacemaker, which assist in correcting a slow

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is Hip Hop a Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Is Hip Hop a Culture - Essay Example It started with house parties at the home of Clive Campbell, or DJ Kool Herc, as he is known, a figure that is widely associated as "the father of Hip Hop" (Hess, 2007). Overtime, the parties became more frequent, attendance grew and the movement spread across the borough. The pioneering stage of Hip Hop was developing at these parties, with Jamaican-inspired events such as impromptu toasting or loud, boastful poetry reading about current events and hardships the main highlights of the soirees. The location of the inception of Hip Hop, and the period in modern American history in which this happened are not a coincidence. The 1970s were a time where social classes were further being cemented in urban cities across America, and the Black youth was feeling resentful towards their dismal standards of living. Furthermore, street gangs were aplenty in the streets of South Bronx at the time, as they still are today, a sign of the struggle with poverty of the region. Due to the competitiven ess of the gangs, Hip Hop evolved further as it became a lot about the gangs beating each other in the form of graffiti, or rap, or breakdancing, as opposed to beating each other up (Rose, 2008). And so, it was recognized that the kids of the Bronx and other such beaten down neighborhoods could shape their violent urges into creative ones, and crews focusing on dance, graffiti, rap music began cropping up in the form of Zulu Nation (Rahn, 2002). Over time, the movement gained enough attention to garner dedicated articles and documentaries. Therefore, Hip Hop came to be. While it is true that Hip Hop may have been the result of the united creativity of some poor American kids, what it has grown into is something much bigger. Many argue that it is now one of the most important modern cultures of all time, having an effect on teenagers and the young worldwide (Price, 2006). The incentive behind these frequent get-togethers was to let troubled teenagers stay out of trouble, out of the s treets and to give them an outlet for their frustrations without any physical danger to them or anyone else. There are, of course, many critics weighing in on how valuable Hip Hop has been to American kids and the society in general (Lewis, 2009). Many people around the United States of America, and the world, too, argue that Hip Hop has been a negative influence on the youth. It is widely known and acknowledged that Hip Hop came into existence as a distraction for the economically depressed youth of the Bronx. Many of the active players in this movement were Black teenagers, mostly boys that were also in gangs. Over time, this image of Hip Hop has not changed much and instead, has been propagated by music videos that glorify sex, drugs and weapons. Many argue that Hip Hop is an art belonging to the hooligans of society. Moreover, many music videos frequently portray rich Black men visiting clubs and bars, dancing with barely dressed women rapping about money and sex. In fact, many a time, Hip Hop dancers and rappers are frequently associated with criminal tendencies, and do not always harbor a stellar reputation among the more conservative and orthodox members of society. Many experts had recommended that Hip Hop be given official

Monday, October 14, 2019

Religion as a conservative force Essay Example for Free

Religion as a conservative force Essay There Christian churches manage to force their conservative values onto masses of people. But, within the last 100 years the Anglican church has been very progressive in that the stance the church has on a lot of modern issues has changed. The churches stance on abortion has changed from absolutely against God to acceptable in some cases. And, although they still see sex before marriage as wrong they are no longer as condemning about it. In this example religion as a conservative force is dying as modern values take over religion and religion can no longer reinstate traditional ones. In contrast the Roman Catholic church, while being Christian, is extremely conservative and hasn t changed its stance on most contempory issues. They still believe that abortion is wrong unless its harmful to the mother, that sex before marriage is wrong in all cases and that contraception is not allowed. The Catholic church is still incredibly prominent and important within many countries and so they view that religion is a conservative force is still true. When discussing whether religion is a conservative force it is really a discussion about different religious institutions being conservative. Within Christianity, different churches and interpretations differ greatly regarding being conservative or progressive. In its day, Protestantism was a very progressive force and Catholicism was very conservative, even though they both were Christian churches they were either conservative or progressive. Traditionally sects are not seen as a conservative force. Q. an values. There Christian churches manage to foAssess the view that religion is a conservative force. Religion can be defined in many different ways, from the traditional view of a belief in God, contrasting with the functionalist view that religion only needs to function and help people and does not require a God. Religion can also differ in size and beliefs and, especially in modern countries, how progressive or conservative they are. Conservative religion s religion which religion which conserves a countries values and norms. The Christian religion does this in many western countries as it embodies many of the values which those countries hold. According to functionalists and Durkheim, by religion holding these values it makes them more sacred and re-enforces these values. According to Parsons religion also generalises these values into society. The values which are generally preserved by religion in these countries are very conservative ones. This is where religion is against social change, maintaining the status quo. This is what functionalists see as necessary for keeping and creating social unity. However, this differs greatly from progressive religion. Religion which is progressive brings about change within societies and usually holds very little of the same values which the society does, and by doing so doesn t reinforce them. Religion which usually falls under the category of progressive religion is very New Age, but they do not all challenge the values in western countries. This is where religion helps social change. Churches such as the Anglican church within Christianity are incredibly traditionally and conservative in the way that they hold very much the same values which they held including the views on certain behaviours which they traditionally held. Churches such as the Christian churccts see themselves as progressive within society and institutions which challenge a country s norms instead of conforming to them or agreeing with them. The tend to be very New Age in their beliefs and deviate from traditional conservative religions not just in values but in the way they recruit, have a hierarchy and conduct religious business. As many traditional religions are loosing members sects are rapidly growing in size, and although many don t make it through the first few years, those which do have increasing popularity and manage to recruit members which are more willing to be a force within society. This is where religion is becoming an increasingly progressive force within societies. Many sects are even progressive with how they recruit members. As well as the traditional route of recruiting one-on-one they also do so online. This is a very progressive method as it differs greatly from the usual method of bringing people into religion from birth and ado lance generally through religious ceremony. But, not all sects to this. The increasingly common Christian sect within Britain and American ( ) recruits members from birth within families, instating their values from birth. So, sects sometimes are conservative but in different ways. This shows that even new religions can be conservative and that the force of conservative religion remains strong. Weber look into Protestants and social change found that religion did result in the change of values and norms within British society at the time. Protestantism changed laws and made things such as dancing illegal. But, Protestantism, in many ways, was more traditional than what was in place before. If conservatism is defined as traditional values is was in fact a conservative force that took over Britain and many other countries within Western Europe. This contradicts the view that conservative religion reinforces values and norms with societies. Marxists argue that religion is a conservative force as it does not bring about social change. Many of the traditional values which many churches hold are values which are the same as middle class or are to the benefit of middle class. As they do not change Marxists believe that religion is the force behind this and are therefore a conservative, not a progressive force. Fundamentalists are traditionally seen as conservative religious forces. Taylor defines involvement in fundamentalism as those who believe that there is a challenge to the ultimate authority which the believe in; people who do not tolerate this challenge, they can reaffirm their belief in that authority and oppose those who challenge their beliefs. The reason fundamentalist are usually found to be religious is that according to this view fundamentalism involves the conservative reassertion of beliefs and, usually, action against any change. Conservative fundamentalists are most notably found to be a big force in the USA. They may hold traditional conservative Christian values but they are a progressive movement as they see the USA as declining away from the those values and especially the world. This movement is a return to old values and the reinstatement of them, such as a return to creationalism within schools. This movement is also forceful in that it holds a lot of power with America and its electoral system. President Bust who was elected for two terms manage to get elected mainly on a traditional conservative values campaign, showing that the conservative religion movement is huge within such a powerful advanced modern country. But even conservative fundamentalists can bring about progress change as what they believe are traditional values can differ from what other people believe for traditional values. This is especially true with Islam as within Islam are many different fundamentalist groups, all of whom are interpreting true Islam in different ways. The Sacred Brethren is also an example of a sect which can be seen as conservative and yet does rapidly change. When the leader of this sect died and someone else took over its values changed and although it remained a conservative force it was still resulting in change, not just reinstating its traditional values. And, fundamentalist can be progressive and bring about social change in other ways. In Iran the bringing back of traditional Islamic values brought major change as it overthrew the Iranian Government, in-stating new laws and values. Even tough it was a return to traditional values and came within a conservative force it was still progressive in bringing about change. Religion obviously differs a lot, not just in belief, and it can be spilt into progressive or conservative. But, even with this it can differ when you take into account the conservative religions which bring about change. Even though the evidence points towards sects and progressive religions being the future for this world as they increase their membership as conservative religions decrease their membership. But in countries such as the USA it is conservative religions which are increasing in power, which means the conservative religion and more power within societies. s manage to get elected mainly on a traditional conservative values campaign, showing that the conservative religion movement is huge within such a powerful advanced modern country.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Toni Morrison Post Colonial Feminism

Toni Morrison Post Colonial Feminism The author is of the view that third wave feminism which includes black feminism is a speaking back to the white Westerns. The African American writers by writing back to the ideologies set by the colonizers did well in their works of fiction. Toni Morrison, an African American novelist in her novels did a wonderful job of writing back. The present author defined first of all the ideas of culture and imperialism discussing the conceopt of Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha and many other intellectuals who strove hard to produce marvelous works of criticism in which they pointed out the ideologies structured by the West. Gayatri Spiviks Subalterns study is also discussed. and applied to Morrisons selected works of literature. The author pointed a few key point of postcolonial feminism and tried to show them in Toni Morrisons novels in order to prove his agenda that Morrison is a really a leading figure whose works show Feminist Postcolonial Approach. Fore Word -A Writing back by an Afrcian child I want to begin my paper with a poem which was written by an African child, and was nominated for the Best Poem of 2008. The title of the poem is Color which is a speak back attitude to the white: When I born, I black; When I grow up, I black; When I go in sun, I black; When I scared, I black; When I sick, I black; And when I die, I black; And you white fellows; When you born, you pink, When you grow up, you white, When you go in sun, you red, When you cold, you blue; When you scared, you yellow; When you sick, you green; When you die, you grey; And you call me coloured. Chapter One: Introduction The present paper is an analysis of colonialism, imperialism, feminism, and postcolonial feminism. Postcolonial feminism is also called as Third World Feminism or Black Feminism. The author first of all explains the idea of colonialism according to the Professor Edward Said that he discussed in his work Colonialism and Imperialism in which Said defines the colonialism and imperialism. Said gives in detail the ideology of the West how they structured the binaries oppositions and gave the concept of Orientalism by suggesting the idea of educating the others. Homi K. Bhabha gives the concept of hybridity and Gayatari Spivik s famous work of Subaltern can speak are discussed in the following research paper. The author also explained the key points of postcolonial feminism in this paper and then with the reference of different writers discussed Toni Morrisons novels in the light of these salient features of postcolonial feminism. First of all the author analyzed Toni Morrisons novel The Bluest Eyes and showed the elements of postcolonial feminism race, gender , and identity in this novel. The author is of the view that Pecolas wish to have Blue eyes is an escape from racism and to wipe out all ugliness not only from her community but from all the world. The next novel that is analyzed is Sula in which again the author tried to show the salient features of postcolonial feminism that is to speak back or showing the importance of female characters in the form of Sula and other female characters. The author from the original text proved that the white folk in fact brought all the blackness. The third novel which is discussed with reference to the postcolonial feminism is The Beloved, in which the key concept of postcolonial feminism is discussed is mother-daughter relationship and idea of mothering which is discussed with the reference of Morrisons theory of Mothering taken from her interviews is discussed. Finally the author concludes the paper in which he gives his finding about Toni Morrison and her novels that her works are true representative of postcolonial feminism. Chapter Two: Colonialism and Postcolonial Explained PROFESSOR SAID says that his aim is to set works of art of the imperialist and post-colonial eras into their historical context. My method is to focus as much as possible on individual works, to read them first as great products of the creative and interpretive imagination, and then to show them as part of the relationship between  culture  and empire.(Said, 22) If we observe the basic theory behind the postcolonial feminism we will come to the point that this theory itself is supported by the theories of psychoanalysis, Marxist-feminism and post-colonialism. In this paper I am going to trace out the Feminist Postcolonial Approach in Toni Morrisons novels. The author is of the view that Toni Morrison being an African American writer focused her work on the above mentioned approach. Before we progress it is necessary to go through the main idea and the main points which are the backbone of the postcolonial feminist approach and before that we have to discuss in detail the features of colonialism, post-colonialism and feminism. If we try to find out the roots of Postcolonialism we will come to the point that postcolonialism is specially a postmodern intellectual discourse consisting reactions to and analysis of cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism. In anthropology it can be defined as the relations between nations and areas being colonized and ruled. It comprises a set of theories that are found amongst history, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, film, political science, architecture, human geography, sociology, Marxist theory, feminism, religious and theological studies, and literature. To destabilizing Western ways of thinking in order to create space for the subaltern, or marginalized groups, to express and produce substitutes to overriding discourse is the critical nature of postcolonial theory. Often postcolonialism as a term is taken to mean just a time span after colonialism. This thing creates a problem because the once colonized world is full of contradictions, of half-finished processes, of confusions, of hybridity, and liminal ties. In order words, it is suggested that the word postcolonialism has plural nature as it does not simply refer to the period after the colonial ear. The goal of a theorist is to find out the residual effects of colonialism on cultures and hence the main objectives of such theorists are to account for and combating these effects on the cultures. It does not simply mean to find out the historic aspects of these areas but it also comprises how these areas can move beyond this period together, towards a place of reciprocal respect. The main objective of these theorist is make clearing space for the multiple voices of these areas and these were the voices which were previously silenced by the dominant ideologies-subalterns and among these discourses as is recognized this space should be cleared within the academia. In his book Orientalism, Edward Said explained very clearly that scholars who studied what used to be called the Orient (mostly Asia) totally overlooked the assessments of those they actually studied while preferring instead to rely on the intellectual superiority of themselves and their peers which was the approach forged by the European imperialism. It is recognized by many of the post-colonial thinkers that there are many assumptions which are underlying the logic of colonialism and these are the forces which are active today. This is also argued by many of the thinkers that studying both the knowledge sets of the dominant groups and those who are marginalized as binary opposites maintains their presence as homogenous objects. Homi K. Bhabha thus emphasized his agenda that only hybridity can offer the most profound challenge to colonialism. He thinks that the postcolonial world should valorize spaces of mingling; spaces where fact and legitimacy move aside for ambiguity. (Bhabha, 1994). What is left by Bhabha is offered by Spivaks as the agenda of usefulness of essentialism. Chapter Three: African American Studies and Postcolonialism A Need To Talk Back Colonial racism is no different from any other racism. says   Frantz Fanon and if we compare African American Studies and postcolonial studies we will come to know that though they belong to different fields but they share a lot concerning a goal of destabilizing racial hierarchies and debates concerning the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized is exactly the same as that of between masters and slaves in a bondage. Even within the United States and other area which are known as postcolonies we find the current reality of discrimination and racism towards minorities or populations of minority joins these two studies together through neocolonialism. Precarious of current American educational policy, a prominent black feminist Bell Hooks states, I believe that black experience has been and continues to be one of internal colonialism (148). The necessity to decolonize the attitude of present-day America fuels existing efforts in regaining and convalescing minority history and literature. Hazel Carby in her Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of Afro-American Woman Novelist points New sociological and literary approaches to history become beneficial methods for reclaiming the past and imitating culturally sensitive paradigms for the futureCritics like Henry Louis Gates, Barbara Christian, Ella Shohat and Homi K. Bhabha are associated through a need to talk back. Another key question in postcolonial feminism is who speaks for whom and whose voices are heard in discussions of Third World womens issues. The lack of voice given to Third World women remains a problem as does the failure of Western women to problematise the role of the West in the issues discussed. The question of voice was raised by Gayatri Spivak in her influential essay Can the Subaltern Speak? (1988) in which she analyses the relations between the discourses of the West and the possibility of speaking of (or for) the subaltern woman (Spivak : 271). Race and Multiculturalism in Academia: Writing Back Toni Morrison, Marlene van Niekerk, and Anthony Appiah are considered to be the Pen World voices in the PEN WORLD VOICES FESTIVAL 2010. The issues such as representation, nationalism and essentialism are fleshed out from African American Studies and Postcolonial studies and hence literature and literary theory under the core of these disciplines become sources of for such social commentary. Nation-making and redefinition of nation, along-with the obscuring between public and secluded spaces are among common subjects, critics in both fields are fast to point to the hazards of hurriedly discharging this literary work as political. Gates writes of a need to dissipate the myth of supposed primacy of Western tradition over the so-called non-canonical tradition such as that of the Afro-American. Especially cognizant of the dangers of essentialism in his book The Signifying Monkey, Gates studies the need to create a new narrative space for representing the recurring referent of Afro-American literature, the so-called Black Emperience( Gates ,111). Similarly, critical of essentialism , Homi Bhabha, a projecting Cultural Studies and Postcolonial critic, connects the two fields together as he remarks: The intervention of postcolonial or black critique is aimed at transforming the conditions of enunciation at the level of the signà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦not simply setting up new symbols of identity, new positive images that fuel an unreflective identity politics'(Bhabha, 247) Bhabha and Toni Morrison Bhabha even conducts a detail reading of Toni Morrisons Beloved in the introduction of The Location of Culture. Scholarship does indeed overlay in stimulating ways between these two fields. Much in the same way Toni Morrisons Playing in the Dark examines and counts the ways in which white selfhood in literary America is further established by actualizing black occurrence. Edward Saids Orientalism seek to show that European culture gained in strength and identity by setting itself off against the Orient as a sort of surrogate and even underground self(Said,3) Gender The juncture of race, ethnicity and gender politics has shaped challenging debates in the works of Bell Hooks, Barbara Christian, and Shirley Anne Williams as well as in the work of Gayatri Spivak and Chandra T. Mohanty. Patriarchy often becomes a symbol, a trope of power inequity and the offender for the ills of colonialism and neocolonialism. Bell Hooks states in Outlaw Culture, For contemporary critics to condemn the imperialism of the white colonizer without critiquing partriarchy is a tactic that seeks to minimize the particular ways gender determines the specific forms oppressions may take within a specific group(Hooks, 203) There is also a risk of totalizing along with this intersection. Barbara Christian in Race for Theory that attentions against essentialist constructions of black womanhood, equates the dangers of an excessively rigid black feminism to the colossal, monotheistic Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 70s. Chardra Mohantly needs against the same essentializing exercise in the growing discourse on Third World feminism. Negotiations of class are similarly called for in both fields of study. Remarkably, Hooks remarks upon what she sees as an ignored problem in cross-cultural feminist discussion in Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics. She states, We often forget that many Third World nationals bring to this country the same kind of contempt and disrespect for blackness that is most frequently associated with white imperialism. (Hooks, 93) Chapter Four: Postcolonial Feminism and Black feminism Postcolonial Feminism is also called as Third World Feminism which is a form of feminist philosophy and is concerned about the idea that colonialism, racism and long lasting effects of colonialism in the postcolonial settings, are bound up with the unique gendered realities of non-white and non-Western women. Postcolonialism criticizes Western feminists as they have a history of universalizing womens issues, and their discourses are often misunderstood to represent women world-widely. Black Feminism  argues that sexism, class oppression, and racism  are inextricably bound together.  The way these relate to each other is called intersectionality. Forms of feminism that strive to overcome sexism and  class  oppression but ignore race can discriminate against many people, including women, through racial bias. The Combahee River Collective  argued in 1974 that the liberation of black women entails freedom for all people, since it would require the end of racism, sexism, and class oppression.(Wikipedia) Postcolonialism gives the idea that the term woman is used as a universal group and that they are only described by their gender and not by social classes and ethnic identities. It is also believed that the mainstream Western feminists ignored the voices of non-white, non-western women for many years, thus creating resentment feminists in developing nations. Postcolonialism involves the descriptions of many experiences endured during colonialism which include migration, resistance, slavery, difference, gender, race, place, representation, suppression, and responses to the influential discourses of imperial Europe. Postcolonial feminists observe the parallels between recently decolonized nations and the state of women within patriarchy-both take the perspective of a socially marginalized subgroup in their relationship to the dominant culture. Postcolonial feminist have had strong ties with black feminists because colonialism usually contains themes of racism. Both groups have struggled for recognition, not only by me in their own culture, but also by Western.(Wikipedia). Thus it can be said that Postcolonialism discusses the issues of the women of those areas which were once the colonies of the West and it lumps up together all the women of the world. Feminism raises this agenda that all the women of the world have their own special identity and they should be regarded as independent personality apart from their sex and sexuality but postcolonial feminist also see that the fate of non-white and non-western women is different from the women of the west as theses non-white and non-western women are not enjoying the rights as the women of mainstream are enjoying . Postcolonial feminist approach gives rights of raising their voices which were once silenced by the colonizers. It can be inferred that as women were doubly colonized in the era of colonization by their own male members of the society, and these non-white and non-western women were thrice colonized as they were considered less than the white women.(Web) Chapter Five: Postcolonial Feminist Approach in Toni Morrisons Novels Larry Schwartz in his essay compares Toni Morrisons art of writing with William Faulkners art of writing although in her interview Toni Morrison claimed that she is not like Faulkner but the deep study of her novels prove this fact. Toni Morrison being an African American writer is considered to be one of the renowned postcolonial feminist writers who touched the very idea of raising voice of repressed group of the black women. Her novels Beloved  is considered by many to be her most impressive work of literature to date (winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1988), she has also written many award-winning novels including  The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon, Jazz, Tar Baby,  and  Paradise. Like  Beloved, most of Morrisons work deals with the struggles of African Americans, especially women (web). The Bluest Eye (1970) Toni Morrison in her novel The Bluest Eye highlights the idea of racism. In the colonial period the legacies of colonialism were consistently bound with racism. In this novel Morrison very clearly depicts the effects of the legacy of 19th century classical racism for poor black people in the United States. In the novel the daughter of a poor black family, Pecola Breddlove, internalizes white standards of beauty to the extent that she become crazy about it and bore a wish to have blue eyes. The idea is very clear that binary oppositions structured by the Western White class concerning the beauty and ugliness are still at work. Even today we people think to be white is the standard of beauty. In the binary oppositions like man/woman, white/back, Occidental/Oriental, Rich/poor and such like those all the elements on the left of the bar are considered to be the supreme while the elements on the right are marginalized or rendered as Others. Pecola is seen so influenced by these binaries that she tries to escape from this so called or structured ugliness of her own society or race of colour. Her ardent wish for blue eyes comes to stand for her wish to escape the racist, unloving, poor environment in which she lives. For a long time mainstream white Western feminism paid negligible attention to the problem of race. Racism was considered secondary to patriarchy and had been one of the biggest problems of the non-white women. Many white women were of the claim that they did not see dissimilarity or to act upon it. It took a long, hard scuffle by black women to have racism included on the feminist agenda. One of the most moving and influential critiques of white satisfaction came in 1980 from the radical black lesbian feminist Audre Lorde: By and large within the womens movement today, white women focus upon their oppression as women and ignore difference of race, sexual preference, class and age. There is a pretense to a homogeneity of experience covered by the word sisterhood that does not in fact exist(Lorde, 116) Morrison in the novel tries to explain why Pacola wanted to have blue eyes, let us see the following lines which are taken from Chapter  3  of the Autumn section: It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the pictures, and knew the sights-if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different Here the narrator tells about Pecola not only wanted to have blue eyes to look beautiful but in fact it was her thinking that with blue eyes everything will also change. These blue eye speak about her wish to have liberty not from ugliness of blackness but the ugliness of the dark thoughts and her desires to bring in a change in her black society. Toni Morrison is of the view that beauty and ugliness are the matters of seeing and to be seen and both are linked with eyes. It is a famous saying : When you look with loving eyes all the world looks lovely. The same idea is discussed in The Bluest Eyes where Pecola wants to look everything beautiful and to be looked beautifully. Her own community that was colonized are not colonizing Pecola due to her blackness though her internal portion was not black as she totally internalized whiteness. The idea is also seen in the Heart of Darkness where the symbols of black and white colours depict Conrads point of inward blackness and whiteness. Morrison uses the same technique by showing Pecolas internalizing whiteness. Here it is also clear that solid propensity of white women to disrespect racism was an effect of white privilege- a point women of colour were forced to make repeatedly: As Third World women we clearly have a different relationship to racism than white women, but all of us are born into an environment where racism exists. Racism affects all of our lives, but it is only white women who can afford to remain oblivious to these effects. The rest of us have had it breathing or bleeding down our necks. (Moraga and Anzaldà ºa 1981: 62) There is another key factor of postcolonial feminism in the novel as Pecola is raped by her own father who did all this in the result of that humiliation that he suffered when he was having sex first time and was humiliated by two white men. Thus patriarchy is seen in this violence which is done to Pecola as she is colonized by her own father. Pecolas rape is the depiction of destruction of cultural identity of the Black community. Similarly, the seeds of marigold which did not bloom is also a depiction of colonization as their own soil did not permit those seeds to bloom as was commented by Claudia, Frieda and hence Pecola which is also a proof of ineligibility of their own black community. Pecola is a hope of decolonization as she wanted to be heard, to be seen beautiful and her illegitimate progeny is a symbol of her wish which was not allowed to be born. Toni Morrison here wants to depict that Black society was week at that as they did not allow Pecola to flourish and this thing compares the novel with Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart where Okonko was not supported by his own clan. All what is done with Pecola is true picture of Black feminism. Sula (1974) In the present novel the female characters are the embodiments of the matriarchal authoritative of women. The novel depicts the social problems that were and are present in the society. Morrison tries to depict that these female characters attenuate the male characters. Eva, Helene, Hannah and Sula all represent such figures which are the driving forces which precede the plot of the novel. Morrison wants to show that all the members of the society are the important ingredients who add flavor to the society. All the female characters are made central in the novel hence this novel proves to be a pure example of novels of postcolonial feminist novel. According to the post colonial theory the female part must speak back to the so called norms which are carved out by the males. The novel gives an exact example of subaltern can speak as the main character Sula is the symbol of such a person who being a female has power to chose her own way of living as she went away and comes back and proves herself such a person which is needed by the society. The novel shows that all the female characters of the novel are so important part of the Black community and their existence is necessary for bonding the society together. Sula also maintains the interdependence and closeness of the society with its members. Sula will open your eyes to social problems which exist in the present day. The women in the book such as Eva, Helene, Sula and Hannah represent the matriarchal authoritative women, weakening the male characters. Women drive the action in the story and give their importance in the family. They present their importance in the Black community and their existence in bonding it together. Morrison also shows in the novel the dying of blackness when Sula says: You think I dont know what your life is like just because I aint living it? I know what every colored woman in this country is doing. Whats that? Dying., Just like me. But the difference is they dying like a stump. Me, Im going down like one of those redwoods. I sure did live in this world.'(143) These words spoken by Sula on her deathbed which she expressed to Nes her thoughts concerning her thoughts about the life styles that was accepted and the positions of women in Medallion. The line speaks dying old system.   Sula also establishes the closeness and interdependence of the community with its members. The novels shows that each and every member is just like a spice that gives special flavor and odour to the community and which is essential for the society. In Sula all the characters including Shadrack and the Deweys give every individual importance in the community. Thus Sula proves to be full of such evidences which proves that there are elements of third world feminism in the novel as Suals actions are the alternates of her voices which were silenced before. Chris Weedon in her article Key Issues in Postcolonial Feminism: A Western Perspective writes that: in 1984 Black American feminist Barbara Smith spoke of being part of a Third World feminist movement: And not only am I talking about my sisters here in the United States-American Indian, Latina, Asian American, Arab American-I am also talking about women all over the globethird World Feminism has enriched not just the women it apples to, but also political practice in general'(Smith:27). Thus the Third World Feminism is giving all the women especially the Black ones power and confidence to speak and now they are not silenced as were before.(Weedon). The Beloved (1987) The depiction of Morrisons theory of African American mothering articulate in her novels, essays and interviews Mothering is considered to be one of several key points of ideas of postcolonial feminism which is highlight in the present novel The Beloved. The novels is set after the  American Civil War  (1861-1865), it is inspired by the story of an African-American  slave,  Margaret Garner, who temporarily escaped slavery during 1856 in Kentucky by fleeing to Ohio, a  free state. A posse arrived to retrieve her and her children under the  Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which gave slave owners the right to pursue slaves across state borders. Margaret killed her two-year-old daughter rather than allow her to be recaptured. (Wikipedia). In the novel Sethe in an attempt to save her children from slavery slaughters her eldest daughter and it is assumed in the novel that her daughter return as a ghost named Beloved because the same word was inscribed on the head stone of her grave. The novel depict the mother daughter relationship which is the one of the central key points of postcolonial feminism. The maternal bonds between Sethe and her children inhibit her own individuation and prevent the development of her self. Sethe develops a dangerous maternal passion that results in the murder of one daughter, her own best self, and the estrangement of the surviving daughter from the black community, both in an attempt to salvage her fantasy of the future, her children, from a life in slavery. However, Sethe fails to recognize her daughter Denvers need for interaction with this community in order to enter into womanhood. Denver finally succeeds at the end of the novel in establishing her own self and embarking on her individuation with the help of Beloved. Contrary to Denver, Sethe only becomes individuated after Beloveds exorcism, at which point Sethe can fully accept the first relationship that is completely for her, her relationship with Paul D. This relationship relieves Sethe from the ensuing destruction of herself that resulted from the maternal bonds controlling her life.( Deme trakopoulos, pp. 51-59) Motherhood , in Morrisons view, is fundamentally and profoundly an act of resistance, essential and integral to black womens fight against racism and sexism and their ability to achieve well-being for themselves and their culture. The power of motherhood and the empowerment of mothering are what make possible the better world we seek for ourselves and for our children. This, argues OReilly, is Morrisons maternal theory-a politics of the heart.(OReilly) In spite of the mothering, the novel also depicts the theme of slavery and its havoc which is seen as destruction of identity. It also shows the importance of language and community solidarity. Toni Morrison also depicts the blackness hidden under the white skins of the White people which is evident from the following line taken from Chapter 19, at the beginning of Part II,   White people believed that whatever the manners, under every dark skin was a jungle. Swift unnavigable waters, swinging screaming baboons, sleeping snakes, red gums ready for their sweet white blood. In a way . . . they were right. . . . But it wasnt the jungle blacks brought with them to this place. . . . It was the jungle whitefolks planted in them. And it grew. It spread . . . until it invaded the whites who had made it. . . . Made them bloody, silly, worse than even they wanted to be, so scared were they of the jungle they had made. The screaming baboon lived under their own white skin; the red gums were their own. Stamp Paid here consider the ways in which slavery in fact corrupts the identity and he it was the jungle whitefolk planted in them. And it grew and spread. The idea is very clear as is evident in Heart of Darkness where Joseph Conrad tried to say the same thing that the white were black from within and the same idea we find in Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare where Portias picture was in Lead, a black material, and in Othelo , Iago was white from without and was black from within. Here Morrison tells the same thing that only white fellows were in fact black from within. It is an apt writing back to the White colonizers which is a salient feature of postcolonial feminist writing. Conclusion: It is evident from the above going discussion that Toni Morrisons works are based on the postcolonial feminism in which she very skillfully highlighted the idea of gender, race, sex and identity and similarly she also highlights the concepts of talking back and making a space among white feminism. As the mainstream white feminism at first could not give proper position to non-white and non-Western women , black feminism became able to raise their voice and were able to even write back and hence succeeded in making their own identity. Toni Morrison hence secures a very apt position among the postcolonial feminist who helped these thrice colonized black women to stand up for making their own identity. The above mentioned three novels also show the death of the protagonist. The death in also a theme of Toni Morrisons novels which is also meaningful as the slavery is the destruction of identity which is depicted by death of the characters. The above discussed novels cover show many key points of postcolonial feminism.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Terminology Paper -- essays research paper

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper June 17, 2005 One major corporation that is affected by organizational behavior is the west coast based 24 Hour Fitness, Inc. The company operates and owns more than 300 fitness centers that offer aerobic, cardiovascular, and weight lifting activities to the company’s more than 2.7 million members. Some locations offer even more amenities than those listed. The fitness centers are located in 16 states as well as Europe and Asia ( In regards to organizational behavior, or the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations (, 24 Hour Fitness meets its organizational objectives by setting goals for its sales staff. The result is a profit for the company but most of all, a commission for the sales counselors themselves. In respect to human objectives, 24 Hour Fitness strives to meet the needs of all customers by customizing personal diet and workout plans, providing the most up to date fitness machines, staffing certified physical trainers, providing functioning and well-maintained equipment, competitive membership rates and promotions, and a clean and well kept environment for its patrons. Human needs involving the staff are met by employees receiving benefits such as medical and dental insurance, retirement, and other things like discounted personal training sessions and free memberships. Managers a...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Discipline in School and at Home Essay

Sometimes, when people hear the words discipline, they picture kids gone wild. We did use gentle discipline. And in school and home have to a calm, peaceful feel to it. We also had a lot of fun. A lot of the preparatory works have to follow where discipline was concerned. We have to use to teach care of self, care of the environment, control of movement, and grace and courtesy. The sense of order, ability to concentrate, and self-discipline gained from those activities made all our later life easier. It helps our life be more polite to teachers and parents as well as to others. We believed in following God, respecting one another, being responsible, and doing our best. We can use demonstrations to show them how to treat one another and even how to respect others’ property. We learn how to treat our toys, books, and learning materials with care. We studied religion and used many character-education lessons and books. Discussions about values were common in our home. Current research demonstrates that quality relationships with adults and peers make a tremendous difference for young people. A sense of connection or belonging is an important protective factor. Students who perceive a sense of connectedness or community at school and/or home are less likely to engage in risky behaviors (smoking, using drugs, engaging in violence). They are also more likely to be successful academically. Young people who grow up in families that they perceive as both kind and firm are more likely to thrive. Positive Discipline teaches parents and teachers how to be kind and firm at the same time and how to invite a sense of connection from the youngsters they are involved with. The approach is neither permissive nor punitive. Positive Discipline is an effective way for parents, teachers and students to learn life skills and build a sense of community and connectedness based on mutually respectful relationships. Even though we didn’t follow a schedule rigidly, we have a schedule or â€Å"rhythm† for our days. More important, we have to the stability of parents and teachers who loved us and each other and spent a lot of time with us. Freedom within limits is a very important in our school and home. While freedom to follow our interests help us experience success and independence, the limits were extremely important as well. We only enjoy the amount of freedom what we could handle responsibly. PROBLEMS [pic] Some basic statistics create a picture of the problem. # More than 30% of middle school students report being victimized three or more times by peers over the course of one year. # In a survey of high school students nationwide, the Center for Disease Control found that 17. 4% of students had carried a weapon (e. g., a gun, knife, or club) on one or more days in the month preceding the survey. Male students (29. 3%) were significantly more likely than female students (6. 2%) to have carried a weapon. CDC 2001 data. 1 # The same survey showed that 6. 6% of high school students had missed one or more days of school during the 30 days preceding the survey because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to or from school. (CDC) # During the 12 months preceding the survey, 19% of high school students had seriously considered attempting suicide (14.8% had a specific plan). Female students (23. 6%) were significantly more likely than male students (14. 2%) to have considered attempting suicide. (CDC) # Nearly one half (47. 1%) of students nationwide had consumed one or more drinks of alcohol on one or more of the 30 days preceding the survey (i. e. , current alcohol use). And 30% reported episodic heavy drinking in the month prior to the survey (5 or more drinks on one or more occasions). (CDC) 1CDC Youth Surveillance data available at CDC website http://www. htm [pic]. HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM The techniques used in Positive Discipline have been shown to have a positive impact on schools. A study of a school-wide implementation of classroom meetings in a lower income Sacramento elementary school over a four-year period showed that suspensions decreased (from 64 annually to 4 annually), vandalism decreased (from 24 episodes to 2) and the teachers reported great improvement in classroom atmosphere, behavior, attitudes and academic performance. (Platt, 1979) A study of a parent and teacher education program directed at parents and teachers of students with â€Å"maladaptive† behavior using the tools used in Positive Discipline, showed a statistically significant improvement in the behavior of the students in the program schools when compared to the control schools. (Nelsen, 1979). Smaller studies examining the impacts of specific Positive Discipline tools have also shown positive results. (Browning 2000, Potter 1999, Esquivel). At Home The young person’s sense of connectedness with his or her family is associated with positive outcomes. A national study of 12,000 adolescents showed that a sense of connectedness with their family was protective against every health risk behavior except history of pregnancy. (Resnick et. al. 1997) The questions asked of the teens in this large study included whether or not the teen felt wanted or loved by family members, whether they perceived caring by their mother or father, how many activities they engaged in with either parent in the previous week, and parental presence during different times of the day. b) At School. A young person’s sense of connectedness with school or â€Å"sense of community† in school is associated with positive social and academic outcomes. As above, there is a strong correlation with a student’s perception of being â€Å"connected† and the sense of â€Å"community† with academic and social well being. This has been examined by numerous researchers. Resnick, et. al. (1997) asked students questions such as â€Å"Do you feel that teachers treat students fairly? † â€Å"Are you close to people at your school? † â€Å"Do you feel part of your school? † He found that a sense of connectedness to school was protective against health risk behaviors. These findings are consistent with those of Goodenow (1993) who found a relationship between the students’ sense of belonging and their academic achievement and motivation. CONCLUSSION This was probably one of the most important parts of disciplinary approach. We respected our teachers and parents. Teachers and parents also respect their students and child with their opinions. As we grow older, we should be more decision-making responsibility. We felt respected and didn’t have a need to rebel because we know we would consider our responsible, well-thought-out ideas. For example, when I was in third grade or so, I had the choice of how to handle my schoolwork before a week-long trip during the school year. I decided to do two weeks-worth of work in one week, working day and evening to allow myself a week off during my trip. When there was a behavioral problem, we often used logical consequences. Even though we had a schedule, we didn’t follow the clock exactly. Our schedule is more assignment or project based. If we procrastinated in completing our work for the day, the logical consequence was that our school day lasted longer until our assignments were finished. The interventions included using class meetings, a constructivist curriculum, a focus on meaningful work and team building. In schools that successfully implemented the program the sense of community increased. More interesting perhaps was that examined individually, students with a higher sense of community were found to accept the established norms of the school, whatever those were. In longitudinal studies the researchers found that students coming from schools that had implemented the program to increase a sense of community and work for higher- level thinking, did better than their classmates from comparison schools when they arrived at middle. There is some evidence that a sense of community among staff members may be an â€Å"important precursor to the development of a sense of community among students. † (Royal and Rossi, 1997) Not surprisingly, modeling appropriate relationships among the adults seems to support students in developing appropriate interpersonal relationships. Teachers’ sense of community is also related to their job satisfaction and effectiveness. There are many, many studies (not individually cited here) that show that parental involvement is related to school success. Interestingly, when more closely examined, authoritative parenting is strongly related to parental school involvement and â€Å"academic encouragement,† both of which are associated with school success. The positive impact of â€Å"school involvement† is significantly less if the parent does not also have a â€Å"kind and firm† parenting style.