Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Struggle For Social and Economic Equality in America

Discrimination The struggle for social and economic equality of Black people in America has been long and slow. It is sometimes amazing that any progress has been made in the racial equality arena at all; every tentative step forward seems to be diluted by losses elsewhere. For every â€Å"Stacey Koons† that is convicted, there seems to be a Texaco executive waiting to send Blacks back to the past. Throughout the struggle for equal rights, there have been courageous Black leaders at the forefront of each discrete movement. From early activists such as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and W. E. B. DuBois, to 1960s civil rights leaders and radicals such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Black Panthers, the progress that has been made toward full equality has resulted from the visionary leadership of these brave individuals. This does not imply, however, that there has ever been widespread agreement within the Black community on strategy or that the actions of prominent! Black leaders have met with strong support from those who would benefit from these actions. This report will examine the influence of two â€Å"early era† Black activists: Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois. Through an analysis of the ideological differences between these two men, the writer will argue that, although they disagreed over the direction of the struggle for equality, the differences between these two men actually enhanced the status of Black Americans in the struggle for racial equality. We will look specifically at the events leading to and surrounding the â€Å"Atlanta Compromise† in 1895. In order to understand the differences in the philosophies of Washington and Dubois, it is useful to know something about their backgrounds. Booker T. Washington, born a slave in 1856 in Franklin County, Virginia, could be described as a pragmatist. He was only able to attend school three months out of the year, with the remaining nine months spent working in coal mines. He developed the idea of Blacks becoming skilled tradesmen as a useful stepping-stone toward respect by the white majority and eventual full equality. Washington worked his way through Hampton Institute and helped found the Tuskeegee Institute, a trade school for blacks. His essential strategy for the advancement of American Blacks was for them to achieve enhanced status as skilled tradesmen for the present, then using this status as a platform from which to reach for full equality later. Significantly, he argued for submission to the white majority so as not to offend the power elite. Though he preached appeasement and a â€Å"hands off† attitude toward politics, Washington has been accused of wielding imperious power over â€Å"his people† and of consorting with the white elite. William Edward Burghardt DuBois, on the other hand, was more of an idealist. DuBois was born in Massachusetts in 1868, just after the end of the Civil War and the official end of slavery. A gifted scholar, formal education played a much greater role in DuBois's life than it did in Washington's. After becoming a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Fisk and Harvard, he was the first Black to earn a Ph. D. from Harvard in 1895. DuBois wrote over 20 books and more than 100 scholarly articles on the historical and sociological nature of the Black experience. He argued that an educated Black elite should lead Blacks to liberation by advancing a philosophical and intellectual offensive against racial discrimination. DuBois forwarded the argument that â€Å"The Negro problem was not and could not be kept distinct from other reform movements. . . † DuBois â€Å"favored immediate social and political integration and the higher education of a Talented Tenth of the black population. His main interest was in the education of ‘the group leader, the man who sets the ideas of the community where he lives. . . † To this end, he organized the â€Å"Niagara movement,† a meeting of 29 Black business and professional men, which led to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The crux of the struggle for the ideological center of the racial equality movement is perhaps best exemplified in Mr. DuBois's influential The Souls of Black Folk. In it, he makes an impassioned argument for his vision of an educated Black elite. DuBois also describes his opposition to Booker T. Washington's â€Å"Atlanta Compromise† as follows: â€Å"Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the old attitude of adjustment and submission†¦ † According to DuBois, Washington broke the mold set by his predecessors: â€Å"Here, led by Remond, Nell, Wells- Brown, and Douglass, a new period of self-assertion and self- development dawned†¦. But Booker T. Washington arose as essentially the leader not of one race but of two–a compromiser between the South, the North, and the Negro. † DuBois reported that Blacks â€Å"resented, at first bitterly, signs of compromise which surrendered their civil and political rights, even though this was to be exchanged for larger chances of economic development. DuBois's point and, according to him, the collective opinion of the majority of the Black community, was that self- respect was more important than any potential future economic benefits. Before Washington's conciliatory stance gained a foothold, â€Å"the assertion of the manhood rights of the Negro by himself was the main reliance. † In other words, DuBois resented what he saw as Washington â€Å"selling† Black pride: â€Å"†¦ Mr. Washington's programme naturally takes an economic cast, becoming a gospel of Work and Money to such an extent as apparently almost completely to overshadow the higher aims of life. The compromise included, in DuBois's words, â€Å"that black people give up, at least for the present, three things,– â€Å"First, political power, Second, insistence on civil rights, Third, higher education of Negro youth,–and concentrate all their energies on industrial education, the accumulation of wealth, and the conciliation of the South. † The final point comprised the centerpiece both of Washington's strategy for the ultimate redemption of Black Americans and of DuBois's condemnation of that strategy. Indeed, Washington backed up his assertions by founding the Tuskeegee Institute as a trade school for young Black men. DuBois could not abide this type of appeasement. In his mind, this step was tantamount to the Black community telling the white community that, henceforth, Blacks would cease pretending to be equal to whites as human beings; rather, they would accept an overtly inferior social status as being worthy of maintaining the white majority's physical world, but unworthy of true equality, of conducting socio-cultural discourse with the mainstream society. The paradox must have been maddening for both men, especially Mr. Washington. He no doubt understood that, as a group, Blacks could never hope to progress to the point of equality from their position of abject poverty. Moreover, without skills, their hopes of escaping their economic inferiority were indeed scant. Washington's plan for blacks to at least become skilled artisans and tradesmen must have seemed logical to him from the standpoint of improving the economic lot of the average Black man. At the same time, he must have realized that, by accepting inferiority as a de- facto condition for the entire race, he may have broken the black spirit forever. In considering this matter, the writer is reminded of more recent events in American history–the affirmative action flap that occurred after Clarence Thomas's appointment to the U. S. Supreme Court, for example. Mr. Thomas, clearly a beneficiary of affirmative action, announced that he was nonetheless opposed to it. His argument was that if he had not been eligible for benefits under affirmative action programs, he would have still achieved his current position in the inner circle of this society's white power elite. Similarly, Booker T. Washington enjoyed access to the power elite of his time, but one must wonder whether President Roosevelt, for example, in his interactions with Mr. Washington, was not merely using the situation for public relations value. â€Å"[Mr. Washington] was ‘intimate' with Roosevelt from 1901 to 1908. On the day Roosevelt took office, he invited Washington to the White House to advise him on political appointments of Negroes in the south. † After all, he did not become a popular president by being oblivious to such political maneuvering. Perhaps Mr. DuBois was the more prescient visionary. Perhaps he understood what Mr. Washington did not, that after the critical historical momentum toward social acceptance that had been established prior to the late nineteenth century, if political pressure were not maintained, the cause of true equality would be lost forever. Moreover, DuBois understood that equality would not be earned through appeasement. From our perspective of over 100 years, we must admit that he may have been right. For example, in the aftermath of the â€Å"Atlanta Massacre† of September 22, 1906 and a similar incident in Springfield, Illinois, â€Å"it was clear to almost all the players that the tide was running strongly in favor of protest and militancy. â€Å"For six days in August, 1908, a white mob, made up, the press said, of many of the town's ‘best citizens,' surged through the streets of Springfield, Illinois, killing and wounding scores of Blacks and driving hundreds from the city. † However, it later turned out that DuBois was considered to be too extreme in the other direction. For example, as the NAACP became more mainstream, it became increasingly conservative, and this did not please DuBois, who left the organization in 1934. He returned later but was eventually shunned by Black leadership both inside and outside of the NAACP, especially after he voiced admiration for the USSR. In the political climate of the late 1940s and 1950s, any hint of a pro-communist attitude–black or white–was unwelcome in any group with a national political agenda. We can see, then, that neither Washington's strategy of appeasement nor DuBois's plan for an elite Black intelligentsia was to become wholly successful in elevating American Blacks to a position of equality. However, perhaps it was more than the leadership of any one Black man that encouraged African Americans to demand a full measure of social and economic equality.

Develop MPI Essay

First, in today’s global economy, many companies are vying for a presence in the global markets. There are several ways to gain entry into a foreign market but many questions must be answered first to make sure there is a return on investment or an exit strategy. In the Foley Company case, Joanne has to determine what are her Company strategies advantages and disadvantages of entering Brazilian market for soybeans harvesters: First, she has to determine whether the Company is considering a standalone entry or entry through alliances. This could be a pivotal point in their decision because on one hand the lack of experience with foreign manufacturing operations could prove to be costly in a standalone entry for example. But as Mr. Osborne point it out this is also a â€Å"too good to lose† market, so an equity-base method of entry through alliances seemed to be a none-starter for Foley Company. But eventually, Ms. Poe has other options to consider for entry strategies: Contract Manufacturing, Licensing, Franchising or Exporting. Contract Manufacturing Contract manufacturing has a flexibility element to it as an entry method as it can be used as an added value to other method of entry. This is a major advantage. Ms. Poe could recommend this option in conjunction with franchising for example. Contract Manufacturing would also give the Foley Company a new look at the market in Brazil because the company has not seen this aspect of business in Brazil. Here, the company could focus on R&D and other improvement to its machinery to gain competitive advantage. The advantages of this method of entry could be: low capital required, low risk, manageable exit strategy, easy to structure and direct the process. The disadvantages of this method could be: the Company could lose some control due to lack of international experience, difficult to account for the cultural and differences in quality of work and standards, locally accepted practices can be hard to gauge when selecting vendors of supplies of parts etc. can be a problem for a new entran t in the market especially when there is potential for major capital investment. Licensing Licensing method of entry for companies could be reinsuring for the Foley Company because the Company would be able to legally protect its assets  while in the process conducting market establishing its name in Brazil. But this is more to prepare the â€Å"field† by licensing its rights and expertize to local companies conduct to business on its behalf. The important elements here are protection by the local regulations. The advantages here could be: Less hurdles to enter in case of import complexities in Brazil, fast entry into the market, no capital upfront required to establish a presence. But the disadvantages could be: Decrease in sales (not fully engage yet), culture differences and interpretations, and more importantly, the licensee could collaborate with competitors or become competitors themselves which would complicate future deals in Brazil. Franchising By recommending franchising a method of entry, Ms. Poe could emphasize the fact in this case rapid expansion, where a franchise would maintain a business relationship with Foley Company which would grant it the right to distribute its soybeans harvesters using Foley’s brand in exchange for a fee. The creation of a network of owner operated dealers would increase its market share and expanded territories. Less advertising programs and costs, market penetration at high rate, brand equity. The disadvantage of this method of entry could be the cost of engaging locals by Foley Company and potential lack of connection between the company goals in US and it Brazilian counterpart might cause frictions because the local might not be fully vested into the â€Å"bigger picture†. My recommendation would be: Wholly Owned Subsidiaries: Like many Companies, The Foley Company could establish itself fully in Brazil. This would give the company ownership through wholly owned subsidiaries. This method would allow Foley Company to gain control over manufacturing operations and any profits centers completely without sharing with any potential partners. The drawback to this method of entry would be the high initial investment. There can’t be guarantees here because of other intangible like politics, social, economical facts can complicate matters sometimes. But in the long-run, this method of entry which can be done through Acquisition or Greenfield investment (building entirely new facility), would yield many advantages for the company, for example brand equity, increase its competitiveness in the market. With the right  synergies, the economic benefits, in my opinion would outweigh the costs while expanding the market. References Buckley, P.J., and Casson, M.C. 1998. Analyzing Foreign Market Entry Strategies: Extending the Internationalization Approach. Journal of International Business Studies: 539-561.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Online MBA Degree University of Phoenix

When more income is earned the demand for goods will shift to the right as more goods and higher levels of goods are demanded across the board. The budget line follows the law of demand as it shifts to the right showing an Increase In the quantity demanded of Items. This should not be confused with movement along the curve which Is caused by a change in price of a specific good. The purpose of a market system To allow government to control what is sold. To set constraints between buyers and sellers. To bring buyers and sellers Into contact * d.To allow an organization to set prices In relation to their products. Rejoinder: In the market system an exchange of money for goods and or services takes place. A true market system sets the price through barter where the goods and services sell for the best price offered by the buyers creating equilibrium. For this exchange to take place the market serves as a meeting place for buyers and sellers. If the organization sets its prices there may not be market equilibrium and that can result in either a shortage or a surplus.By specializing In the production of one good a company Is able to benefit from economies of scale which Increases their revenues. Attributes of specialization Include Reducing costs by creating a surplus. Saving time by allowing a worker to focus on one task* Encouraging workers to learn new skills. Encouraging workers to learn a number of different skills. Rejoinder: Specialization occurs when a firm is able to use the resources available to it to produce one product or family of products rather than trying to produce multiple goods and spreading the firm's resources In many directions.By focusing or concentrating on one task workers can achieve a higher level of training in that skill and become more productive. Firms always strive to produce only the amount of reduce they can sell to maximize their profits. The market system promotes progress by a, Creating incentive to continue to do things In the same way b. Restricting the amount of capital directed to specific goods. C. Slowly adjusting to changes In the In ten prices AT resources. A Provoking Incentive Tort technological advances.Rejoinder: Because firms are competing for consumers' dollars they always want to have the newest and latest product available which will be the most advanced in their category and appeal to consumers as new purchases. This provides incentive to stay ahead of the competition in developing new technology. If a firm continues without advancing its product the competition that do advance will attract their customers which is why firms dedicate resources to research and development.Revenue increases when producer surplus increase* producer surplus decreases consumer surplus increases consumer surplus decreases. Rejoinder: Producer surplus is the difference between the minimum price the producer is willing to receive and what they actually receive. The surplus is their profit and the larger the surplu s the greater their profit on the good. When it decreases they are receiving a price closer to their minimum acceptable. The consumer surplus measures what the consumer is willing to pay and its difference from the market price.The closer to the market price the higher the consumer surplus because they are spending less than they are willing to and the less spent the lower the revenue will be for the good. An increase in the price of an inelastic good will decrease revenues decrease the percentage change in quantity less than the percentage change in price increase revenues* increase the percentage change in quantity more than the percentage change in price Rejoinder: Inelastic goods are necessities that consumers will continue to arches even when price increases.This increases the revenue as more is paid for each good. The percentage change In price increases faster than the change in quantity which may remain constant. When we pay more for a good or service revenue will increase. Objective 1. 2: Explain market equilibrating process Productive efficiency is when the most valued combination of resources is used. The best technology is used. * when production occurs at a fair cost per unit. Fewer resources are left for production of other goods.Rejoinder: Efficiency is when we get the most out of the resources that are used to produce a good. This means having the newest and unsurpassed technology to produce the least waste and the lowest cost. Unused resources due to the new technology can then be allocated to the production of other goods. The market is said to be in equilibrium when there is potential for a shortage but not a surplus there is potential for a surplus but not a shortage. Neither a shortage nor a surplus exists* the quantity sold equals the quantity purchased. Appliers are asking for a product. It is the market price where the two come together and all the goods produced are sold without leaving anyone demanding additional units of that good. T he market will move too higher equilibrium price if the decrease in supply is greater than the decrease in demand* the increase in supply is greater than the increase in demand. The decrease in demand is greater than the decrease in supply. The increase in demand is greater than the increase in supply. Rejoinder: Price serves as a rationing tool for the demand of goods.If the price is too high fewer of the good are demanded and if it is too low more of the good is demanded than is available. The market seeks a price where the demand for goods will equal the supply of goods. When supply decreases the price will ration the good y increasing till there is no excess demand for the good or shortage of the good. The intersection of supply and demand will be at a lower equilibrium price but a higher equilibrium quantity if supply is constant and demand increases. F supply is constant and demand decreases if demand is constant and supply decreases. If demand is constant and supply increases * Rejoinder: Supply and demand intersect at the equilibrium price. The demand curve is a straight line measuring the quantity demanded at different price levels. When supply increases the supply curve shifts to the right and more of the good is available. Since the demand curve remains constant the supply curve will intersect at a lower point indicating the increase in quantity.When a price ceiling occurs the market price will be lower than the equilibrium price * the market price will be higher than the equilibrium price. The supply will exceed the demand buyers will not be willing to pay more than the ceiling price. Rejoinder: A price ceiling is the maximum price that can be charged for a good or service. It is imposed below the equilibrium price to allow those who would otherwise not be able to afford the good to purchase it. Placing it above the equilibrium price would make it ineffective ND unnecessary as the market price would then prevail.Income elasticity increases when the number of complementary goods decreases when the number of substitute goods decreases when buyers' income decreases* when buyers' income increases Rejoinder: Income elasticity measures the percentage change of the quantity demand to the percentage change in a consumer's income. If the consumer's income changes disproportionably to prices it affects the demand for goods. If income decreases and the price of goods stay the same then fewer goods are affordable and more goods become elastic as they are no longer a necessity or must have to the buyer.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Compare and contrast the concepts of Leadership and Power. Draw Essay

Compare and contrast the concepts of Leadership and Power. Draw comparisons between French and Ravens (1959) Bases of Power, expansions of the bases, and a - Essay Example The capacity for individual and organizational transformation must be accompanied by moral responsibility, for transformational leaders shape powerful social and institutional cultures, which may either, be liberating or oppressive. Sources of Interpersonal Power may be 1) Expert -- based on knowledge and expertise, 2) Referent -- extent to which subordinate likes or identifies with supervisor, 3) Legitimate -- job title, 4) Reward -- ability to reward subordinates and 5) Coercive -- ability to punish subordinates.5 While Sources of Political Power (Yukl, 1989)6, Control over decision processes, 2) Forming coalitions, 3) Co-optation, and 4) Gaining influence in large organizations likely to be more a matter of political power than individual power. While t leader-member relations, task structure, and position power to deal with situation, determines the best kind of leader.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Interpret the law of secured transactions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interpret the law of secured transactions - Essay Example Article nine of the Uniform Commercial Code states that security interests are termed as personal property. According to the case, the first party to present the financing statement has priority to the collateral. Therefore, by filing the financing statement in advance, a party can perfect a security interest in the collateral. Therefore, this makes the party a secured creditor; in addition, the secured party creditors’ interest is also protected through the collateral (Miller, 2011). The creditor who acquired the security interest later also has a valid claim towards the collateral. Nevertheless, the later creditor is considered a junior creditor therefore; his security interest has less priority than the first creditor. Even though the later creditor had no prior knowledge of the collateral, the first creditor has priority over the collateral. The first creditor filed the notice first thus creating a useful knowledge for all future creditors (Miller, 2011). With regard to article 9 of the Uniform Commercial code, the interests are referred to as personal property. This is well to reveal the fact that according to the case, Metro Bank does not offer a quantitative statement to ensure that it receives as collateral if any as it claims (Duncan, Lyons, & Wilson, 2011). It is also the law according to the article that any other auxiliary shareholders or creditors should file statements that are clear to reveal the financial position of the company. In the given case, it is expressed that Metro Bank did not carry out enough survey to find out the source of the assets in terms of financial statements that Agile Corporation borrowed. Had Metro Bank carried out a full analysis of the assets without rushing out to offer the amount of Money that it did to the corporation, it would have found out that Agile Group had borrowed 1 million dollars from Hi Finance Company. The security interest that Metro Bank bore at this point, where Agile bleached

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Christopher Columbus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Christopher Columbus - Essay Example Christopher Columbus composed two letters when he docked on Spain. One was during 1493 and the other was during 1503. The earliest letter was towards Luis de Santangel regarding the first journey February 15, 1493 at sea. The next letter was written to Ferdinand and Isabella with regards to the fourth voyage July 7, 1503 in Jamaica. In 1493 Christopher Columbus settled on the Island of Spain. His approach in his letter happens to be very cheerful and proud. He found tiny hamlets wherein the people did not want to converse to him. He kept hunting for cities and towns, but he found nothing. He sent away two men out to distinguish if they could find any cities or towns, but they also found nothing. Columbus docking within Indias turf depicts a propagandist image of American Indians receiving their defeaters, one that is very much in need of a deconstructive reading. Foregrounded happens to be bashful but welcoming versions of the dignified savage, bearing stylish specimens of gifts declaring towards an astounding amount of aboriginal metallurgy. Columbus swaggers forwarded to conceal the staff of invasion, the unpleasant expression on his face approaching filthiness as he appraises the insufficiently dressed natives.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marks & Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marks & Spencer - Essay Example Internal analysis is concerned with providing management with a detailed understanding of the business, how effective its current strategies are and how effectively it has deployed its resources in support of its strategies (Johnson, Scholes, 1998). Marketing strategy provides firms with the framework for planning their business activities to develop and sustain competitive advantage. A large number of tools and systems have been developed by marketing managers and theorists to assist this process, these falling into three main generic categories: defining market opportunities, fitting the capabilities of the firm to the identified opportunities and the 'marketing mix' - the strategies adopted and implemented by the firm including product, price, promotion and distribution issues. Form the environmental perspective, the end of 1990s was marked by the changes on the European market which altered many of the parameters of competition and thus enforced a period of reassessment and adaptation. The opening up of the market and the resultant increased competition has widened the perspective of the planning framework with profound implications. The threat was that the removal of physical barriers to trade and the new-found freedom of movement around the European market have served to catalyse European expansion and in so doing raise the degree of European trade. According to the market servey 2000, M&S faced decline in its operations during this period, and had to close some retail store in Europe and aroud the country. To explore the results of decline McKinsey 7-S Model can be used. This model was proposed by Robert Waterman and explained: "it is not enough to think about strategy implementation as a matter only of strategy and structure" (McKinsey 7-S Model, n.d.) Taking into account the McKinsey 7-S Model which is based on the interrelationship of strategy formulation and implementation, it is possible to say that a strategy developed by agers of M&S was a effective for world's integration failed at the stage of implementation. The 7-S views culture as correlation of: strategy, structure, systems, style, staff, skills and shared values. According to Waterman "If a 7-S analysis suggests that strategy implementation will be difficult, managers either can search for other strategic options, or go ahead but concentrate special attention on the problems of execution suggested by the framework" (McKinsey 7-S Model, n.d.). In general, corporate culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people behave and things get done. Values refer to what is believed to be important about how people and the organizations behave. Norms are the unwritten rules of behaviour (Cole, 1990). Communication, employed by M&S, is affected by internal and external environment, by the nature of the task and technology. For example, difficulties in communication arose with production systems where workers were stationed continuously at a particular point with limited freedom of movement. Even when opportunities exist for interaction with colleagues, physical conditions may limit effective communication. The term organizational climate

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Making Of the Black Revolutionaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Making Of the Black Revolutionaries - Essay Example These small steps come from the struggles faced in everyday life, at school, in church, and the local restaurant. By remaining true to his personal convictions throughout his life, the revolutionary inside was allowed to grow. The book traces this evolution in Forman, and the people that he worked with in the civil rights movement, from being political activists to becoming powerful forces behind revolution. The book is divided into two parts and highlights the evolutionary change from political thought to action for social change. Book One, "A Constant Struggle", details the experiences of the author's early life and his experiences with the state of race relations in America from the 1930s through the 1950s. It is in these years that Forman forms his political views and forges his hunger to pursue social justice. The author is faced with the everyday hatred and discrimination that confronted blacks during this period, yet he does not preach about their evils. The author is a master at describing the situation and letting the reader draw their own conclusions. He tells the story of a black sharecropper that was evicted from her land and home because she registered to vote in Fayette County Tennessee in 1960. The author tells the story in Georgia Mae Turner's own words and simply reminds us, "The price is high for all acts of rebellion and Georgia Mae had paid dearly for hers" (124). It is this constant struggle that is addressed in Book One and contends that revolution is the continuous addressing of these injustices. One of the major threads that run throughout the book is that being a political revolutionary is a day to day struggle that deals with real people and real events. Forman sets the stage for the book in the opening chapters by describing his life in Mississippi and Chicago. Faced with discrimination and segregation, he was able to complete school, serve in the Air Force, and graduated from college. It's in these early years that the author forms his political ideas and their radical overtones. He writes, "This was economic in origin, but not just a matter of money. The issue was sheer survival, the survival of the black working-class in a hostile world" (54). Forman viewed the hostility in the world from the philosophy of W.E.B. DuBois and would be determined to use his talents to correct even the smallest injustice. The book is more than just the author's personal accounts of the struggle for civil rights. Book Two "A Band of Sisters and Brothers, in a Circle of Trust" is an accurate historical record of some of the most important organizations of the period. He details his work with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). The author is able to take the reader behind the scenes and meet the players who were influencing their policies and doing the difficult work. The stories are a reminder that the job of revolutionary is often confronted with compromise. When the SNCC, SCLC, and CORE leaders met to discuss their stand on Vietnam in 1966, there was wide disagreement on how to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Epicurus and epictetus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Epicurus and epictetus - Essay Example Essentially, these great scholars of philosophy had different consolation on the reasons for valuing and giving meaning to life (Pojman 530). Therefore, this essay will delve on two Greek philosophers, Epictetus and Epicurus, to try to understand their ideologies regarding the importance of living life without having to worry about the occurrence of death. 2. Epicurus According to ancient philosophy, Epicurus was an ancient philosopher that lived between two hundred and seventy one and three hundred and forty one B.C. He founded his school of philosophy in Athens where he spent most of his life. Epicurus was a philosopher who related the aspect of pleasure with good and the aspect of bad with pain concerning living. This concept became Hedonism, a Greek word meaning pleasure. For Epicurus, being sensuous and exalting life did not quantify for Epicureanism to form an opinion on the views of living. However, Epicurus was of the belief that a pleasurable life came from having calm emoti ons through the appreciation of honest but beautiful pleasantries of life. These pleasures include the good company of friends, a healthy diet, morally upright behavior, and good personal health. Epicurus insisted that people were not to worry about death, but only had to concern themselves with pleasure and pain (Pojman 531). Therefore, Epicurus believed that death was not a feeling hence advising people not to be fearful of death. Ideally, this Epicurus was an ardent believer in the doctrines of philosophy because to him philosophy was a constant factor in the life of any individual. Further, Epicurus felt that people needed to focus on the aspects of life that made them happy as part of living a fulfilled life. However, this Epicurus had a queer belief in matters related to God and other gods, but he acknowledged their existence. In essence, Epicurus believed that these higher deities received much accreditation for what they truly were not. For him, ill fate befell those that li ved wicked lives and blessings followed those that did well hence questioning the credibility of gods being the source of either blessings or curses. 2.2 Epicurus and his argument on death Arguably, Epicurus advised people to believe that death was nothing to them because it was a way of depriving human beings off sensation. In this regard, the understanding of death as nothing of concern influenced living life enjoyably because one lived without needing to be immortal. According to his philosophy, Epicurus encouraged people not to live in anticipation of the pain that would come together with death because this feeling would make them cower towards living. Epicurus pointed out that death did not form a part of people while they were still living but became a part of them once they seized existing. This meant that death was not a concern for the living because they did not believe in the existence of death while the dead could not associate with the same as they no longer existed. I n addition, Epicurus believed that a wise person needed not fear life nor death because life did not offend him neither did death appear evil. On the other hand, Epicurus punctured the belief that the young needed advice on how to live fulfilling lives while the aged needed advice on how to approach their sunset. Arguably, Epicurus reiterated that everyone had a deep desire to continue to live irrespective of his or her age because the

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Power of the Mamluks and Il-Khanates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Power of the Mamluks and Il-Khanates - Essay Example The Il-Khanates, on the other hand, achieved power by giving their subordination to the main Kahn, Kublai, and the main empire, thus ensuring the support of a successful ally. Because they were originally not a Muslim culture, they were often attacked by the Islamic states surrounding them. Eventually, after the converted to Islam, they were able to solidify their faith and gain acceptance. Thus, both clans were able to earn power through their religion, although through different means. It's important to revisit the development of these two empires in order to see how their power bases were increased by their acceptance into Islam. First, it is important to revisit the original Mongol invasions. Something different happened after the Mongols had invaded a few Islamic empires; eventually, the Mongols were to become Muslim themselves. This was to play an important role in the development of Islam within the Il-Khanate. The invasions of Central Asia and Russia by the Chagatai Khanate and the Golden Horde did not have the negative impacts on the native Islamic faith that the Mongol invasion of Iraq and Persia both had. Even though the Mongols defeated the Islamic states, the Muslim faith did prevail, and the Mongols themselves, although the invaders, did, for the most part, convert to Islam. However, the Mongol conquering of Islam's heartland did result in some major changes for the religion. By conquering and disemboweling the current Islamic dynasties, the Mongols in stilled new ones, thus setting a new era for the religion. This new era would allow both the Il-Khans and the Mamluk to achieve power through Islam, although this power would not be implemented until a little later in history. In order to understand how this process came about, it is important to revisit the history regarding the Mongol conquering of Islam. The fighting in Asia began in the 13th century with Genghis Khan, who raided Persia and conquered several cities up until his death. By 1237, the Mongols were outside of Bagdhad, the center of the Abbasid caliphate. When the Great Kahn Mongke was elected in 1251, the decision to attack the Abbasid caliphate was formed. Mongke did not like that Islamic people worshipped a man who they seemed to view as even above the Khan. Thus, the Mongols attacked the capital, and came out victorious (Nichoole 82). Then, Mongke gave instructions to attack the caliphate only if it decided not to surrender. Of course, the caliphate did not, and they were largely unprepared to do battle with fighters as whorled-renowned as the Mongols. They had a large force, but were not as well trained as the Mongols. Another problem that emerged in the Islamic faction was the age-old battle between Sunni and Shiite, and the fact that the caliphate was a Sunni meant that many Shiites went over to the Mongol side, thinking they would regain power if they did saw. Also, many Christians joined the side of the Mongols, seeing the Mongols as possible saviors from the fate of Islam. Some of the Mongol army was, in fact, Christian, so this is perhaps one of the reasons why they were able to gather so much support. Many Mongol soldiers were careful not to destroy Christian churches and symbols, and this fact endeared the army to the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Comparing movie Genres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparing movie Genres - Essay Example Revolts against slavery in interior parts of Africa and Asia have been focused more in action movies. Action movies use racism as a theme in scenarios involving revenge against the wrong doers or as an act of dominance towards the discriminated people. An instance where a good guy who is usually white investigates the stealing of robbery and jewels associated with black people also depict racism in action movies. These movies always portray them as the criminals. Movies which show a villain extensively using drugs, explosives, and alcohol are more often a person who is African American. In movies showing war between two countries, racism is the theme as one nation destroys the other minor/poor country. In horror movies, stories are more fictional and imaginary. Even in these imaginary stories, racism has been highlighted with the evil/ man-eater not being a white. These haunted stories like usually revolve around a group of people who are trapped in a forest to a witch/ man-eater (us ually the non-white), eventually killing it. The movie ‘Friday the 13th’ depicts how the black guy and the Asian guy are mocked at. In one of the instances, the black guy expresses his sexual desires, but is only allowed to look at the rich girls around (Champion, 2009). The effect of racism on the larger audience through action movies has a positive effect. Action movies address racism with its heart touching and eye opening scenes more so with the events which have occurred in the past. The revolts against racism which have occurred in the history are presented in movies have a motivational message attached with it. The audience realizes how inhuman racism is and gets the feel good factor about their revolutionary heroes. In contrast to horror movies, action movies give a meaningful message to the audience. The genres of Action and Horror address sex through most of the movies. In horror movies, it is more used to show how sex can make the best slip. In the movie â₠¬ËœA Nightmare on Elm Street’, there is a scene where a girl is taking a bath, in which the bath becomes a deep pool of water (â€Å"A Nightmare on Elm Street†, 2011). These scenes though do not send a strong message, but are extremely important to show how the character blends into the story. Intense horror movies show sex between the good guy and the evil who is disguised as an attractive women and the evil later killing the guy. These instances address on how even the most vigil person can fall to attractive women. In ‘Scream’, a teenage girl shows another teen girl a photograph on her cell phone of a man's bare abdomen and chest, and the girl says that he's really hot (â€Å"Scream4†, 2011). These scenes go hand in hand with the horror movies to oscillate the emotions of the audience and to keep the thrill going. Action movies address the theme of sex more cleverly. The main idea of including such scenes in action movies is to deceive the gangst er or the lead in the movie and getting critical information from him. The movie ‘Bad Company’ shows how the protagonist of the movie is tempted to cheat on his girlfriend (â€Å"Bad Company†, 2011). An action movie addresses the theme of sex with attractive ladies making out with criminals or the hero in bars or at lodges. In some movies, these scenes are repeated. It shows that the goons in the movie wish to be surrounded by attractive and seductive women most of the times.

Chemistry revision notes Essay Example for Free

Chemistry revision notes Essay The oxidation state or oxidation number, is a value assigned to a chemical species which represents its actual or nominal electrical charge. The oxidation number in a free or uncombined element is zero. This means that, metallic magnesium has an oxidation number of zero, and chlorine in Cl2 form has an oxidation state of zero. For simple ionic compounds, the oxidation state of the single atom ions is simply the charge on the ions. In most compounds the oxidation number for hydrogen is +1 and for oxygen is -2. The exceptions include the hydrides (the oxidation state is -1) and the peroxides (the oxidation state for oxygen is -1). In the compounds, halides usually have the oxidation number -1. The sum of all the oxidation numbers in a compound have to be equal to zero. The sum of all the oxidation states in a complex ion is the same as the charge on the ion. Semiconductors A covalent element such as silicon or germanium which has a higher conductivity than that of a typical non-metal but a much lower conductivity than that of a metal is described as a semiconductor. Semiconductors are also referred to as metalloids and they occur at the division between metals and non-metals in the Periodic Table. Key facts : 1. The electrical conductivity of semiconductors increases with increasing temperature. 2: Doping pure crystals of silicon or germanium with certain other elements produces 2 types of semiconductors: n- type and p-type semiconductors. The addition of small quantities of certain substances to pure silicon greatly enhance its conductivity and makes possible the construction of electronic devices. This controlled addition of impurities is called ‘doping’. 1. doping pure silicon with phosphorus or arsenic (group 5 elements) these elements have 5 valence electrons, a few of the silicon atoms are replaced by P, As atoms 1 electron is left over after the 4 bonds have been formed. The extra electron is free to conduct an electric current and the phosphorus-doped silicon becomes a conductor called n-type. B. doping with boron or aluminium (group 3 elements). By doping with an element having 3 valence electrons some of the silicon atoms are replaced by boron atoms, but because each boron has only 3 electrons, one of the four bonds to each boron atom has only 1 electron in it. We can think of this as a vacancy or hole in the bonding orbital. An electron from a neighbouring atom can move in to occupy this vacancy. As a result of this movement this type of conductor is called p-type. Superconductors 1. Superconductors are a special class of materials that have zero electrical resistance at temperatures near absolute zero. 2. Achieving temperatures near absolute zero is difficult and costly so application of superconduction at these temperatures is impractical. 3. Recently superconductors have been discovered which have zero resistance up to temperatures above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen- temperatures which are less costly to attain. 4. Superconductors may have a future applications in power transmission and electrically powered forms of transport.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Introduction to Company Law

Introduction to Company Law Q1. There are the difference between a private company limited by shares and a public company, as following: Transfer shares A private company limited by shares is restricted to transfer share according to its articles but a public company is not restricted. Number of members For a private company limited by shares, the number of member is limited to 50. However, the number of member of a public company is no limitation. Subscription Any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures of the company is prohibited in a private company limited by shares. Nevertheless, it does not restrict a public company. Levels of regulatory regimes The requirements of a private company limited by shares in the Companies Ordinance are lower than those of a public company. Its annual returns filing with the Companies Registry are less information than ones of a public company. In addition, it does not have to file its accounts with the Companies Registry so that its financial information is not in the public domain. Therefore, the cost of compliance of a private company limited by shares is lower than a public company. Functions A private company limited by shares cannot become a listed company since becoming a listed company requires first becoming a public company. Thus, a public company may become a listed company. Risk A private company limited by shares is the lack of freedom to exchange shares and the low transparency level of their accounts. It leads to a higher risk investment. Consequently, it is lower level of capital investment. To opposite, a public company is lower risk investment. (Unit 1 P.32-33) In this case, it is about the corporate veil between the company and its members. That is to say, it considers whether the rights and liabilities of the company are treated as separate from the rights and liabilities of its members in company law. Lifting the corporate veil is no guidelines in law but there are many law cases in previous years. Generally, a company is a separate legal entity which its members are legally permitted to hide behind the corporate veil according to Salomon v. A Salomon Co Ltd [1897] AC 22. Nevertheless, the courts may lift the veil because of obtaining improper advantages, perpetrate fraud or conceal illegal activities. The corporate veil seems a sham or facade so that the courts would lift the veil. For example, the courts determine the criminal responsibility of a companys staff or a director acts dishonestly with the companys property. In Re H and others (Restraint Order: Realisable Property) [1996] 2 All ER 391, a lot of individuals failed fraudulently to pay more than  £100 million in excise duty. Two family companies had the total of owned 100% shares. The government applied a court order to restrain them for dealing with the companies’ property and their own property. The Court of Appeal held that it was a prima facie case that the companies had been used for the fraudulent evasion of excise duty. Moreover, it lifted the corporate veil because it treated the companies’ property as the individuals’ own property. John suggests that Kelvin sell his shares to Leo who is Johns brother. However, Leo is a fresh graduate so that he has no money to pay in Genius Limited. John wants to pay Kelvin HK$700,000 from the company. After that, John as a shareholder of Genius Limited should receive dividends and then he will use the dividends to set off the sum of HK$700,000. Therefore, he will transfer the 30% shares to Leo Free of charge. It is improper method because it treats the companies’ property as his own property in accordance with the case. He does not have right to use the companys property to set off Leos liability. At the same, his behavior is unfair for others and David is deprived of his right to buy the shares. Hence, it is an improper advantage. In conclusion, the property of the company is used to set off Leos liability and the behavior is illegal. The amount of HK$700,000 is the companys property, not the members. (Unit 1 P.26) In a private company, its shareholders right is restricted to transfer shares in compliance with its articles. Generally, there is a pre-emptive right which is a shareholder must firstly provide his shares to other shareholders if he wants to sell and transfer them. After the other shareholders reject, he offers to a third party and cannot provide a discount on the shares. That is to say, the selling price cannot be lower than the amount of selling to other shareholders. The reason is that a private company is very small scale and there is trust among shareholders. When a shareholder withdraws in the company, hence, the other shareholders have an opportunity to determine whether they accept a new shareholder. In this case, John should have a prior right over David due to the above reason. Genius Limited is a private company which the articles restrict to transfer shares. In addition, John is the majority shareholder in the company. As a result, Kelvin should comply with its articles and he should first offer his share to John who has a pre-emptive right. If John refuses Kelvins shares, Kelvin has a chance to sell David which is the third party. However, the selling price cannot be lower than the price of selling to John. Model articles should be read to determine whether directors refuse any transfer of shares. Generally, it allows directors refuse the transfer. The reason is that they can first offer their shares to existing shareholders and the behavior is a pre-emptive right. That is to say, Kelvin should first offer his shares to John. Except that, directors provide share buy-back that is to offer shares back to the company. In other words, Genius Limited may repurchase Kelvins shares. Furthermore, shareholders agreements restrict the transfer of shares but it is only suitable for existing shareholders of the company. To conclude, John can object that Kelvin sell his shares to David because he can choose buy Kelvins shares or share buy-back. Q2. George wants to know whether FG Limited buy back its own shares. In the past, it was not allowed because of the rule in Trevor v. Whitworth case. However, it is allowed under the new Companies Ordinance, as following: According to the House of Lords in Trevor v. Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409, it was not permitted that a company could buy back its own shares even if the Memorandum of Association allowed. That is to say, its paid-up capital should be maintained and kept unless: it was lost due to ordinary business risks, or there has been a reduction of the share capital authorized according to the legislation. The reason of prohibition of repurchasing a companys own shares is that it would make the damage of creditors and other abuses. For instance, an entity may pay higher than the market value when there is share buy-back. It leads to dilute the value of the remainder. But the entity pay lower and the value of the remaining shares would increase. At the same time, directors may use this method to enhance the value of their own holdings or to expand their voting power. In recent years, the rule about capital maintenance is abolished. In other words, share buy-back for all companies is allowed and it subjects to a solvency requirement (CR 2008). The following share redemption or buy-back may be funded in accordance with the new Companies Ordinance: Payment is paid out of a company’s distributable profits. (section 257(2)(a)); There is out of the proceeds of a new issue of shares which is for the purpose of share redemption or buy-back (section 237(2)(b)); or There is out of capital if a solvency test is passed. (section 248-266). It is unlawful for a company or its subsidiaries to give indirectly or directly financial assistance for the purpose of acquisition of its shares in accordance with section 275. Breaking the prohibition leads to the directors in a fine and imprisonment. Under section 274, financial assistance refers to gifts, guarantees, security, indemnities, loans and any other financial assistance. Acquisition means shares transfer and shares subscription. However, there are the following exceptions: the payment of dividends, allotment of bonus shares, distribution of assets in winding-up, reduction of capital confirmed by the court (section 277); the ordinary business of the company is lending money (section 279); a company in good faith in the interests of the company provides financial assistance for the employee share scheme (section 280); or the company provides loans to its eligible employees for the purpose of enabling them to purchase fully paid shares in its holding company or the company (section 281). Under section 283 to 285, it subjects to solvency test and one of the three procedures, as following: Under section 283, it provides financial assistance if : directors pass a resolution to give the assistance; those directors make a solvency statement; the aggregate amount of the assistance and other financial assistance given under this section not repaid (such as guarantee or security) is less than 5% of the paid-up share capital and reserves of the company; and the assistance is given not more than 12 months of the solvency statement. According to section 283(4), the company has to send a notice and the solvency statement to all members within 15 days after giving the assistance. Under section 284, the assistance is approved by written resolution of all members. Under section 285, the assistance is approved by an ordinary resolution. Directors must show the benefit of the assistance to the company. To conclude, share buy-back in Franklin Limited is allowed in recent years but there is some above restricted conditions. (Unit 2 P.34-38) If FG wants to reduce its capital, there are two methods for reduction of share capital. One method is that a company passes a special resolution and applies by petition to the court for an order confirming to reducing share capital under the new Companies Ordinance under sections 226 to 232. On the petition, the court makes the order on any terms and conditions it thinks fit. In fact, every creditor of the company has a right to reject the reduction of share capital. The court confirms the reduction of share capital when it is satisfied that: the creditors consent is obtained; or the creditor’s debt or claim is discharged, determines or is secured (section 229). Another method is a court-free procedure and there are some following criteria: All directors make a solvency statement in accordance with section 216. Members approves in a special resolution passed within 15 days of the solvency statement in section 216. A public notice of the reduction of share capital is published in Gazette declaring the content under section 218. A notice is published in one specified Chinese and one specified English newspaper and a written notice to be given to its creditor before the end of the week after the week in which the special resolution is passed according to section 218(3). A copy of the solvency statement is filed to the Registrar for registration. The members or creditors of the company have a right to examine the solvency statement and special resolution within five weeks’ time. If no application of objection is raised by dissentient members or creditors to cancel the resolution, the company can deliver a copy between five and seven weeks after the resolution to the Registrar for registration in accordance with section 224(1). The reduction of share capital and the special resolution should take effect when the return is registered. If a creditor or member objects to the special resolution, the court may cancel or confirm the special resolution and on any terms as it thinks fit under section 222. In order to determine whether the reduction is approval, the court may consider various elements, such as whether the reduction is equitable among shareholders and whether the interests of the creditors in the company are protected (CR 2013a). The above states the solvency statement which each of directors makes to form the opinion that the company needs to satisfy the solvency test in accordance with section 206(1). The statement should be applied to reduction of share capital, share redemption and buy-back and financial assistance under section 204. In section 205, it states the solvency test is satisfied if: immediately after the transaction, the company will be capable of paying its debts; and the company will be able to pay its debts within 12 months after the transaction or commencement of winding up. Given an opinion, a director must ask the company’s state of affairs and prospects and take into account all the liabilities of the company in section 206(2), for example, contingent and prospective liabilities. Besides, a solvency statement is in the specified form, states the date on which it is made and the name of each director making it, and is signed by each director who makes it according to section 206(3). In conclusion, George can choose either one of the above two procedures to reduce the capital of FG Limited. (Unit 2 P.30-33)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

HAWT Technology Research

HAWT Technology Research Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT), are the most commonly used wind turbine.HAWTs have a similar design to a windmill, with blades that look like a propeller, spinning around a horizontal axis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Figure 1 Typical HAWT All the components (blades, shaft, gearbox, generator) are located at the top of the tower. The blades must face into the wind and yaw into position every time the wind direction changes. The shaft axis is horizontal to the ground. The wind hits the blades of the turbine where lift causes rotation. The shaft has a gear on the end coupled to a gearbox which turns a generator. The generator produces electricity and sends this either to power grid or electrical equipment requiring power. The wind turbine also has some key elements that adds to its efficiency. Inside the Nacelle (or head) is an anemometer, wind vane, and controller that read the speed and direction of the wind. As the wind changes direction, a motor (yaw motor) turns the nacelle so the blades are always facing the wind. The power source also comes with a safety feature. In case of extreme winds the turbine has a break that can slow the shaft speed. This is to inhibit any damage to the turbine in extreme conditions. See F igure 2.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Figure 2 Internal components of a typical HAWT The merits of horizontal axis wind turbine over vertical axis wind turbine can be seen in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Table1 Benefits of HAWTs vs VAWT HAWT VS VAWT NO POWER GENERATION EFFICIENCY HORIZONTAL AXIS VERTICAL AXIS 1 POWER GENERATION EFFICIENCY 50% 60% ABOVE 70% 2 ROTATING SPEED HIGH LOW 3 EFFECT ON BIRDS GREAT SMALL 4 GEAR BOX ABOVE 10KW: YES NO 5 BLADE ROTATION SPACE QUITE LARGE QUITE SMALL   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6 NOISE 5-60 Db 0-10 Db 7 STARTING WIND SPEED HIGH(2.5-5m/s) LOW (1.5-3 m/s)   Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade The blade is one of the most important components of a wind turbine. It is required to have the best materials, manufacturing, analysis and testing to endure aerodynamic loads, gravitational loads, inertia loads and operational loads throughout its lifetime. Therefore, the structural design process has a decisive and critical influence on the overall performance of the blade. The structural design of a HAWT blade involves many considerations such as strength, stability, cyclic loading, cost and vibration. Reducing the mass is a key requirement for a successful blade design. A lighter blade will not only exert lower loads on the remaining components of the HAWT, but also reduce the cost. This is a benefit to the entire turbine system, including the support body and the foundation. However, the recent approach results in material layup with high component thicknesses. Blade mass as a result often does not exhibit a satisfactory structural response. There is huge potential to reduce the amount of material used in the blades manufacture to minimise its mass. The process of structural blade optimisation to reduce mass and increase its mechanical properties is an important area of development worthy of in-depth research. Table 1 details various HAWTs and their rotor weights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Table 2 Selection of turbine size and weight configurations Turbine Name Pitch or Stall Rotar dia (m) No of Blades Nacelle and Rotor Weight (kg) Weight per Swept Area (kg/m ²) Mitsubishi MWT-1000 (1 MW) P 57 3 unspecified Nordex N90 (2.3 MW) P 90 3 84,500 13.3 Nordex N80 (2.5 MW) P 80 3 80,500 16 Repower 5M (5 MW Siemens P 126 3 unspecified SWT-3.6-107 (3.6 MW) Siemens P 107 3 220,000 24.5 SWT-2.3-93 (2.3 MW P 93 3 142,000 20.9 Gamesa G90-2MW (2 MW P 90 3 106,000 16.7 Gamesa G58-850 (850 kW) P 58 3 35,000 13.3 Enercon E82 (2 MW) P 82 3 unspecified GE wind 3.6sl (3.6 MW) P 111 3 unspecified Vestas V164 (7.0 MW) P 164 3 unspecified Vestas V90 (2 MW) P 90 3 106,000 16.7 Vestas V82 (1.65 MW) P 82 3 95,000 18 Advantages of HAWT over VAWT Axis of Rotation It is the main and biggest difference. As the name states, Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine has its axis of rotation parallel to the ground and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine has its axis of rotation perpendicular to ground. Number of blades working at a time If we take a 3-bladed wind turbine for example, then in a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine, all three blades work at once. whilst in a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine only blade works at a time. Working wind direction VAWTs are omni directional and work in all wind directions while HAWTs only works in a specific wind direction and have to yaw to face the wind before they can begin operation. When wind direction changes the stops, and has to yaw into position. Efficiency at a given wind speed Because all the blade of HAWT work at the same time, its efficiency is much greater than the VAWT. REFERENCES Peter J. Schubel * and Richard J. Crossley Faculty of Engineering, Division of Materials, Mechanics and Structures, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK Veritas, D.N. Design and Manufacture of Wind Turbine Blades, Offshore and Onshore Turbines; Standard DNV-DS-J102; Det Norske Veritas: Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Failure of Software Copyright Law Essay -- Technology Computers Pa

The Failure of Software Copyright Law A Definition With the Copyright Act of 1980, the following was added to the existing copyright laws: A "computer program" is a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result.1 A "program" or "software" instructs the "hardware," the computer, in its task of adding, storing, exchanging data, etc.2 At the base level, a program is simply a mathematical algorithm, a stream of on/off states, which the hardware uses. Copyright and patent law has generally excluded mathematical algorithms from legal protection due to the social benefits of their widespread dissemination.3 Software, however, is primarily protected by copyright law under the premise that an author is entitled to the financial incentive. The debate is this: "Is there a way to protect innovators without strangling further innovation?"4 The Harms of Protection Early makers of computers handed out free accompanying software particular to their machines.5 Their thought was that this would encourage the purchase of their hardware. Soon, however, software producers began to copyright their products and the result was that each computer-maker had incompatible software.6 A company with sufficient lead-time ... ... 58 West's 3d, 10.4. 59 West's Feb. '90, 308. 60 ibid., 422. 61 Menell, 1084. 62 Menell, 1088. 63 Menell, 1087. 64 Menell, 1082. 65 Menell, 1088. 66 Weigner, 137. 67 Menell, 1078. 68 Barinaga, Marcia, "Computer microcode instructions judged within copyright," Nature 16 February 1989: 591. 69 Business Week, 122. 70 Menell, 1060. 71 Hammonds, 86.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Greek Mythology should be taught in High School :: Persuasive Essay Ancient Greek Greece

Greek mythology is a compilation of the Ancient Greek stories that are based on their culture and practices. It's also about their gods and heroes, as well as their origins. Each of the Greek myths has a moral message through the stories that are written. It teaches us the good deeds and wrongdoing of the gods and goddesses, and how we, as a human being, should act. Thus, Greek mythology should be taught to high school students. There is something uniquely different about each of the Greek myth, each have their own message that it wants to deliver. Take the example of the Greek myth Athena and Arachne. This is the story of a young maiden that went against the goddess Athena because she thought that she was the best in the art of weaving. In the story, Athena herself was jealous of the maiden who was named Arachne because of her incredible skill. Because of her jealousy, she turns Arachne into a spider. From this story it is shown to us the poor quality of the goddess because god and goddesses should not be jealous especially of a mortal. Therefore the moral is that do not challenge someone who is better than you and also too many pride will lead to your downfall. Greek mythology has also been the origins of many objects and events of the world. An example is the Olympic games. The name Olympic was taken from Mount Olympus, believed to be the dwelling place of all the Greek gods and goddess. Another example would be Valentine?s Day. This special event is held on the fourteenth of February, Cupid is the Icon for this particular event. The Greek god of love and the son of Aphrodite symbolizes Valentine?s Day, this is because of the Greek myth where cupid fell deeply in love with a mortal. Another reason of why Greek mythology should be taught to high school students is that in high education Greek myth will be involved in the curriculum. Top university around the world involved Greek studies in their curriculum for example in Harvard, Oxford, Yale and other University. Students in high school also have the right to study Greek myth. No one has the right to restrict them from that right. The entire example I have given relates to my thesis statement that Greek mythology should be taught to high school student.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Challenges of Ecotourism in Antarctica Essay

Antarctica is one of the largest and most fragile environments on earth. It is rare and unique, and few people get the opportunity to visit such an extraordinary place. Antarctica’s unique environment and climate sets it apart from other tourist destinations. However, the hostile wilderness creates many challenges for ecotourism. There is a concern regarding the high concentration of tourists and their environmental impact at the few landing sites available. The real debate is whether tourism can benefit, or threaten the conservation of Antarctica. Ecotourism, in its early historical origins has been closely linked to nature – oriented tourism. For example, Laarman and Durst, in reference to ecotourism, defined it as a nature tourism where a traveler is interested and drawn to a destination because of its features and natural history. The visit combines education, recreation, and often adventure’ (Laarman and Durst 1987:5). Defining ecotourism is not easily done, difficulties defining it are mainly due to the multidimensional nature of the definitions, and the fact that each dimension involved represents a continuum of possibilities (Blamey 1997). The Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as ‘responsible travel to natural areas, which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people’ (Western 1993:8). Ceballos-Lascurain (1987: 14) defines ecotourism as ‘traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas’. The tourism industry of Antarctica is often overlooked as a factor of environmental degradation. It is important that more attention is drawn to assessing the current state of this large continent. Beck (1994) states that, tourists, scientists, and other visitors to Antarctica have tremendous environmental impacts. Tourist shipping can pose an environmental risk, and there is good reason for concern. There have been several marine accidents in recent years. There was the case of an Argentinean supply vessel Bahia Paraiso, which ran a ground on January 28, 1989, spilling 600 metric tones of fuel into Antarctica’s pristine waters (Culver 1991). Other environmental impacts include engine emissions that contribute to air pollution. The noise generated from outboard motors on inflatable zodiacs, turbulence created from tourist ships and the â€Å"grey water† sewage they emit also creates harmful effects. More responsibility is being demanded out of eco tourists visiting Antarctica. For example Salen Lindblad’s 164-passenger ship the Frontier Spirit has been reinforced, and also contains a sewage treatment plant, refrigerated waste storage area, and a special storage area for non-biodegradable waste (Cebellos-Lascurain 1996). Another main concern is in the peninsula region of Antarctica where there are several highly concentrated, high profile sites. The concentration of tourism activities leads to the potential for over visitation in these areas. A present study of Magellanic penguins demonstrates that human impact puts a great amount of stress on the species. Simple human presence can be physiologically stressful for breeding at nest sites (Fowler 1999). The Antarctic environment is very fragile and not used to human activities. However the study also found that birds exposed to high levels of tourists are not effected over time and concludes that as a result tourism should be concentrated to certain areas while others are kept off limits to human presence. People have been going to Antarctica for over 100 years. Prior to 1950, nearly all trips to Antarctica were either exploratory or scientific expeditions (Cessford 1997). As a result of human activity in the area there has been a connection with industrial, national and scientific programs. Human activity has also caused the development of alien microbes, fungi, plants, and animals. These â€Å"alien† species that are mostly European in origin exist on most of the sub – Antarctic islands and some even occur on the continent itself. These species in turn can have both a direct and indirect impact on the Antarctic ecosystem (Fenot 2004). It has only been recently that biologists have conducted any research into diseases of Antarctic wildlife to note the effects of human activity. These studies look at marine mammals and penguins for bacteria flora and pathogens (disease causing organisms). Blood tests for antibodies of a variety of species have also been taken to check for viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic disease. A study conducted in the summer season of 2000/2001, Dr. Todhunter and Dr. Terris took swab collections of specimens from passengers’ boots aboard the Kapitan Khlebnikov, which led to tentative findings of a wide range of potential pathogens. In another study 233 fecal samples from 8 bird species were taken from 6 different penguin colonies, which are regularly visited by tourists. The samples were investigated for pathogens of potential human origin. No human related bacteria were found, which suggests that the tourism industry in the Antarctic region has achieved its goal of not introducing any pathogens so far. While the tourist season only ranges from October to April, currently tourism in Antarctica involves over 30 agencies, and 40,000 tourists per annum (Lambert 2005). Antarctica is the ultimate destination for anyone interested in natural history, but it also challenges the same people that visit to think about our responsibilities to all life on earth† (Lambert 2005). Tourists to Antarctica are most likely to fall in to the category of eco tourist, as there are no restaurants, theaters or art galleries, and the experience is about learning about and viewing one of the earth’s last untouched continent s. Boo (1990) states that for conservation management to succeed, tourism must be a tool to educate thus creating real benefits for a geological location. Although tourism and human contact on Antarctica is showing some negative impacts, it has also encouraged conservation efforts in the region. Another step towards the recognition of potential environmental impact is the creation of the IATTO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators). In 1991 seven tour operators active in Antarctica formed IATTO. It was created to act as a single organization. The goal of IATTO is to promote and practice safe environmentally responsible private-sector travel to the Antarctic. Currently there are 80 member organizations representing 14 countries. IATTO 2008) This environmental protocol designates Antarctica as a natural reserve devoted to peace and science and seeks to ensure human activities, such as tourism, have no adverse effects on the Antarctic environment, or on its scientific and aesthetic values. With a recent increase in the number of members in the IAATO it shows that companies are becoming more aware of the environmentally se nsitive concerns related to Antarctica and the importance of such an organization. The increase in membership does not necessarily mean that there has been a drastic increase in the number of tourists visiting Antarctica. All current Antarctica tour operators file yearly environmental impact assessments to their national authorities. There are few places on earth that have never been to war, where the environment is fully protected and scientific research has priority over anything else. (IAATO 2008) The Antarctic treaty can be accredited with the successful protection of Antarctica. Formed on June 23, 1961 the treaty covers the area south of 60 degrees latitude and consists of 46 countries. Its objectives are simple and unique, demilitarize Antarctica and make it a zone free of nuclear tests, and disposal of radioactive waste. As well as be used for peaceful purposes only (IAATO 2008). To promote international cooperation in the Antarctic and set aside disputes over territorial sovereignty. The treaty parties meet each year and have adopted over 300 recommendations and negotiated separate international agreements, of which 3 are still in use. These include: 1. The convention for the conservation of Antarctic seals which was established in 1972. 2. The convention for conservation of Antarctica marine living resources established in 1980. 3. The protocol on Environmental protection to the Atlantic Treaty established in 1991. These agreements and the original treaty provide the rules to govern all activities in relation to Antarctica. Collectively known as the Antarctica Treaty System (ATS). In conclusion it is apparent that Antarctica is a very fragile environment, and any kind of human involvement can pose great risks if the correct precautions are not taken. It is clear to me that eco tourism can benefit the great continent of Antarctica, those visiting become ambassadors as they learn about the importance of preservation. Boo (1990) explains that tourists become emotionally attached to an area and will contribute funds to preserve it. It is important for organizations like the IAATO to continue their promotion of safe and environmentally responsible travel to the Antarctic. Continued research is necessary to make sure that tourists as well as scientists leave as little of a human footprint as possible. Antarctica is a beautiful place on earth, and I believe that when people are educated about their impact on such a vulnerable area and regulations are put in place to protect the area that everyone should be able to experience the Antarctic continent in all of its magnificence.


Pressure switch |[pic][pi| |c] | A pressure responsive switch senses a change in pressure and responds to such changes by alternately making and breaking an electrical connection. Pressure-sensitive switches are used in a variety of applications where it is desired to switch apparatus on or off at predetermined pressures. These switches are utilized in a wide variety of applications, as in automobiles [pic] , aircrafts and in various other environments. Pressure switches include set-point pressure switches that actuate when a specified pressure is reached and pressure measuring switches that are capable of measuring the ambient pressure and reacting accordingly. A pressure responsive switch generally comprises a diaphragm responsive to a pressure change, a rigid ring for securing the diaphragm, and a pair of electrically conductive contacts that break contact based on movement of the diaphragm. Mechanical pressure switches typically provide an output signal in the form of a switch closure in response to application of mechanical or atmospheric pressure. A differential pressure switch [pic] is a device which utilizes differential fluid pressure from low and high pressure sources to actuate an electric switch at a pre-set actuation point. Differential pressure switches are commonly employed to control the operation of snap action switches. Flow switch |[pic][pi| |c] | A flow switch is used to sense the flow of a fluid passing through its valve body and to send an electrical control signal to control the switching unit. In many applications, it is essential to be able to determine whether fluid is flowing in a pipeline, duct or other conduit and to respond accordingly to such a determination. For example, flow responsive devices for producing a control signal which is used to de-energize a pump when the flow rate falls below a preselected minimum are commonly employed in systems for transferring fluid between reservoirs. Fluid flow switch sensing devices have been developed for monitoring fluid flow in pipelines, ducts, and other conduits. A flow switch produces an electrical signal which is commensurate with a preselected rate of flow of a fluid in a conduit. Various flow switches have been developed to be responsive to the flow rate of a fluid within a flow line. Usually the flow switch is connected into the flow line so that the flow path of the fluid passes through the flow switch. Several such devices rely on the pivotal movement of a rod supported blade which is deflected depending on the amount of fluid flow. Limit switch |[pic][pi| c] | Switches are commonly employed as input devices to indicate the presence or absence of a particular condition in a system or process that is being monitored and/or controlled. In motorized electromechanical systems, limit switches provide the function of making and breaking electrical contacts and consequently electrical circuits. A limit switch is configured to detect when a system's element has moved to a certain position. A system operation is triggered when a limit switch is tripped. Limit switches are widely used in various industrial applications, and they can detect a limit of movement of an article and passage of an article by displacement of an actuating part such as a pivotally supported arm or a linear plunger. The limit switches are designed to control the movement of a mechanical part. Limit switches are typically utilized in industrial control applications to automatically monitor and indicate whether the travel limits of a particular device have been exceeded. Level switch |[pic][pi| |c] | Various instruments have found use for applications requiring level sensing. Such instruments include float level switches, ultrasonic level switches and capacitance point level switches. Various devices have been proposed for indicating when liquid or other fluent material in a container or channel reaches a particular level. Liquid level sensors are used in a wide variety of applications to detect the levels of fluids within various forms of reservoirs. For example, such sensors are employed in the automotive industry to sense the level of oil in an oil pan or sump, or the level of transmission fluid. Liquid level sensors contain switches to indicate whether a sensed liquid is above or below a predetermined level. Switches responsive to fluid levels have utilized a variety of approaches for opening and closing an electrical circuit. Fluid level switch devices usually incorporate a float buoy for sensing the fluid level, the float buoy being operatively connected to a switch device. Temperature switch |[pic][pi| |c] | A temperature switch is a switch that is responsive to temperature changes. Temperature switches generally are provided with a temperature responsive element which will open or close a switch when a predetermined minimum pressure or temperature is sensed by the responsive element. For protection against thermal overload, semiconductor switches are provided with integrated temperature sensors. The temperature sensors acquire the temperature of the power switch and convert this into a temperature-dependent, analog signal which then can be interpreted in a circuit. Temperature sensitive switches, such as a thermostat, typically comprise a temperature sensor which is used to open or close electrical contacts at specified temperatures. A bimetal strip of dissimilar metals is used as the sensing element for temperature sensitive switches. Temperature sensitive switches are often used for thermal protection purposes. If a device gets too hot, the temperature sensitive switch opens the electrical circuit, thereby eliminating power to the circuit. For example, temperature responsive tip-switches are particularly useful in connection with electric heaters.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Two Personalities, One Stripper

For the past two and a half years I have been living with my best friend, â€Å"Bailey†, who is like a sister to me in a lot of ways. This is especially true in regards to the way in which we are able to openly confide in each other about everything and anything, just like some sisters do. In fact, our relationship is so strong Bailey even feels safe enough to trust me with the intimate, detailed stories she brings home with her every weekend after working at Shot Gun Willie’s. If you haven’t guessed by now, my roommate moonlights as a stripper, and has been working as such for the past year. I chose to write about Bailey because of the various ways in which I have witnessed her having to mentally, and physically transform herself in order to cope with the trials and tribulations that come from working at a strip club. As well as the damaging repercussions this type of occupation has had on her overall perceptions of self, the world, and her relation to/in the world. It is also because of Bailey’s repeated exposure to the lustful, perverted, and greedy sides of people that the need to develop a completely new and separate persona arose, and Bailey’s alter ego â€Å"Kimber† was created. Throughout this semester, we have learned about many different theorists and their philosophies on the different, complex environments and experiences that help to contribute to the development of the human personality. For this paper I chose to use the concepts and ideas of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Melanie Klein, and Donald Winnicott. Soon after learning about the diverse beliefs each of these theorists attributed to the creation, enhancement, and hindrance of an individual’s personality, I started to see a correlation between them and the weekly conversations/stories my roommate and I had about her experiences working at Willie’s, and the psychological effects that were beginning to develop from constantly being in this type of environment. When looking at Bailey’s situation from a few of Freud’s perspectives we can see the development of defenses starting to take root. By this I mean that Bailey begins to unconsciously employ a number of â€Å"psychological means to help keep anxiety-provoking material out of her awareness in order to reduce or avoid anxiety† (Beneath the Mask, pg. 43). One of the ways in which Bailey does this is through what Freud conceptualized as being a type of neuroses he referred to as Defense Neuroses. To Freud, this type of defense originally arose from the ego’s attempt to protect our consciousness against threatening sexual thoughts. To e, this kind of neuroses is depicted in the formation of Bailey’s new belief that all men are lying, scummy perverts as a way of protecting herself against the idea that she is somehow dirty and perverted herself for being a stripper, and secretly liking to dance naked in front of strangers. This form of defense neuroses can also be seen through the way in which Bailey tries to keep her stripper life completely separate, and hidden from the rest of her life and the world by denying and suppressing any involvement in it, because of the fact that she feels guilty about finding some enjoyment in taking her clothes off for money. Bailey also uses another one of Freud’s neuroses techniques in order to avoid experiencing anxiety, called Obsessional Neuroses, which is a disorder that involves individuals engaging in ritualistic acts to help keep them from feeling anxiety. This can be seen through the way in which Bailey routinely comes home from work, and before doing anything else (i. e. taking off her makeup, wig, or stripper clothes) she must immediately sit down, and smoke one to two bowls of weed in order to forget, as well as dull the experiences of that night’s events. While still being a little high, Bailey must take two showers so that she can thoroughly clean her entire body with exfoliating soap and a scrub brush before going to bed. She referrers to these showers as her way of escaping from the people, mindset, and feelings work puts her in by watching all her problems being washed away and sucked down the drain. If Bailey does not perform one or both of these rituals she is unable to unwind from work, which in turn makes her become highly agitated, and overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety about being a bad person because of how she chooses to financially support herself. Bailey’s urge to incessantly scrub her body multiple times, represents her unconscious need to compulsively clean the outside of her body in order to no longer feel emotionally dirty or unclean on the inside. Another way in which Bailey uses obsessional neuroses to cope with being a stripper, and avoid the emotional anxieties that come with this occupation, is through her ritualistic preparation for work. As in, the way in which she routinely transforms herself from Bailey into the completely separate Kimber. The metamorphosis from Bailey to Kimber begins with a head to toe makeover so extreme Bailey becomes nearly unrecognizable. This detailed process involves such things as, the application of face makeup that is a few shades too dark for Bailey’s natural complexion, in turn making her look like she is tanner than she really is, followed by thick amounts of pink blush, heavy eye makeup, and fake eye lashes. Bailey then organizes an outfit for Kimber that contains such essential items as vibrantly colored fishnet stockings, eight inch silver platform stiletto high-heels, two G-strings, and last but not least a top and bottom set that barely leave anything to the imagination. The ritualistic transmutation into Kimber is finally complete when Bailey puts on her long platinum blonde wig, and modifies her voice to sound higher for the rest of the night until she removes the wig. Bailey routinely performs these practices in order to try and repress all the anxieties that arise from working in such an atmosphere, as well as maintain a level of disconnect from the kind of anxiety-provoking experiences that take place in the stripper world. If for some reason Bailey does not have the opportunity to change into her Kimber self, then she is almost instantaneously plagued with a sense of worry about not being able to make money because she is too much like herself, as well as the fear that someone will recognize her as Bailey, which to her signifies the end of her life and her world as she knows it. Through Freud’s perspective, both of these types of compulsive behaviors can be seen as a form of avoidance by means of distraction, as well as a type of self-imposed penance for â€Å"having engaged in behaviors that were pleasurable but deemed as being ‘bad’ † (Beneath the Mask, pg. 43). To me Bailey’s creation of â€Å"Kimber† represents a lot of different components to Carl Jung’s theories on personality, and its development. The first is Jung’s concept of the Persona Archetype, which is the â€Å"front we present to others, because social living makes demands for certain kinds of behavior† (Beneath the Mask, pg. 65). Society does this by establishing â€Å"certain expectations and certain roles around which we must hide our ‘private’ selves† (Beneath the Mask, pg. 165). It is in this way that Kimber has become one of Bailey’s more predominant personas, in that Kimber is the mask Bailey wears in order to hide her private self from the people she encounters while working in the strip club. At first, the construction of the Kimber persona seemed like a good buffer between the people at the club and Bailey’s private self, however this persona soon began to envelope Baily’s psyche. This happened because the Kimber persona was given the opportunity to take over the psyche through becoming too attached to certain aspects of the created persona, which was due to the need for its continual and constant use. It is in this way that Kimber’s experiences have altered Bailey’s views on life and the world. As a result of this, Bailey now perceives all of her interactions and experiences in the real world outside of the strip club too narrowly in relation to men, and their specific social role and function in the world. For example, Bailey cannot help but only see men in one of two ways. To her they are either a form of testosterone driven, easily accessible capitol, that takes little to no effort to manipulate and acquire, or they are cheap, dirt-bag assholes just looking to score with anything that walks. This type of black and white thinking is directly connected to the way in which Kimber categorizes, and views men at the club in order to make her nights there as lucrative as possible. This alteration to Bailey’s opinions of men represents just how strong and successful the persona of Kimber has become in taking over Bailey’s psyche. These changes in Bailey’s way of thinking have also coincidently led to a break in her Continuity of Self, which is the way she has perceived herself as being throughout her life up until this point. Meaning that because of the modifications to Bailey’s psyche that have developed out of the creation of her Kimber persona, Bailey now perceives her role within the world and society differently, due to repetitive personal and situational experiences in the club. For instance, Bailey now sees herself as having more personal power over men and people in general, because of the ways in which she has learned to use her sexuality as a manipulative tool. Conversely she now also has a lower sense of her overall self-worth, due to the fact that because she makes money solely off of her looks and nothing else, Bailey has begun to believe that this is all that she is with nothing more to offer the world. In turn this type of mindset has helped to create many diverse types of complexes ranging from the formation of different archetypal related complexes, as well as other male related issues. hen can also be seen in the reverse way Bailey has begun to see the role of women within the world, which is that they are either judgmental prudes or excepting sexual beings, in that they are either secure or not with their own sexuality enough to except or reject the fact that strippers are real people too, and that they shouldn’t be judged simply on the basis of occupational choices. terms of what her specific social role, and purpose is within society in relation to men, and their use in the world.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pros and cons of immigration to Asoa

This essay gives some general ideas guarding to the pros and cons of immigrating to an Asian country. Better opportunities for future development is the most important reason for people to immigrate to Asia. In Asia, there are many developing countries like China and the Philippines. These countries are in the progress of globalization, they need specialists who know deferent languages to help for their development. This provides many opportunities for Immigrants who usually know various foreign languages, and hence, gives a better career path to them.Besides, education is also a reason for immigration. There are many top universities In Salsa such as Twisting university and the university of Tokyo. Many people also consider Immigration Is a pipeline for them or their children to enter those top universities. Exchanging values and cultures Is also a benefit can be gained out of immigration. People immigrating to a foreign country usually face a huge culture shock. By experiencing the culture shock, people can actually have a chance to reflect to their own culture.Ideally, those people can absorb the good sides of the two cultures and eliminate the weaknesses of the cultures. Since the Russian culture is quite different from some of the Asian cultures, this culture can act even more effectively. For example, in Chinese culture, Taoism emphasizes living in harmony, be natural and spontaneous. On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks of immigration. First of all, It Is difficult to deal with the cultural differences. It is hard for a person to adopt and live in a totally culturally different environment.They need to learn about the local tradition In order to merge and communicate with the locals harmonically. New Immigrants might also face racism. New immigrants also need to deal with the language barriers. In Asia, there are many different languages and language systems with Russian. Only in China, there are more than 10 language systems. Immigration is a major decision in your life. Although, apparently, immigrating to Asia brings us a lot of new opportunities in terms of work and education, we need to also consider the downsides of it.Evaluate if you can handle the cultural differences and the language barriers before making the decision for immigrating to Asia. Pros and cons of immigration to Asia By catering_PVC 1st studying year, Faculty of Philosophy Essay â€Å"Pros and cons of immigration to Asia† Globalization brings a new immigration trend to Russia. People consider immigration to Asia as an easy opportunity to create a new life. Some of them want to have a specialists who know different languages to help for their development.This provides any opportunities for immigrants who usually know various foreign languages, and immigration. There are many top universities in Asia such as Twisting University and the University of Tokyo. Many people also consider immigration is a pipeline for them or their children to enter those top universities. Exchanging values and cultures is there are also some drawbacks of immigration. First of all, it is difficult to deal with different environment. They need to learn about the local tradition in order to merge and communicate with the locals harmonically. New immigrants might also face